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Swirl: Learn R, in R.

Swirl: Learn R, in R.

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Data Science Bootcamp - 12 week career prep New York City in-person instruction + ongoing career coaching + job placement support Winter Bootcamp: January 12, 2015 - April 3, 2015 Application Period Closed R 語言初體驗- 使用於 Azure Machine Learning Studio 中 - Meng-Ru Tsai's Blog “R 語言,一種自由軟體程式語言,主要用於統計分析、繪圖及資料探勘。” 維基百科: R 語言 本文將帶您檢視 410 個預裝的 R packages、展示如何直接使用既有的 R script,或直接在 Azure ML 中撰寫、透過 R 作資料清理進而建立預測模型、以及如何極大化 R 語言在「機器學習」上的應用。 R Tutorial Series: R Tutorial Series: Introduction to The R Project for Statistical Computing (Part 1) R is a free, cross-platform, open-source statistical analysis language and program. It is also an alternative to expensive commercial statistics software such as SPSS. The environment for R differs from the typical point and click interface found in most professional office applications.

Locations Rosalind is a platform for learning bioinformatics and programming through problem solving. Take a tour to get the hang of how Rosalind works. If you don't know anything about programming, you can start at the Python Village. For a collection of exercises to accompany Bioinformatics Algorithms book, go to the Textbook Track. Otherwise you can try to storm the Bioinformatics Stronghold right now. All about the position: Data scientist Teradata Aster is seeking experienced individuals with demonstrated capability in the applied analytic and/or data science space. Proficiency in data manipulation, analytic algorithms, advanced math, and/or statistical modeling is required and application development experience a plus. We are looking for exceptional individuals to join our Professional Services team as an Analytic Data Scientists. This client-facing role will be engaged in the design and deployment of solutions.

In-depth introduction to machine learning in 15 hours of expert videos In January 2014, Stanford University professors Trevor Hastie and Rob Tibshirani (authors of the legendary Elements of Statistical Learning textbook) taught an online course based on their newest textbook, An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R (ISLR). I found it to be an excellent course in statistical learning (also known as "machine learning"), largely due to the high quality of both the textbook and the video lectures. And as an R user, it was extremely helpful that they included R code to demonstrate most of the techniques described in the book. (Update: The course will be offered again in January 2016!) If you are new to machine learning (and even if you are not an R user), I highly recommend reading ISLR from cover-to-cover to gain both a theoretical and practical understanding of many important methods for regression and classification. It is available as a free PDF download from the authors' website.

UNIX / Linux Tutorial for Beginners A beginners guide to the Unix and Linux operating system. Eight simple tutorials which cover the basics of UNIX / Linux commands. Introduction to the UNIX Operating System What is UNIX? Files and processes The Directory Structure Starting an UNIX terminal Tutorial One Listing files and directories Making Directories Changing to a different Directory The directories . and .. Recommended UNIX and Linux books If you wish to continue learning Unix, here is a list of good Unix and Linux books, ranging from beginners to advanced. Download This tutorial is available for download so you can work offline.

git/github guide All statistical/computational scientists should use git and github, but it can be hard to get started. I hope these pages help. (More blather below.) There are many resources for git and github; my aim is to provide the minimal guide to get started. I love git and github. R: The R Datasets Package Documentation for package ‘datasets’ version 3.3.0 DESCRIPTION file. Help Pages
