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Di Betty Liotti-sito per bambini e insegnanti di sostegno

Di Betty Liotti-sito per bambini e insegnanti di sostegno

Edu Software ©1999-2012 Sponsors CmapTools Software (Risorse video multilingue per apprendere l'uso del Software CmapTools - Videos para Aprender CMapTools - Tutorials resources on CMapTools Software). Audacity (Video Tutorials for audio files manipulation). Software Libero Multimediale (Software Open Source per la realizzazione di elaborati multimediali). FET (Free Educational Timetabling) (Software Open Source per la realizzazione dell'orario scolastico realizzato da Liviu Lalescu) N.B.: Localizzato in molte lingue fra cui l'italiano. Mathematica (Video Tutorials on the Software of Sthephen Wolfram) La Qualità del Software (Quali parametri per la scelta?) Edutainment (Quando l'intrattenimento diventa educativo...) Mathematica (Ambiente di Calcolo Multipiattaforma per Apprendere La Matematica) Dal Genio di Stephen Wolfram... Storia del Software Libero (Dalla nascita della GNU e della FSD alle prime leggi sul software libero) Portale Telematica (Quando le telecomunicazioni e l'informatica si scambiano i favori...).

Software didattico per imparare giocando I programmi che propongo sono in italiano e possono essere utilizzati liberamente e gratuitamente sia da privati che da enti, società, ecc.. senza limiti. Di certo potrebbero essere utili nelle scuole primarie (elementari) e primi anni delle medie (secondarie di primo grado). Con Edubuntu, si arriva anche alle scuole secondarie di secondo grado, fino all'università. GCompris Descrizione - Si tratta di un software educativo dedicato ai bambini dai 2 ai 10 anni. - scoperta del computer : tastiera, mouse, i movimenti del mouse, In tutto, GCompris propone più di 100 attività e continuerà ad evolvere. Click sull'immagine per ingrandirla GCompris - Prima schermata Home page dell'applicazione: Galleria immagini: Download ed Installazione - Sono disponibili le versioni per Windows, Mac, Linux: Dopo avere scelto e scaricato la versione adeguata al Sistema Operativo che si utilizza, basta procedere all'installazione. Tux Paint Tux Paint kalcul

Tempus_fugit - TerritorioScuola English Enhanced Wiki Tempus fugit augebitur scientia on a sundial in Redu, Belgium In English, the expression — either in the Latin (tempus fugit) or English form ("time flies") — is proverbial, generally with the intended sense, "Time's a-wasting". As such, it expresses concern that one's limited time is being consumed by nothing in particular or by something which may have little intrinsic substance, importance, or urgency. It can also mean that time seems to pass very quickly, or without notice, such as in the phrase "Time flies when you are having fun." See also[edit] External links[edit]

r a t l o o p Mightier is an independent puzzle action game developed by Lucas Pope and Keiko Ishizaka. Play as the Engineer and the Actionaut to solve puzzles and collect items in each sector. Drop us a line at for more information. The game was developed as an experiment and submitted to the 2009 Independent Games Festival. We are honored that it was selected as a finalist for the Innovation Award. Mightier is now available as freeware. Download Mightier 1.4 (13MB) Requirements This game requires Windows XP or better and a modern DirectX 9 video card with at least 128MB of video ram. Notes Version 1.4 adds a demo mode and fixes a spinning camera bug. step2SOLVEstep2SOLVE Solve the puzzle by drawing on the page with a dark pencil or marker. step1PRINTstep1PRINT Print the puzzle from within Mightier using a color printer. A high-powered space laser carves the solution and the Actionaut is dropped onto the surface. step3SCANstep3SCAN Scan the puzzle into the game using an attached web camera. step4PLAY!

Interactive Self-Organizing Map demonstrations (in Java) On these pages you will find two interactive demonstrations of how the Self-Organizing Map algorithm operates. Two demos are provided: the first one demonstrates the SOM algorithm for a one-dimensional map, whereas the second one is a more complex demonstration with many possibilities for experimenting. In both demonstrations you can see the map 'live' as it is being taught. You can also interact with the teaching process either by changing the parameters or by selecting the inputs for the map. The demonstrations require a Java-capable browser such as Netscape. If you have problems with the demos, see the notes at the end of the page. Notes These demos were made by Jussi Hynninen. The demos have been tested with the JDK's appletviewer on SGI and Netscape 2.0 on several UNIX platforms (SGI, HPUX, DEC OSF/1, Linux). We have had some problems with the loading of the applets. The demos can also be downloaded as gzipped tar or zip archives.
