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StackEdit – In-browser Markdown editor

StackEdit – In-browser Markdown editor

rbokeh Before providing a tutorial, we first show several examples of plots created with rbokeh. This will both give a feel for what the syntax looks like and provide some motivation to go through the more procedural tutorial. We thought this would be a more enjoyable way to begin than looking at 50 different versions of a plot of the iris data with different parameter settings. Speaking of the iris data, our first plot: p <- figure() %>% ly_points(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, data = iris, color = Species, glyph = Species, hover = list(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width)) p Here since we are specifying color and glyph by Species, a legend is automatically created and the points are colored according to the default color scheme. We can also specify legend entries manually: z <- lm(dist ~ speed, data = cars) p <- figure(width = 600, height = 600) %>% ly_points(cars, hover = cars) %>% ly_lines(lowess(cars), legend = "lowess") %>% ly_abline(z, type = 2, legend = "lm") p elements <- subset(elements, ! Log axes: p Or

The Python Tutorial Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. It has efficient high-level data structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming. Python’s elegant syntax and dynamic typing, together with its interpreted nature, make it an ideal language for scripting and rapid application development in many areas on most platforms. The Python interpreter and the extensive standard library are freely available in source or binary form for all major platforms from the Python Web site, and may be freely distributed. The Python interpreter is easily extended with new functions and data types implemented in C or C++ (or other languages callable from C). This tutorial introduces the reader informally to the basic concepts and features of the Python language and system. For a description of standard objects and modules, see The Python Standard Library. The Glossary is also worth going through.

Markdown Live Preview Éditeurs de texte OSX et iOS - AYA Je vous propose dans cet article de partager mon retour d’expérience concernant les applications d’édition et de traitement de texte pour Mac OSX et iOS. Après avoir exploré quelques méthodes et possibilités d’utilisation, nous essaierons de choisir simplement le bon outil pour la bonne tâche. Ce que vous ne trouverez pas ici un comparatif exhaustif des éditeurs de texte pour OSX et iOS un tutoriel concernant les éditeurs de texte pour OSX et iOS Ce que vous trouverez ici de bonnes raisons d’écrire en texte pur ou en Markdown des critères vraiment importants pour choisir son éditeur de texte un point de vue humain, sans sponsor à satisfaire des choix qui reflètent mes préférences mais qui s’ouvrent aussi aux autres options J’ai déjà mentionné dans mon guide sur nvALT que je préférais utiliser des formats texte pour écrire. Savez-vous ce que contient réellement un fichier Word ? Voici en image le contenu d’un fichier .docx dans lequel j’ai simplement écrit la phrase “Bonjour mes amis !” nvALT

Madoko - CodePlex Archive Madoko is a fast javascript Markdown processor written in Koka It has great support to create beautiful scholarly and industrial documents in both HTML and PDF. For a full description of Madoko syntax and features, see the documentation. Try it The easiest way to try Madoko is on where you can write documents in the browser using shared cloud storage. Install locally You can install Madoko also on your computer using the node package manager: Ensure you have a recent Node version (which comes with the npm program). npm install -g madoko (install Madoko as a command line tool)madoko (and see the command line options) You can now translate Markdown documents to HTML as: madoko -v mydoc.mdk Build it Madoko is written in Koka and to build it you need to install the latest Koka compiler: Install Koka and build a release version of Koka.

playground - ArduinoUsers :: Exhibition :: The place to share and show off projects Until someone finds a way to categorize what is here, be sure to remember that your browser has a "find in this page" tool (ctrl-F in Firefox) which can help you find what you are looking for! Arduino user projects How Did I Improve My Central Heating Control with Arduino? - Before I started this project, my central heating was controlled with Danfoss TP7000 room thermostat only by switching heating pump ON-OFF. Then I heard about Arduino, get interested, and decided to make an advanced control system for central heating: weather compensated heating controller, room thermostat, web-based remote control for the whole system, and web logging.

Online Markdown Editor This page lets you create HTML by entering text in a simple format that's easy to read and write. Type Markdown text in the left windowSee the HTML in the right Markdown is a lightweight markup language based on the formatting conventions that people naturally use in email. As John Gruber writes on the Markdown site: The overriding design goal for Markdown's formatting syntax is to make it as readable as possible. This document is written in Markdown; you can see the plain-text version on the left. Markdownediting by ttscoff Better Markdown Editing features for Sublime Text 2 This package will make MarkdownEditor your default theme for Markdown/MultiMarkdown files. Adjust it to your liking or remove the line from the .sublime-settings files Asterisks and underscores are autopaired and will wrap selected textIf you start an empty pair and hit backspace, both elements are deletedIf you start an empty pair and hit space, the right element is deletedbackticks are pairedLeft bracket pairing is modified to eliminate the selection and leave the cursor at a point where you can insert a [] or () pair for a link⌘⌥V will paste the contents of the clipboard as an inline link on selected text⌘⌥R will paste the contents of the clipboard as a reference link⌘⌥K inserts a standard inline link, ⌘⇧K inserts an inline image⌘⌥B and ⌘⌥I are bound to bold and italics (Markdown).Typing "#" when there's a selection will surroung it with "#" to make it a headline. Footnote commands submitted by J.

Capturing Wild Widgets With Webshot NOTE: you won’t need to use this function if you use the development version of knitr Winston Chang released his webshot package to CRAN this past week. The package wraps the immensely useful phantomjs utility and makes it dirt simple to capture whole or partial web pages in R. One beautiful bonus feature of webshot is that you can install phamtomjs with it (getting phantomjs to work on Windows is a pain). You can do many things with the webshot package but I hastily drafted this post to put forth a means to generate a static image from an htmlwidget. a file system path reference (e.g. which you can then use in R markdown documents knitted to PDF (or in any other context). Take a look at the function, poke the tyres and drop suggestions in the comments. To use the function, just pipe a sized widget to it and use the output from it. Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: R –

online markdown viewer Apprenez Markdown en 8 jours…! Voire en 8 heures ou 8 minutes si motivé…! par Mark Dukown Dès que j’évoque Markdown, j’ai le droit à… — Oh, mais cela semble super compliqué le balisage Markdown ! Suivi de… Ça me donne la migraine rien que d’y penser (…provoque une éruption de boutons)C’est moche (…hideux, laid, abomifreux)Ces balises sont incompréhensibles et perturbent ma lecture…Moi, Moooonsieur, j’utilise le même traitement de texte depuis “x” ans et je ne suis pas près de changer, nom de Bleu…! Ne reculant devant aucun sacrifice, faisant fi du ridicule (…qui ne tue pas, rappelons-le… — enfin, pas trop vite !) Préalable : quels outils pour s’y mettre…? Vous pouvez employer votre traitement de texte habituel mais baliser à la main, c’est (très) vite chi@nt. Ce sont elles qui vous permettront d’exporter votre texte balisé en RTF, HTML, PDF, Docx, ePub, etc. Une rapide sélection parmi celles que j’emploie… Sous iOS, les traitements de texte Markdown possèdent généralement une barre additionnelle. Jour 1 Dingue non…? Non…! 1. !
