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50 New Useful CSS Techniques, Tutorials and Tools

50 New Useful CSS Techniques, Tutorials and Tools
Advertisement These are great times for front-end developers. After months of exaggerated excitement about HTML5 and CSS3, the web design community now starts coming up with CSS techniques that actually put newly available technologies to practical use instead of abusing them for pure aesthetic purposes. We see fewer “pure CSS images” and more advanced, clever CSS techniques that can actually improve the Web browsing experience of users. In this post we present recently released CSS techniques, tutorials and tools for you to use and enhance your workflow, thus improving your skills. CSS Techniques Now Playing: transitions and animations with CSSTim Van Damme showcases a fairly simple CSS design that uses transitions, animations and subtle hover-effects to produce an engaging user experience. CSS3 range slider, checkbox + radio buttonA demo of HTML input elements made with CSS3. CSS3 Media QueriesCSS2 allows you to specify stylesheet for specific media type such as screen or print.

Creating Interactive Fictional UI With CSS3 In today’s article we will create an interactive fiction user interface (UI) coded with CSS transforms and transition properties. The idea is to have a button and reveal more information when mouse over on it. You can check out the demo before you proceed to the next section. View Demo Cool right? HTML Structure We will have a simple HTML structure with several division where each one contains title and description. As you can see above, each menu object “menu_obj” division contains extra classes such as “home”, “profile” and “contact” that gives us freedom to define background image with CSS later. Home Button Profile Button Contact Button Hover State Ok. CSS Style Let’s define the style for each buttons and its child. First of all, we have given the width, height for each “menu_obj”; apply inner and outer drop shadows; and define the transition type and its duration. The title element has scale up 5 times, and 0 opacity. The content division will fade in and scale up to 1. That’s it! Conclusion

20 Best Websites to Learn and Master CSS CSS (Cascading Style Sheets ) is a simple design language intended to simplify the process of making web pages presentable. It is the most common application in styling web pages written in HTML and XHTML, but the language can also be applied to any kind of XML document, including SVG and XUL, as defined. It handles the look and design of web pages. Using CSS, you can control the color of the text, style fonts, the spacing between paragraphs, how columns are sized and laid out, what background images or colors are used, as well as a variety of other effects. This next article is about 20 Best Websites to Learn and Master CSS. Csstutorial This website is all about CSS, a key tool in web design. cssbasics In this website, you will learn the separation of style from content, and discover all the basics of CSS design.Visit Site w3schools In this CSS website you will learn how to use CSS to control the style and layout of multiple Web pages all at once.Visit Site htmlgoodies cssdog htmldog csseasy

Creating a Mouseover Fade Effect with jQuery My last little jQuery tutorial was an alternative to using CSS to create an image change on a mouseover. Now I want to take that one step further and add a fade effect. For my example, I am going to make a black and white image fade into a color image. Add the jQuery script between your head tags. Here is the function. Here is the CSS. And here is the body code. All together you got something that looks like this. Test it out below: NOTE: If you are using jQuery with WordPress, you need to replace all the dollar signs ($) with the word jQuery due to other Javascript libraries that use the dollar sign.

CSS Tutorials In this article you will get access to one of the largest collections ever of CSS Tools, Tutorials, Cheat Sheets etc. It builds on previous CSS posts in tripwire magazine with the purpose of creating a one stop fit all CSS resource. Several new resources have been added. Please comment if you know a great CSS resource that didn’t make it on the list and I will add it ASAP. Advertisement Index CSS getting started and reference resources CSS Basics Large getting started guide with everything you ever wanted to know about the basics of CSS Creating a CSS layout from scratch This guide will attempt to take you step by step, through the process of creating a fully functioning CSS layout. Webdesignfromscratch, CSS Introduces most elements of we b development, including css. 10 Principles of the CSS Masters This is really essential tips from true css experts. CSS Specificity: Things You Should Know Solving 5 Common CSS Headaches CSS is a relatively simple language to learn. Sure, anyone can write CSS.

Advanced CSS Menu Last tutorial, I showed you how to design a watercolor effect menu in Photoshop. This tutorial I will show you how to slice up the menu design (step by step) and put them together with CSS. Most of you probably know how to code a horizontal or vertical CSS list menu. Now let's take it to the next level — code an advanced (un-typical) list menu utilizing the CSS position property. View Demo CSS menu Download Demo ZIP Overview Here are the required graphics to assembe the menu (you can download from the zip). 1. Open the Photoshop file. 2. Turn off the background Layer Group and leave only the menu text layers visible. Create a new file and take note of the file dimension (w x h), in my case the "home" graphic is 144 x 58px. Here is how the hover effect will work. Repeat this step for the other buttons. 3. When you are done with the graphics, let's start coding. #menu Reset the menu to no padding, no margin, and no list-style. #menu span #menu a The key point here is the text-indent property.

Using CSS Text-Shadow to Create Cool Text Effects The CSS3 text-shadow property has been around for some time now and is commonly used to recreate Photoshop’s Drop Shadow type shading to add subtle shadows which help add depth, dimension and to lift an element from the page. This isn’t all the text-shadow property is capable of though, by getting creative and playing around with the colours, offset and blurring we can create some clever and pretty cool text effects! Check out the six text effects of vintage/retro, inset, anaglyphic, fire and board game in the demo, then copy the code snippets below to use the effects in your own designs. Needless to say you’ll need a text-shadow supporting browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox) to see them in all their glory. View the demo The text shadow CSS property is used to add shading to any text related HTML element. text-shadow: 5px 5px 0px #eee, 7px 7px 0px #707070; How it works: View the demo The neon text effect is made up of 8 levels of shading. View the demo text-shadow: 0px 2px 3px #666;

CSS3 Image Styles When applying CSS3 inset box-shadow or border-radius directly to the image element, the browser doesn't render the CSS style perfectly. However, if the image is applied as background-image, you can add any style to it and have it rendered properly. Darcy Clarke and I put a quick tutorial together on how to use jQuery to make perfect rounded corner images dynamically. Today I'm going to revisit the topic and show you how much more you can do with the background-image CSS trick. I will show you how to use box-shadow, border-radius and transition to create various image styles. View Demo Image Styles Problem (see demo) Take a look at the demo and note that there is border-radius and inset box-shadow applied in the first row of images. Workaround To get the border-radius and inset box-shadow working, the workaround is to apply the actual image as background-image. Dynamic Way To make it dynamic, you can use to jQuery to wrap the background image dynamically for every image element. Output

Spritebox - Create CSS from Sprite Images CSS: Elastic Videos While I was coding the Elemin Theme (a responsive WordPress theme that I recently designed), one of the challenges that I faced was to make the embedded videos elastic. Using the max-width:100% and height:auto trick works with native HTML5 video tag, but it doesn't work with embed code using iframe or object tag. After hours of experimenting and Googling, I finally found a trick on how to achieve this. If you are creating a responsive design, this simple CSS trick will come in handy. View the final demo and resize your browser window to see it in action. View Demo Elastic Videos Elastic HTML5 Videos (demo) With HTML5 video element, you can easily make it elastic by using the max-width:100% trick (see elastic HTML5 video demo). Elastic Object & Iframe Embedded Videos (demo) The trick is very simple. How to Create Fixed Width & Elastic To restrict the width of the video, an additional <div> wrapper is required. Compatibility Credits This trick was found on
