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Raising Children Network

Raising Children Network

Safety Centre : About the Safety Centre The Safety Centre aims to reduce unintentional injury through: A selection of safety products are installed or displayed in the Family Resource Centre and visitors can complete a "Self Guided Tour of Safety Products". Families with a special needs child or those wanting individual advice on home safety are welcome to make an appointment with a safety consultant in the Safety Centre. Since 1979 the Safety Centre's mission has been to reduce injury mortality and morbidity by supporting communities to improve health, safety and wellbeing. Are you interested in becoming a Safe Community accredited as an International Safe Community? The Royal Children's Safety Centre is Australia's only internationally designated Affiliate Safe Community Support Centre by the World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaborating Centre on Community Safety Promotion. Selected Readings Manifesto for Safe Communities. Safety Promotion - An Introduction.Welander G., Svanström L., Ekman R.(2nd Revised Edition)

How to Photograph Newborns A Guest Post by Steph Tan. Among the many different photo shoots one can do, I’ve always considered newborn photography as one of the most challenging. Having great equipment and great technical know-how is never enough. For me, this is the genre of photography where the human touch is most important. Here are a few simple tips to make the most out of a newborn session: 1. Have a plan, seek permission for everything that you want to do, and make sure the parents are onboard. 2. While you have a plan, be ready to mix them around or chuck them out of the window if necessary. 3. For every stage of a baby’s life, they reach milestones, which are gems in their baby history. 4. These little ones are growing everyday. 5. Everyone’s excited about the new baby! 6. Before the shoot, ask permission to use some props you’ve been itching to try out. I hope these help.

Television Viewing in Infancy and Child Cognition at 3 Years of Age in a US Cohort + Author Affiliations OBJECTIVE. To examine the extent to which infant television viewing is associated with language and visual motor skills at 3 years of age. MEASURES. We studied 872 children who were participants in Project Viva, a prospective cohort. RESULTS. CONCLUSION. Key Words: Accepted December 5, 2008. More Baby Photography Tips There’s a real baby theme on DPS this week. Our editor Darren just had his 2nd son earlier in teh week and yesterday we published a baby photography tips post and today we have another one from Candace Lindemann from the Mamanista and Mama Saga blogs. We didn’t plan to have two posts on baby photography on the same week – but when they both were submitted on the same day we thought it’d make a nice series! Babies are an attractive, yet elusive subject. Light of My Life Before we even get to that adorable baby, let’s talk about lighting. Natural sunlight is often the most flattering light for human subjects, especially the warm, soft rays just after dawn and just before dusk. If sunlight is not available, a soft shaded desk lamp can also set an intimate scene. Set the Scene Speaking of scenery, considering your surroundings will improve your shot greatly. Consider the outdoors and its seasonal settings. As Soft As a Baby’s… You can also surround your baby with luxurious, soft fabric.

Positive Parenting In The Tantrum Zone Posted by janet on Apr 13th, 2011 Hi Janet, Basically, we’ve been in extreme tantrum zone for about 6 months now. I was looking for guidance as to if I’m on the right track with what I’m doing, or if there’s anything else I could be doing to help her manage her emotions so we can work towards having less and less full-scale meltdowns. 1) Remind her that she can say what she wants in a calm voice (sometimes this will head off a tantrum/meltdown before it happens) 2) If that doesn’t work, let her know that we can talk about what she wants when she calms down 3) If she’s unable to calm down, I will generally go with her to either a bedroom or outside until she is calm enough to talk about it (I don’t leave her anywhere on her own because I’m uncomfortable with time outs etc) 5) And once all that is done with we go back to what we were doing before Thanks, Zoey Hi Zoey, Ah, the extreme tantrum zone. Now add another ingredient, a situation way beyond your daughter’s control. So, how to help?

Over 100 of the Best Newborn Baby Photography Ideas, Tutorials & Tips Want to learn more about newborn photography? Oh baby… look no further, because we went on the hunt all over the web for the VERY BEST tutorials, tips, inspiration, ideas and how-to’s to help you get started! We’re excited to provide such a comprehensive list of well over 100 amazing links! Find tutorials and tips easily by category for photographers, parents, safety, posing guides and many more. This is the Ultimate FREE Newborn Photography Guide! As we find more great tutorials, we’ll update this post, so be sure to pin this to your Pinterest board or bookmark this page for reference. Tips & Tricks for Newborn Baby Photography Tips For Photographers: Newborn Inspiration for Lifestyle Photographers: Photography Tips For Parents: Newborn Photo Editing Tutorials Pullbacks, Behind-The-Scenes & Studio Spaces DIY – Photography Props, Backdrops, Crafts and Flooring Newborn Posing Tutorials Safety Tips for Newborn Sessions Newborn Photography That Inspires Us Newborn Photography | Posing Inspiration

3 reasons why your baby photos look better in B&W — PatB Photography Three reasons why B&W photography is perfect for your baby photos You may not have thought about it before. But black and white is the perfect choice for your baby photos. And here’s why. As you know black & white photography has been around since the beginning of photography. 2/10/2012 – There will always be a few exceptions, see this beautiful newborn baby who looked perfect in colour due to having no redness on her face. Below are a few baby photos from a recent photo session with a newborn baby. Comparing the size of hands between mother and daughter Newborn baby picture looks perfect in black & white. Mum with her newborn baby And this is what mum thought of her baby photos: SarahCambs “I took part in a maternity shoot last year with Pat and was blown away with the results he managed to capture the most important part of my life in gorgeous photos, my husband had a truly special and individual birthday present. Have your thought about pregnancy photography too? SarahKent Don’t miss out
