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International Energy Agency. InteliLIGHT® NEAR ZERO STREET LIGHTING ENERGY COSTS. Nowadays, everyone is looking for alternative energy solutions and solar power is one of the most utilized.


In major cities around the world, the city infrastructure is already using solar power to cut down on carbon emission and become more sustainable. Near Zero is an efficient solution that harvests solar light with solar panels installed on street lighting fixtures and injects the electricity into the grid during the day. Almost the same energy is consumed by the LED luminaries from the grid at night, leading to close-to-zero energy costs. You get close to zero energy costs for lighting the city, plus remote management for the street lighting system through inteliLIGHT® StreetLight Management Software. And by using our energy grid injection option, you avoid using the very expensive and maintenance-heavy rechargeable batteries used by classic solar LED street lights.

The World Economic Forum. Top 10 Emerging Urban Innovations report 2010 20.10. Energy Management Solutions. California Regulators Take Bold Steps Toward a New Energy Efficiency Paradigm. California has always been at the forefront of efforts to accelerate clean-energy innovation and address climate change.

California Regulators Take Bold Steps Toward a New Energy Efficiency Paradigm

This past Friday, the state took another giant leap by updating several obscure but important regulations that were inadvertently hindering progress in energy efficiency. It’s hard to overstate the significance of these new rules and the directive to accelerate high-opportunity pilot projects and programs into the market. This new “pay-for-performance” paradigm is a big deal for California and has the potential to unleash market forces to bring efficiency to scale. Growing social and political pressure is driving ever more aggressive climate and energy goals, such as California Governor Jerry Brown’s commitment to double the efficiency of existing buildings in the state. Overview - Home. Waste and Efficiency Planning and Implementation. With growing populations and increasing impacts from climate change, forward-thinking cities are scrambling to adopt green infrastructure to become more resilient.

Waste and Efficiency Planning and Implementation

An entry to the Connect4Climate (World Bank) Action4Climate video competition “Climate TV, City Climate” discusses some of the issues cities are facing and how green infrastructure solutions can help a city cope with increased heat and stormwater run-off. Green roofs, green spaces and flood management systems can help cities like Rotterdam manage climate impacts. Elsewhere, cities are innovating with renewable energy and resource management systems to yield major reductions in carbon emissions and improved climate resilience. PowerCom Ltd. Smart meter solutions.

Technology field: Smart Grid. Product description: Smart meters. POWERCOM is a global developer and manufacturer of electric, water and gas digital meters. The company's technology is based on a dynamic transfer of data over existing power grid.The Communication network allows data transmission over long distances on power grid different infrastructures (aluminum or copper cables).

The Communication network immunes to noise and has a very high reliability. This technology allows the company to present a complete solution on field of "smart grid" that includes self-production and development of meters, clustered telecommunications and management software for control. Tendril - Changing the way the world uses energy. What’s the difference between a circular and a linear economy? 1 mm.

This post is by Dustin Benton, who leads Green Alliance’s Resource Stewardship theme.

What’s the difference between a circular and a linear economy? 1 mm

Our economy has a basic structure: we dig things out of the ground, turn them into products that last from minutes to a few years at most, and then stick them back into the ground as landfill. This is hugely wasteful, of both resources and money. It’s also terrible for the environment. The solution that we’re working towards at Green Alliance is a circular economy – one which captures materials so that today’s goods are remanufactured or reused to become tomorrow’s goods, rather than landfill. The BBC’s environment analyst Roger Harrabin, who chaired our event to launch the Circular Economy Task Force last night, posed a great question about the practicality of getting to a circular economy: how do you make a mobile phone which can be disassembled and remanufactured so it fits into a circular economy? A trend to design out repair This isn’t primarily a technical question. Are we about to throw away $25 trillion in waste?

Powercom Website. Israeli Smart Grid Consortium.