Mindmapping, concept mapping and information organisation software
gt; Les secrets de la pensée libérée : 27 façons d'utiliser le ...
Ce billet se propose de vous offrir la traduction d’un fabuleux billet publié sur Bootstrapper intitulé “Secrets of Thinking Outside the Box: 27 Ways Digital Entrepreneurs Can Use Mindmapping“. Il se lit comme un conseil aux cyber entrepreuneurs en leur prescrivant les mindmaps comme développeur de leur business. Note : j’ai été jusqu’à reproduire toute la bibliographie (hyperliens) de l’auteur dans la traduction. Via l’excellent Brainsfeed (Pierre-yves Debliquy). L’une des méthodes de développement de la pensée les plus puissantes et efficaces est le mindmapping. Résumé Le Mindmapping stimule à la fois les hémisphères de la création et de la logique du cerveau. Mindmapping est parfois appelé « pensée radiante. » (radiant thinking dans le texte). Organisation de l’information 1. Conception et planification 3. Management 11. La résolution de problèmes, la prise de décision, l’établissement d’objectifs ‘établissement d’objectifs / gestion du temps.
Concept map
Diagram showing relationships among concepts A concept map or conceptual diagram is a diagram that depicts suggested relationships between concepts.[1] Concept maps may be used by instructional designers, engineers, technical writers, and others to organize and structure knowledge. Differences from other visualizations [edit] Novak's work is based on the cognitive theories of David Ausubel, who stressed the importance of prior knowledge in being able to learn (or assimilate) new concepts: "The most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows. Concept maps are used to stimulate the generation of ideas, and are believed to aid creativity.[4] Concept mapping is also sometimes used for brain-storming. Formalized concept maps are used in software design, where a common usage is Unified Modeling Language diagramming amongst similar conventions and development methodologies. Concept maps are widely used in education and business.
Favorite Posts » Dustin Bachrach Blog
I’ve picked out some of my favorite posts from everything I’ve written. I think this is my best work, and there’s a lot of good information here. This is a good place to start if you’re new to the blog. If you like what you see here, don’t forget to add this to your RSS reader. The List Program Global Hotkeys in Cocoa Easily Explanation of how to create hotkeys for better Mac integration. A Cool CSS Effect – Dashboard Learn how to create edit-on-click inputs for your HTML. Create flickr-like Editing Fields Using AJAX & CSS Spotlight-Like Search As You Type With CSS, AJAX & JS Learn how to create search fields that dynamically update as you type. Finishing and Packaging your Program A simple tutorial on how to package your app inside a dmg. Christmas is coming; Got a Gift? Simple InDesign tutorial to make calendars. The Best Unknown Mac Apps 1 This is a great list of mac apps you probably haven’t heard of. The Best Unknown Mac Apps 2 Part 2. The Best Unknown Mac Apps 3 Part 3. Stop, allinurl index.php?
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" 100 ressources autour de Freemind - Lettres et Cartes Heuristiques
LogicielsMarie25 octobre 2009, 14:22 Je me suis rendue compte qu’avec le temps j’avais accumulé pas mal de liens à droite et à gauche autour du célèbre logiciel de mind mapping gratuit Freemind ; j’ai donc pris le temps de recenser, classer, compléter ces ressources, le tout dans une mind map, évidemment ! Je vous propose donc 100 liens en rapport avec Freemind, qui vont de l’installation du logiciel aux astuces pour les plus exigeants, en passant par un bon nombre de vidéos, de sites ou encore de livres consacrés à Freemind. Deux supports sont à disposition : – la carte Freemind en natif à télécharger : 100 ressources autour de Freemind (cliquer sur « enregistrer sous ») – la carte exportée dans MindMeister : 100 ressources autour de Freemind (voir également ci-dessous). Si vous avez d’autres liens intéressants à proposer sur le sujet, n’hésitez pas ! Tags : Freemind Laisser un commentaire
Vintage data visualization: 35 examples from before the Digital Era
This is a guest post by Tiago Veloso, the founder of Visual Loop, a collaborative digital environment for everything related to information design and data visualization. He lives in Brazil, and you can connect with him online on Twitter and LinkedIn. If you follow us regularly on Visual Loop, you’ve probably noticed we like to featured not only modern interactive visualizations and infographics, but also examples from the past, from the time when there were no computer softwares to help analyzing and designing and no Internet to access and share data. Graphics, charts, diagrams and visual data representations have been published on books, newspapers and magazines since they exist, not to mention old maps and scientific illustrations, and despite the lack of tools such as the ones we have at our disposal nowadays, they are as inspiring and important as the best contemporary visualizations. A Map of Physics (1939) (A 1939 Map of Physics) (Via Strange Maps) (image:John Snow,1854 ) (image:P.