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Treemaps for space-constrained visualization of hierarchies

Treemaps for space-constrained visualization of hierarchies
Started Dec. 26th, 1998 by Later updates by Ben Shneiderman and Catherine Plaisant - Last update Sept 2014 Our treemap products: Treemap 4.0: General treemap tool (Free demo version, plus licensing information for full package) PhotoMesa: Zoomable image library browser (Free demo version, plus licensing information for full package) Treemap Algorithms and Algorithm Animations (Open source Java code) A History of Treemap Research at the During 1990, in response to the common problem of a filled hard disk, I became obsessed with the idea of producing a compact visualization of directory tree structures. Since the 80 Megabyte hard disk in the HCIL was shared by 14 users it was difficult to determine how and where space was used. Tree structured node-link diagrams grew too large to be useful, so I explored ways to show a tree in a space-constrained layout. My initial design simply nested the rectangles, but a more comprehensible design used a border to show the nesting.

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yEd - Graph Editor yEd is a powerful desktop application that can be used to quickly and effectively generate high-quality diagrams. Create diagrams manually, or import your external data for analysis. Our automatic layout algorithms arrange even large data sets with just the press of a button. yEd is freely available and runs on all major platforms: Windows, Unix/Linux, and Mac OS X. The latest release is version 3.12.2 Key Features Vintage data visualization: 35 examples from before the Digital Era This is a guest post by Tiago Veloso, the founder of Visual Loop, a collaborative digital environment for everything related to information design and data visualization. He lives in Brazil, and you can connect with him online on Twitter and LinkedIn. If you follow us regularly on Visual Loop, you’ve probably noticed we like to featured not only modern interactive visualizations and infographics, but also examples from the past, from the time when there were no computer softwares to help analyzing and designing and no Internet to access and share data.

Best Infographics Ideas and Free Tools Look at pretty much every blog, professional site and presentation these days, and you will notice that most of them have infographics, which are charts that display a visual image in order to supply data to the user. They are highly functional and often work more effectively than graphs and charts alone. They are also more pleasing to the eye and can break down concepts for easier understanding. But for every good one, there is a bad one that looks cluttered and doesn’t manage to get the point across. Data Visualization: Top 20 Amazing Tools It’s often said that data is the new world currency, and the web is the exchange bureau through which it’s traded. As consumers, we’re positively swimming in data; it’s everywhere from food labels to World Health Organisation reports. As a result, for the designer it’s becoming increasingly difficult to present data in a way that stands out from the mass of competing data streams. MR5RZMKG9XBF One of the best ways to get your message across is to use a visualisation to quickly draw attention to the key messages, and by presenting data visually it’s also possible to uncover surprising patterns and observations that wouldn’t be apparent from looking at stats alone. As author, data journalist and information designer David McCandless said in his TED talk: “By visualising information, we turn it into a landscape that you can explore with your eyes, a sort of information map.

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