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Today we're joined by Dr. Jane Goodall, primatologist and founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and Roots & Shoots program. In this post, Dr. Goodall shares her thoughts on how today’s technology can enable more people around the world to make a difference in their communities. Join Dr. Goodall for a celebratory Birthday Hangout on Air today at 11 a.m.

Fusion Tables (Beta) Bust your data out of its silo! Get more from data with Fusion Tables. Fusion Tables is an experimental data visualization web application to gather, visualize, and share data tables. Plan a trip in one click Why should trip planning be any more complicated than opening your browser and entering the name of your favourite city? Six months ago we launched City Tours on Google Labs with the goal of making vacation planning as easy as searching the web. After all, Google knows the top sights in many cities around the world and we've been providing directions on Google Maps for years, so Google Labs seemed to be the perfect way to test out a combination of these two capabilities, with our computing power thrown in to sift through the thousands of possibilities.

Maps Javascript API V3 Basics - Google Maps JavaScript API V3 - Google Code Developing for Mobile Devices The Google Maps API v3 has been designed to load quickly and work well on mobile devices. In particular, we have focused on development for advanced mobile devices such as Android and iOS handsets. Mobile devices have smaller screen sizes than typical browsers on the desktop. Google City Tours updated: Be your own tourguide 29 December '09, 12:16pm Follow City Tours is one of the many projects bubbling away in Google’s Labs and it’s just received an update that makes the service much more customisable – but is it any good? City Tours was launched in mid-2009 and uses Google’s database of landmarks and attractions to create tour itineraries for cities. Until now the service allowed you to enter a city name and return a map featuring a route taking you around all the most popular sites. The service smartly takes into account opening times and dates for attractions so that it doesn’t guide you to places it thins are closed.

KML Reference - KML - Google Code This section contains an alphabetical reference for all KML elements defined in KML Version 2.2, as well as elements in the Google extension namespace. The class tree for KML elements is shown below. In this diagram, elements to the right on a particular branch in the tree are extensions of the elements to their left.

GoogleAdds SpatialSearch to Maps API The battle for the hearts and minds of geo developers creating map-based apps is on. Last month, Twitter turned on its geo API, and services like SimpleGeo and the GeoAPI are offering to do a lot of the heavy lifting for startups that want to create cool geo apps. Not to sit on the sidelines, Google just tweaked its Google Maps API so that it now supports spatial search and search feeds. Spatial search allows developers to search an area of map for particular features. Libraries - google-maps-utility-library-v3 - List of libraries here and quick links to them - Open source project to be a central repository of utility libraries that can be used with the Google Maps API JavaScript v3. The libraries listed below are all open source. Note that some are hosted on GitHub, so simply checking out all the code under the "Source" tab above does not get you every library listed here. Instead, click the link next to the library you are interested in. Day Night Overlay

Mobile GeoRSS Map Mobile GeoRSS Maps *Beta* (by Map Channels) "The easy way to add mapping for mobile websites" Mobile GeoRSS Maps combines the Google Maps v3 API and Google Feeds API to display a GeoRSS feed on a map that is optimized for mobile phone display. Create your own Map with feeds for your mobile, mymaps or georss feeds can auto-update and provide you with latest information whilst on the move. Use Mobile GeoRSS Maps to simply add your map to your mobile website, or to generate a map link for emailing.

Map Maker Google Map Maker officially closed on March 31, 2017, and many of its features are being integrated into Google Maps. Since 2008, the Google Map Maker community has edited and moderated millions of features to improve the Google Maps experience. To make it easier for all Google Maps users to contribute changes to the map, we’ve started to graduate functionality from Map Maker to Google Maps on both desktop and mobile. Key editing features currently available in Google Maps include:

Suggests New Places You Might Like Google keeps adding new features to Google Maps and Google Earth. The latest: As of today you can type in a restaurant or other place you like in Google Maps and receive recommendations of nearby places you might like just as much or more. Sure, it's not quite as radical as something like the rumored store interior pics in Google Street View, but it's always good to see more robust location services. Yelp offers something vaguely similar with a "people who viewed this also viewed" box, but Google's algorithm is probably more sophisticated.

Earth API - Google Code Introduction Welcome to the developer documentation for the Google Earth API. The Google Earth Plug-in and its JavaScript API let you embed the full power of Google Earth and its 3D rendering capabilities into your web pages. Just like in the Google Maps API, you can draw markers and lines—but in 3D! See the Google Earth API developer forum if you have have questions about the API after reading this developer guide. Audience Competitors and Experts React GMAIL USERS: You can now follow Mashable's official Google Buzz profile here: It's no shocker that the web is buzzing about Google Buzz (terrible pun intended), Google's most aggressive push into social media yet. The new social updating and aggregation feature integrates with your mobile and your Gmail, providing a service that seems like a hybrid of Foursquare, Twitter, Facebook and Yelp.
