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The illustrated guide to a Ph.D. Imagine a circle that contains all of human knowledge: By the time you finish elementary school, you know a little: By the time you finish high school, you know a bit more: With a bachelor's degree, you gain a specialty: A master's degree deepens that specialty: Reading research papers takes you to the edge of human knowledge: Once you're at the boundary, you focus: You push at the boundary for a few years: Until one day, the boundary gives way: And, that dent you've made is called a Ph.D Of course, the world looks different to you now: So, don't forget the bigger picture: Keep pushing. There's a bit more below, but I also wrote a follow-up 5 years after the illustrated guide which may be of interest -- HOWTO: Get tenure. Related posts If you like these posts, then I recommend the book A PhD Is Not Enough Get it in print; fund students; save lives By request, a print version of The Illustrated Guide to a Ph.D. is on sale. Click here to preview or buy it. Why biology? License: Creative Commons Resources

Un peu d’humour sur Apple… Pour une fois nous allons un peu nous moquer d’Apple… mais aussi de Microsoft ! Related posts: Exclusive: Stream Brian Eno's New Album, Drums Between the Bells | Underwire On his new record Drums Between the Bells, Brian Eno mixes spoken-word performances with moody ambient music. Brian Eno doesn’t release his new album, Drums Between the Bells, until next Tuesday, but you can start blissing out to the whole thing now, thanks to an exclusive arrangement between and Warp Records. The new album resulted from a collaboration between Eno and Rick Holland, a poet who wrote the lyrics to Drums Between the Bells. Eno has always found great inspiration working with other big thinkers: His long, influential career as an artist, musician and record producer has seen him team up with the top names in rock and pop, including David Byrne, U2, Daniel Lanois, David Bowie and Robert Fripp. (Eno’s last album, 2010′s acclaimed Small Craft on a Milk Sea, was a collaboration with musicians Jon Hopkins and Leo Abrahams.) Working with a poet has yielded some interesting results, which you can hear when you stream the album from the player at right.

cool Logo Design Gone Wrong: 10 Offbeat Examples Logos define brands and they create corporate images because logos are what sticks in people’s mind and creates associations. Think Coca-Cola, Nike, or McDonald’s – what do you instantly picture in mind? Right, their logos. Great logos will never allow their consumers forget about the brand – it’s what prompts them choose one product over alternative: people tend to stick to something familiar, something that brings up positive associations. While the implementation of an effective logo can set a company up for success, the opposite is also possible. More logo design related post we previously published: Catholic Church’s Archdiocesan Youth CommissionThis logo was developed in 1973 and won an award from the Art Director’s Club of Los Angeles. (Image source: ihatemedia) Kudawara PharmacyNo explanation is needed on why this logo from Kudawara Pharmacy has gained such widespread public attention. (Image source: flickr) (Image source: (Image source:

A 6 et 7 ans, ils fuguent pour se marier L'idée était romantique: deux enfants éperdument amoureux ont fugué le jour de l'An avec la ferme intention de convoler en justes noces au soleil... en Afrique, a indiqué lundi la police allemande. La nuit de la Saint-Sylvestre, le petit Mika, six ans, raconte aux deux filles de la nouvelle compagne de son père divorcé, Anna-Lena et Anna-Bell, ses dernières vacances passées en Italie. "De là, les enfants ont construit des projets d'avenir", rapporte à l'AFP, Holger Jureczko, porte-parole de la police fédérale. Issus de familles monoparentales, Mika et Anna-Lena, sept ans, "s'aiment beaucoup et décident de se marier en Afrique, là où il fait chaud en prenant pour témoin la petite soeur d'Anna-Lena, Anna-Bell, âgée de cinq", selon le porte-parole. Le matin du jour de l'An, les trois bouclent chacun leurs bagages, emportant "lunettes de soleil, affaires de plage, vêtements légers et des provisions" pour leur périple. Et d'ajouter: "ils pourront toujours réaliser leur projet plus tard".

Les voyages d'Edit Recall untitled 5 raisons pour la Séfarade d'épouser un Ashkénaze Par The SefWoman - Dimanche 4 décembre 2011 Raison 1 : Il ne croit pas/plus en Dieu L’Ashkénaze n’est pas particulièrement rancunier, mais partant du principe que Dieu est mort à Auschwitz et que les absents ont toujours tort, il est un peu fâché avec. Résultat : à sa bar-mitsva, le buffet cochonnailles a fait un malheur. Ses téfilins sont dans le coffre à jouets des enfants. Pour toi, fille élevée à coup de Houmach sur la tête, double avantage : ça désolera ta mère (ce qui est toujours ça de gagné) et ça te permettra de constater qu’effectivement, Kippour, quand tu manges, tu bois, et tu vas à la synagogue en voiture, ça passe vachement plus vite. Raison 2 : Son sens de la famille est très limité Il n’exigera de toi que peu d’enfants et de déjeuners chez ses parents. Raison 3 : Il n’élève jamais la voix Le garçon ashkénaze est bien élevé. Raison 4 : Il est comme toi, il déteste les Séfarades Raison 5 : Il a un nom qui assure The SefWoman

La philosophie et le rire
