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Harvard Seeks to Jolt University Teaching - Teaching By Dan Berrett Cambridge, Mass. A growing body of evidence from the classroom, coupled with emerging research in cognitive psychology and neuroscience, is lending insight into how people learn, but teaching on most college campuses has not changed much, several speakers said here at Harvard University at a daylong conference dedicated to teaching and learning. Too often, faculty members teach according to habits and hunches, said Carl E. In large part, the problem is that graduate students pursuing their doctorates get little or no training in how students learn. "It really requires someone to be doubly expert," Mr. Such approaches would demand much more of students and faculty. "We assume that telling people things without asking them to actively process them results in learning," Mr. Many colleges routinely hold seminars on teaching and learning. The Hausers wanted their money to have a broad effect across Harvard's departments and disciplines. Confronting Misconceptions Mr.

Quals UK Lectures! - The UK Lectures at St. Andrews, Warwick, Cambridge and Queen Mary were a success! Thanks to everyone who came out, it was great to meet you! More info here! New shirt! Order it here Need a last minute gift? Click Here! THESIS FUEL MUG BACK IN STOCK! Now shipping! 2014 PHD Calendar - is here! The Best of PHD - I'm happy to announce that we'll be publishing a run of the "Best PHD Comics" on Tapastic! The feed will be curated by me (Jorge), and will feature behind-the-scene commentary on why each comic is special to me. Tapastic is a pretty cool platform for webcomics. PHD Lectures - I'll be speaking at Penn State and Washington College this Tuesday and Wednesday (9/17, 9/18)! GOOGLE+ - Hey, PHD Comics is now on Google+! Need a Graduation Gift? UK Spring Tour - Jorge will be speaking at 4 UK Universities April 15-19!

Le Monde Comics, Quizzes, and Stories - The Oatmeal USA: NYT Magazine Headlines Dangerous Minds Mediapart
