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Descargas, tutoriales, noticias e información de GIMP

Descargas, tutoriales, noticias e información de GIMP

Tutorials Beginner GIMP Quickies Use GIMP for simple graphics needs without having to learn advanced image manipulation methods. Simple Floating Logo This tutorial walks through some basic image and layer manipulation techniques. Conversor HEIC to JPG Online Quality (%): 92-max 92% JPEG quality gives a very high-quality image while gaining a significant reduction on the original 100%. 88% JPEG quality gives a greater file size reduction with almost no loss in quality. 85% JPEG quality and lower begins to show obvious differences in the image. Choose the output format that you want (jpeg image or pdf document).

Scott Photographics GIMP & Photoshop Tutorials The Gimp is a fantastic and free piece of software that can run on all major operating systems and can do nearly any graphic related task! I have been using GIMP for over two years now and really appreciated the many tutorials I had at hand for when I was starting out. Since the early days I have produced my own tutorials in an effort to give back to the open source community and so the purpose of this post is to share and acknowledge the hard work that people have put in into making these great tutorials of 2010! Best GIMP Tutorials of 2010 Photo Manipulations The Catch – going beyond the frame of photographs 2000+ Free GIMP Brushes For Designers GIMP (short for the GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a free software raster graphics editor. It is primarily employed as an image retouching and editing tool and is freely available in versions tailored for most popular operating systems, including but not limited to Microsoft’s Windows, Apple’s Mac OS X, and GNU/Linux. In addition to detailed image retouching and free-form drawing, GIMP can accomplish essential image editing tasks such as resizing, editing, and cropping photos, photomontages combining multiple images, and converting between different image formats. GIMP can also be used to create basic animated images in the GIF format. GIMP’s product vision is that GIMP is or will become a free software high-end graphics application for the editing and creation of original images, icons, graphical elements of web pages and art for user interface elements.

1000+ FREE High Resolution GIMP Brushes Last week we published our first GIMP post “30+ Exceptional GIMP Tutorials and Resources” and saw a great appreciation from our readers. So this week, i would like to share with you 1000+ high-Resolution GIMP brushes that will be perfect for any project you may happen to be working on. Also you will find some useful tutorial to teach you how to create your first GIMP brush-set and how to convert Photoshop brushes into GIMP brushes and more. Gimp Scripts This page explains the basics of GIMP scripts, what they can do, where to find them and how to install them. What this page does not do is explain how to write them. That is HUGE subject and one I am not qualified to write on. GIMP scripts are similar to Photoshop "Actions" in that they can automate repetitive processes but differ in several ways:

Related:  Creación y publicación de contenidos. (blog, wiki, video, imagen, mapas, ofimática colaborativa y documentos compartidos))