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Flipboard for iPad

10 Useful iPhone Keyboard Shortcuts, Tips and Tricks Whether you've taken to the iPhone's touchscreen keyboard like a duck to water, or are more of a one-finger-at-a-time typist, there are plenty of shortcuts, tips and tricks that can improve your iTyping experience. Here, we've rounded up ten useful ways to be faster and more productive with your iPhone's keyboard. We hope these tricks are handy for anyone new to the platform, or those who have not had the time to really experiment. Ranging from basic how-tos to more advanced trickery, have a read of our ten tips below, and do share any keyboard-, language- or other text entry-related hints you've discovered on your iDevice in the comments. 1. HOW TO: Add an International Keyboard iOS4 has more language options than ever before. From the home screen, go to "Settings," then "General," then scroll down to see "Keyboard" and tap this option. 2. If you don't quite see the need to add an international keyboard, but will occasionally need to use special symbols, then there's a quick way to do it.

Zen of Productivity Inside Photo: Also Making Your Body Your Temple Being True to Ourselves and Forgetting What Other People Think Be lucky - it's an easy skill to learn Why You Need to Stop Bragging About How Busy You Are / LISA EVANS Author Brigid Schulte says companies should stop rewarding overworked employees and focus on productivity instead. Do you rush through the morn­ing paper, bare­ly skim­ming the head­lines while answer­ing emails and mak­ing kids’ lunch­es? When jour­nal­ist Brigid Schulte found her­self immersed in one of the most hec­tic, time-crunched indus­tries, she, like many of her busy cowork­ers, was feel­ing over­worked and over­whelmed by the demands of her work and home life. Logging in long hours and complaining about not having any time in the day is considered a status symbol and a sign of success. A culture of busy Leisure time where the best ideas are born 1. 2. Whether you n …

alban Life Hacks Life was meant to be hacked Inside Never push a loyal person to the point where they no longer care Photo: Also Never push a loyal person to the point where they no longer care A Man Who Stands For Nothing will Fall For Anything When You Read Something That Strikes You as Interesting, You Should Write to the Author. A Man Who Stands For Nothing will Fall For Anything / Brian Lee Turn Your Old T-Shirts into Wall Art / Alan Henry If you have an old t-shirt that you love but don't want to wear, or used to wear all the time but is now too small, one way you can continue to appreciate it is to turn it into wall art.

101 Ways to Save Apple: Ten Years Ago at Wired | Gadget Lab Way back in 1997, James Daly wrote an article titled “101 Ways to Save Apple”, published in Wired Magazine (there are actually a whole 101 points). If you needed confirmation of the crazy turnaround the company has made since the Return of Steve one year later, this is it. Some of the advice is laughable, ten years on, but it shows us what a pickle Apple had got itself into back in its dark days. 1. Otherwise, it seems to be an oddly prescient article. 34. Spooky, no? 101 Ways to Save Apple [Wired via FSJ]

Betterment Inside Photo: Also Stop Accumulating Stuff And Start Accumulating Experiences Making Your Body Your Temple 8 Ways to Manage Someone You Don't Like Making Your Body Your Temple / Susanna Harwood Rubin Think of your body as the tem­ple in which you do your spir­i­tu­al prac­tices. Dress­ing for the tem­ple, walk­ing toward the tem­ple, enter­ing the tem­ple. From the minute you decide to prac­tice asana, decide that that moment is where the prac­tice begins. Let this shift in think­ing infuse your daily activ­i­ties with inten­tion­al­i­ty. I went through a dra­mat­ic life shift last year due to unex­pect­ed knee surgery that over­turned my phys­i­cal prac­tice as well as neces­si­tat­ing a recon­fig­u­ra­tion of my approach to teach­ing yoga asana. As a friend of mine observed, for the first time asana was actu­al­ly dif­fi­cult for me. I could no longer … 8 Ways to Manage Someone You Don't Like

Facebook Places: A Field Guide Facebook has just announced Places, the long-awaited feature that brings location-based functionality to the most popular social network in the world. Whether you're a developer with a great app idea, a business with an interesting location marketing plan or just a regular Facebook user who wants to get involved with Places, there are a few details to note before you start using Places. The feature is fascinating, but it still has its limitations. If you're ready to start playing, here's what you'll need to know about Places. How to Use Places First of all, you or a Facebook friend in your group will need a smartphone. The company does plan to roll out Android and BlackBerry versions of Places, but they haven't released any specific dates for those releases yet. To use Places, go to the Places tab on the iPhone application or You can add places, check in to places that already exist, and tag people who are with you. You'll also need to live in the U.S. Other Tips

American Apparel: An American Branding Tragedy Live by the hipster, die by the hipster. American Apparel is learning an important branding lesson about being on the bleeding edge of cool. Nothing "cool" lasts too long. Crucified on the blogosphere for allegedly discriminatory hiring practices, the company founded by a Canadian, Dov Charney, hit the streets with pro-immigration May Day protesters at its home base in Los Angeles. When American Apparel announced its most recent financial results, the company's stock nosedived by 30%. American Apparel founder, head, and all around controversial individual Charney admitted that the dream is done, saying of his brand's focus (to Bloomberg Businessweek), "Hipsters are from a certain time period. Now, he says, the brand intends to move away from wooing Gen Y and go more All American and preppy. By all accounts, American Apparel vastly overextended its brand and capabilities. Will many will care if AA disappears?

Sandro et la gestion de crise Preuves de l’ère de la conversation et du renversement de rapport de force entre les marques et les consommateurs, Sandro a récemment illustré sa capacité à réagir en mode 2.0 Il y a quelques semaines, la bloggeuse fashion Deedee rédige un post sur son dernier achat : une paire de bottines Sandro. Contrairement à l’usage, Deedee ne caresse pas la marque dans le sens du poil puisque les chaussures ont lâché au bout de 6 semaines… Rédactrice lue et respectée, Deedee recueille une volée de commentaires et de témoignages fustigeant la marque, c’est la curée. Et puis 4 jours plus tard, un commentaire arrive (n°38) de la part de Frédéric Biousse, « co-actionnaire et Directeur Général des marques Sandro, Maje et Claudie Pierlot ». Le patron y parle de sa marque, s’explique, s’interroge et confesse son droit à l’erreur. Cette démarche a généré de multiples posts et commentaires flatteurs. Le tout pour un budget média de… 0€. Pas mal non ?
