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Photo image aspect Ratio Calculator (ARC)

Photo image aspect Ratio Calculator (ARC)
Use the form below to calculate the missing value for a particular aspect ratio. This is useful, for example, when resizing photos or video. <p><strong style="color: #c00;">You must have JavaScript enabled to use this page.</strong></p> Instructions Enter the values for the original width (W1) & original height (H1) on the left. Formula Say you have a photo that is 1600 x 1200 pixels, but your blog only has space for a photo 400 pixels wide. (original height / original width) x new width = new height (1200 / 1600) x 400 = 300 Note: this is the new, improved version. / experiments / Aspect Ratio Calculator

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Which responsive images solution should you use? There are a bunch of techniques going around for dealing with responsive images lately. That is, solutions to help us serve the right image for the occasion (e.g. size of screen and bandwidth available). They all do things a bit differently. To keep track, Christopher Schmitt and I have created this spreadsheet of techniques. The spreadsheet has the data, but let's digest it through thinking about it through the lens of practical questions. To choose which technique is right for you and your project these questions may help as a guide.

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5 DevTools features to help you debug your WebApp — Adnane Belmadiaf's Blog DevTools is a powerful tool than can made developing WebApp easier, it has a lot of features some of them are still experimental and you need to enable them in the Breakpoints Breakpoint are related to the JavaScript code, it let's you halt the JavaScript code execution and inspect the current environment. You can set them by simply going the "Source" tab, then select the JS file you want to debug , find the line you want to set a breakpoint on, then click the line number to apply a breakpoint :, recoge en una página tu contenido web favorito es una herramienta web que nos permite coleccionar, en una sola página, todo el contenido web que nos interese y que necesitemos. Podríamos pensar de primeras que Netboard nos ofrece lo que ya podemos hacer creando nuestras propias carpetas en nuestros marcadores y favoritos del navegador, diseñados especialmente para guardar todo el contenido web que queramos tener presente. Pero Netboard ofrece una diferencia esencial, y es que en este caso lo que se creará no es un repositorio privado, sino una página web que cualquiera podrá visitar (tendremos la opción de hacerla privada o pública, o incluso de dar acceso sólo a determinados amigos).

Implementing Secure Passwords in PHP 5.5 Introduction PHP has always had a few simple ways to implement password hashing to an extent. MD5 and SHA1 are examples of this, but the security of these methods is not what it should be. Print Friendly: genera la versión imprimible o descarga en PDF cualquier web Print Friendly es una utilidad web gratuita que podemos utilizar cuantas veces queramos de forma gratuita, tampoco requiere de ningún tipo de registro. Resulta muy práctica para ahorrar dinero, economizando tinta de la impresora, ya que nos genera rápidamente una versión imprimible de cualquier página. No es esta su única función, también tenemos la posibilidad de descargar las páginas en formato PDF, así podemos guardarlas y leerlas de forma local en cualquier momento, o enviarlas directamente a través del correo electrónico. Visita está página para generar la versión imprimible de un sitio.Escribe o pega la URL que quieres convertir y da clic en el botón “print preview”.Después de unos segundos, tiempo necesario para el proceso de conversión, se muestra la página ya optimizada para la impresión.En este momento has accedido a una vista previa del documento.

Justin Vincent — About Check out my tech startup podcast TechZing, we've recorded over 220 episodes. Maximise your downtime by listening to us while you code, commute or do the dishes! I am a developer, entrepreneur and tech chat-show host. In a previous life I was a musician. I’ve been coding stuff on the web since 1994. During that time I’ve built, launched and marketed quite a few mobile and web apps. PDFmyURL: Convert in PDF any web Les Tourelles Des séminaires oxygénants Une salle de séminaire pour 30 personnes, avec tout le matériel nécessaire et... de nombreuses activités de plein air pour les moments de détente. Plus d'info. Un salon-bar convivial Un salon et un bar pour boire le thé, pour jouer au Scrabble, pour le silence d'un moment de lecture, ou pour apprécier un whisky rare. >> Design & Development: Enable HTML code in WordPress Widget Titles WordPress widgets don’t allow HTML code by default. With the snippet below, you’ll be able to use basic HTML styling tags (even span tags) in WordPress widget titles. Put it in your functions.php file. » Getting all JavaScript into the Footer in WordPress? Not so fast, Buster! Cloud Four Blog [toc title="JavaScript in Footer"] Warning: Technical WordPress post ahead! Overview: Really Getting JavaScript Into the Footer Quoth the WordPress Version 2.8 feature list: Darwin: A 1993 Film by Peter Greenaway As with most Greenaway films, the visual composition of individual scenes in Darwin reflects the director's fascination with Renaissance painting (he was first trained as a muralist). In 2006, Greenaway even embarked on an ambitious series of video installations called Nine Classic Paintings Revisited, in which he applied his often controversial vision to The Last Supper, The Wedding at Cana and other famous artworks. You can watch an interview with the filmmaker about The Last Supper here. Even better, watch his 2010 UC-Berkeley lecture on the inspiration and philosophy behind the entire project, which we've included in our collection of 275 Cultural Icons.

30 Unofficial Redesigns of Popular Social Media Sites As web designers we often get frustrated with the UI and UX design of sites we commonly use, with social media sites being right up there as the most annoying! This can lead designers to have a go at redesigning them, albeit unofficially as a personal project just for fun. Sometimes these design concepts are pretty radical, whereas others are so well made we can only wish they were the real deal.
