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This Foot-Long Box Is the Most Advanced Particle Collider in the World The CERN particle collider is 17 miles long. China just announced a supercollider that is supposed to be roughly 49 miles long. The United States' new particle collider is just under 12 inches long. What it lacks in size, it makes up for in having a bunch of plasma inside of it, allowing researchers at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in Menlo Park, Calif., to accelerate particles more than 500 times faster than traditional methods. In a recent test published in Nature, Michael Litos and his team were able to accelerate bunches of electrons to near the speed of light within this tiny chamber. Philosophers Stone. Selected views from the boat. by Ninja Bambi I awoke this morning, pondering on the evidence I still witness and experience of the hooks, barbs and velcro that remain deep in our flesh, or which just snag at our clothing from time to time. I see these various forms of hooks as representing some aspect of the control system, the Matrix.

Лента последних новостей - Русская Планета. Группа активистов подала в московскую мэрию заявку на проведения митинга против антирелигиозных публикаций, об этом радиостанции «Говорит Москва» сообщил исламский правозащитник Али Чаринский. По его словам, митинг планируется провести 25 января на проспекте Сахарова, заявленная численность — 100 тысяч человек. Мэрия ответа на запрос пока не дала. «Цель митинга — акция протеста против публикаций, оскорбляющих религиозные чувства, — сообщил Чаринский. — Мы хотим сделать не исламский митинг или митинг мусульман против карикатур на пророка Мухаммада. Это митинг, в котором мы предлагаем принять участие представителям абсолютно различных конфессий, групп, которые против подобного понимания свободы слова». Чаринский отметил, что подобное мероприятие необходимо, чтобы верующие могли «выпустить пар».

10 News Outlets Corporate Media Doesn’t Want You to Follow Aaron Nelson | The Pontiac Tribune You are not the only one who believes the corporate media works for the establishment to secure the status quo and shape false narratives — so we compiled a list of 10 independent news outlets that would prefer you think for yourself. These days most Americans have lost faith in corporate-owned media outlets because they believe the institution of press protected in the first amendment no longer represents the people of our great nation.

Fox 'News' 'Expert' Says We Must "Start Killing Russians." I Disagree. Eric Zuesse On this video from Fox ‘News': At 3:30, Lou Dobbs asks the Fox Noise military analyst: “What do you expect” in Ukraine? At 3:35 he answers: “In the Ukraine, the only way that the United States can have any effect in this region and turn the tide is to start killing Russians … killing so many Russians that even Putin’s media can’t hide the fact that Russians are returning to the motherland in body bags.” Well, anyway, there is a Republican ‘news’ operation: “Start killing Russians.”

Colorado Springs Gazette, Local News, Latest News, Breaking News Police ID, arrest Colorado Springs man in connection to 2007 sex assault A 44-year-old Colorado Springs man was arrested in connection to a sexual assault report that happened almost 10 years ago, according to police. A felony arrest warrant for Gary F. Hargraves was issued this month after additional testing completed by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation in January. Authorities in Colorado Springs were... Best and Brightest 2015: Teen known for compassion, helping friends, family This is the third of 20 profiles about The Gazette's Best and Brightest Class of 2015.

News Archives - The Anti-Media Sep05 Lebanon Protest Leaders Reveal Connections To Western Color Revolution Apparatus Posted by Brandon Turbeville on Sep 5, 2015 Lebanon Protest Leaders Reveal Connections To Western Color Revolution Apparatus Treue und Ehre Hallo, was hier zu lesen ist, ist nicht unbedingt meine Meinung! Aber! Die Gedanken sind frei! #NoWarInSyria: If You Don’t Want World War III In The Middle East You Need To Let Your Voice Be Heard NOW We are closer to the start of World War III than we have been in decades. In part 3 of this series of articles, I discussed the fact that President Trump’s team was preparing a “military response” in Syria and that a “coalition” is being formed to remove Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power. Well, as I am writing this article the missiles have started flying. Cruise missiles from a U.S.

Steemit TFTProject (69) No followers209 postsNot following anybody Joined August 2016 Bookmark This: Over 400 Links Google Doesn't Want You To Visit Tuesday, August 29, 2017 by Thomas Dishaw The war on truth has reached a fever pitch as Google has made it their mission to annihilate the independent media. The ‘New Media’ lead by the likes of Infowars, Breitbart, Natural News and many other great independent sites will have an uphill battle when it comes to getting their content in front of readers. Google has announced they will be doubling down on their ‘Orwellian’ practice of making stories disappear from their monopolistic search engine.
