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How to talk about the past

How to talk about the past

Related:  Inglés IV

Seven Songs for Teaching Past Simple I have created a list of songs, which are perfect for teaching Past Simple tense in English. All of the songs are relatively new and popular, so they would especially be suitable for teaching teenagers. While the primary goal would be teaching Past Simple, you can always add a few more exercises in order to work on vocabulary or grammar. Alice in Wonderland : dates par diddy2703 sur Genially Wonderland: in dates merci à Isabelle Beaubreuil (ac Limoges) pour ses idées Once upon a time, Il était une fois, le prétérit des verbes réguliers pour les 6e Search temporarily disabled Browse Apps Create App le prétérit des verbes réguliers pour les 6e Create similar App

Food Quantifiers To make a salad , wash ___ lettuce thoroughly and pat the leaves dry. Remove three ____ celery, wash, and slice it into small pieces. Boil five ____ asparagus for 1 minute and let cool. Arrange the ____ lettuce on a plate and create a "bed". Slice the tomatoes very thin. TheMusicalAdjectivesProject - Adjectives & Words Panicky, Shivering, anxious, cowardly, frightened, terrified, horrified, terror stricken, scary, menacing, trembling, Belligerent, Uncaring, Furious, Vexed, Wrathful, Exasperated, Infuriating, glowering, Frustrated, Aggravated, Annoyed, Irritated, Enraged, Aggravating, Mad, Untrusting, splenetic, warlike, thunderous, jealous, vengeful, vindictive, cursing, maledictive Woebegone, Brooding, Miserable, Grieving, Afflicted, Distressed, Wretched, Woeful, Heavy, depressed, empty, Sad, aching, gut wrenching, torn, tormented, troubled, catastrophic, Unhappy, Afflicted, mourning, weighty, melancholic, serious, with pathos, plaintive, wistful, searing, lugubrious, funereal, joyless, despairing, despondent, weeping, limping Victorious, Successful, Jubilant, Triumphant, accomplished, elated, rejoicing, march-like, exalted, determined, resolute, regal, soaring, confident, love of honor, courage, manliness, persevering, intrepid, proud, impudent, audacious, prideful, arrogant, scoffing

Musical Instruments Vocabulary ESL Worksheets Musical Instruments Picture Dictionary ESL Worksheet A picture dictionary (pictionary) & poster ESL worksheet for kids to study musical instruments vocabulary. Look at the pictures and study the musical instruments. Musical Instruments Vocabulary Matching Exercise Worksheet A colourful matching exercise ESL worksheet for kids to study musical instruments vocabulary.Look at the list below and write the names of the musical instruments under the correct pictures. Musical Instruments Vocabulary Wordsearch Puzzle Worksheet United Kingdom HISTORY The first Britons (people who live in the United Kingdom) were the Picts, who arrived about 10,000 years ago. In the eighth century B.C., the Celts arrived from Europe and pushed the Picts north into Scotland. In A.D. 43, the Romans invaded and ruled for nearly 400 years.

Film Links Until quite recently it was difficult to find pedagogically sound film material to help students improve their language through watching film, and teachers had to spend many hours creating their own materials. However, with the advent of the Internet there are now a wealth of online resources for both language teachers and their students. With so many resources it’s sometimes difficult for teachers to see the wood for the trees. Here I’m going to recommend the sites and resources that from my own experience I have found most useful and engaging.

Family Members and English Introductions Kids Online English Channel teaches Children English as a Second Language (ESL) and is a fun and effective way to Learn English online. It uses cartoons, songs, funny skits, and more. Ideal for ages 3 -10. Each English lesson introduces new vocabulary, grammar patterns, and conversations. How Much Is It: A Shopping Lesson Plan by Chris Gunn Time: Up to 4 hours depending on how much the teacher wishes to use. Materials: To give to the students. Introductory Vocabulary Exercises. Linking Words — A complete List of English Connecting Words Linking & Connecting Words It is essential to understand how Linking Words, as a part of speech, can be used to combine ideas in writing - and thus ensure that ideas within sentences and paragraphs are elegantly connected - for the benefit of the reader. This will help to improve your writing (e.g. essay, comment, summary (scientific) review, (research) paper, letter, abstract, report, thesis, etc.). It is also fundamental to be aware of the sometimes subtle meaning of these "small" words within the English language. "Linking Words" is used as a term to denote a class of English words which are employed to link or connect parts of speech or even whole sentences.

Character and Personality Adjectives - Tasks Here you can find the list of adjectives that describe character and personality Look at the following words which are used to describe a person’s character. Make two columns of positive and negative ones of them: cock-sure honest aggressive two-faced sensitive foolish stupid open trustworthy industrious Native American Indian Tribes: Federally Recognized Tribes This page not only lists all the federally recognized tribes of Native Americans, but also has links from those tribes for their official websites, stories and legends, books, photographs and artwork. This is a work very much in progress and will take a long while to complete [unless you all help with this resource]. Right now I have links to over 150 website locations from about 26 different tribes on this page. I will try to add comprehensive links to an additional one or two tribes each month (moon).

10 Examples of Homonyms You Might Be Getting Wrong [Download This Guide] Text Version: Is the English language trying to trip people up? Because it sure seems that way. Otherwise, why in the world would someone have created homonyms? You know homonyms.
