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Film Links

Film Links
Until quite recently it was difficult to find pedagogically sound film material to help students improve their language through watching film, and teachers had to spend many hours creating their own materials. However, with the advent of the Internet there are now a wealth of online resources for both language teachers and their students. With so many resources it’s sometimes difficult for teachers to see the wood for the trees. Here I’m going to recommend the sites and resources that from my own experience I have found most useful and engaging. Lesson plans There are many websites and blogs which provide detailed and well-structured lesson plans designed around film and television clips, short films and viral videos which save the busy teacher a lot of time. Film in Action – Kieran Donaghy’s blog which accompanies his methodology book Film in Action showcases and extends some of the tasks found in the print edition. Allat C – Related:  Inglés IV

United Kingdom HISTORY The first Britons (people who live in the United Kingdom) were the Picts, who arrived about 10,000 years ago. In the eighth century B.C., the Celts arrived from Europe and pushed the Picts north into Scotland. In A.D. 43, the Romans invaded and ruled for nearly 400 years. They built roads, bathhouses, sewers, and large villas. By the sixth century A.D., German peoples known as Angles, Jutes, and Saxons were moving into Britain. In 1485 the Welsh noble Henry Tudor claimed the English crown and became Henry VII, the first of five Tudor monarchs. By the 1800s, Britain was one of the most powerful nations in the world.

Film Education | Home Arts et musées en anglais Voici une sélection de sites de portails généralistes musées virtuels, collections conservées à Londres et à New York, galeries et collections thématiques, sélection d'expositions... Sites généralistes Google Art ProjectGoogle propose d'explorer les musées du monde en ligne et de découvrir des centaines d'oeuvre d'art avec la possibilité de zoomer à une échelle très précise, de créer sa propre collection d'oeuvres et de la partager. WikipediaCet article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie gratuite en ligne offre le répertoire des principaux musées d'art du monde, classés par la nature de la thématique qui y est développée, ainsi que l'historique de ce qui est communément entendu sous l'appellation « musée » de nos jours. Un second article issu de la même encyclopédie afin de parfaire ses connaissances en matière d'histoire de l'art. Collections virtuelles Le musée virtuel Peintres, musées et arts du monde.

Musical Instruments Vocabulary ESL Worksheets Musical Instruments Picture Dictionary ESL Worksheet A picture dictionary (pictionary) & poster ESL worksheet for kids to study musical instruments vocabulary. Look at the pictures and study the musical instruments. Musical Instruments Vocabulary Matching Exercise Worksheet A colourful matching exercise ESL worksheet for kids to study musical instruments vocabulary.Look at the list below and write the names of the musical instruments under the correct pictures. Musical Instruments Vocabulary Wordsearch Puzzle Worksheet An enjoyable wordsearch puzzle ESL worksheet with pictures to study musical instruments vocabulary.Find and circle the words in the wordsearch puzzle.Then number the pictures. A colourful criss cross (crossword) puzzle ESL worksheet with pictures to study musical instruments vocabulary.Look at the pictures of the musical instruments and the numbers on them.Then write their names in the criss cross puzzle. Musical Instruments Vocabulary Criss Cross Puzzle Worksheet

Lost Property This EFL lesson is designed around a beautiful short film titled Lost Property by Asa Lucander. Students do a dictation, work out meanings of the verb ‘lose’, speak about lost items, watch a trailer and short film, and write a story. Language level: Intermediate (B1) – Upper Intermediate (B2) Learner type: Teens and adults Time: 90 minutes Activity: Dictation, working out meanings of the verb ‘lose’, watching a trailer and short film, speaking and writing a story Topic: Lost property Language: the verb ‘lose’, commonly lost objects and present tenses Materials: Trailer and short film Downloadable materials: lost property lesson instructions The School for Training is a small specialist teacher training institute in Barcelona, providing innovative courses of the highest quality for teachers from around the world. Find out more about the courses and how to enrol here. Overview Step 1 Dictate the following sentences to your students: Step 2 In pairs students check they’ve got the same sentences. Step 3

Games for Learning English, Vocabulary, Grammar Games, Activities, ESL TheMusicalAdjectivesProject - Adjectives & Words Panicky, Shivering, anxious, cowardly, frightened, terrified, horrified, terror stricken, scary, menacing, trembling, Belligerent, Uncaring, Furious, Vexed, Wrathful, Exasperated, Infuriating, glowering, Frustrated, Aggravated, Annoyed, Irritated, Enraged, Aggravating, Mad, Untrusting, splenetic, warlike, thunderous, jealous, vengeful, vindictive, cursing, maledictive Woebegone, Brooding, Miserable, Grieving, Afflicted, Distressed, Wretched, Woeful, Heavy, depressed, empty, Sad, aching, gut wrenching, torn, tormented, troubled, catastrophic, Unhappy, Afflicted, mourning, weighty, melancholic, serious, with pathos, plaintive, wistful, searing, lugubrious, funereal, joyless, despairing, despondent, weeping, limping Victorious, Successful, Jubilant, Triumphant, accomplished, elated, rejoicing, march-like, exalted, determined, resolute, regal, soaring, confident, love of honor, courage, manliness, persevering, intrepid, proud, impudent, audacious, prideful, arrogant, scoffing

Teaching Literature 2nd Edition Information In November, 2010, a new, extensively-revised 2nd edition of Teaching Literature to Adolescents was published by Routledge Press: click below for further information and ordering information. Teaching Literature to Adolescents This new edition contains: more attention to the use of digital texts from use of online literature to digital storytelling to uses of online discussion and writing tools incorporated throughout new chapter on teaching young adult literature new chapter on teaching reading strategies essential to interpreting literature more references to examples of teaching multicultural literature. The new edition also has a new wiki website with all new links, activities, and resources that also includes links from this original site. The new 2nd edition includes specific references to topics contained in the new site.

Food Quantifiers To make a salad , wash ___ lettuce thoroughly and pat the leaves dry. Remove three ____ celery, wash, and slice it into small pieces. Boil five ____ asparagus for 1 minute and let cool. Place a few ____ basil on top of the feta. dressing (N) — vinaigrette (a mixture of vinegar, oil, mustard, etc.) drizzle (V) — pour slowly in drops sparkling water — carbonated water; water with natural gas bubbles Comment Travailler en Ilots bonifiés ? Un article de Wiki Agreg-Ink. Page en construction ( plan provisoire) Organiser sa classe en îlots consiste à regrouper les tables de façon à obtenir un îlot de quatre élèves assis les uns en face des autres. Afin que tous les élèves puissent voir le tableau, il faut disposer les îlots en biais. On peut projeter des images à l'aide d'un rétro ou d'un vidéo-projecteur sur n'importe quel mur de la classe, pas forcément au tableau. Quelques tables peuvent être laissées libres pour isoler les perturbateurs ou les élèves qui doivent rattraper un devoir par exemple. Cette méthode de travail de groupe est ancienne mais est revenue en force en France grâce à Marie Rivoire, qui a introduit une nouveauté: le travail en îlots bonifiés. Comment former les îlots ? Il y a plusieurs critères à prendre en compte pour former les îlots. Répartir les élèves perturbateurs sur des îlots différents. Avantages de la disposition en îlots Une meilleure circulation. Les bavardages. Activités compétitives:

Seven Songs for Teaching Past Simple | English Lane I have created a list of songs, which are perfect for teaching Past Simple tense in English. All of the songs are relatively new and popular, so they would especially be suitable for teaching teenagers. While the primary goal would be teaching Past Simple, you can always add a few more exercises in order to work on vocabulary or grammar. Coldplay – Paradise Past Simple is often used for retelling the events that happened in the past. This song is perfect for illustrating this usage. Passenger – The Wrong Direction Seeing “When I was a kid…” at the beginning of the song lyrics, you know there has to be some Past Simple in there. Katy Perry – The One That Got Away Apart from teaching Past Simple, with verbs met, got, planned, had, made, said, etc. you can also teach would for talking about future from a time in the past (I would make you stay, I would be your girl). OneRepublic – Something I Need A very nice song with lots of different verb forms. Like this: Like Loading...

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