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The Buffer blog: productivity, life hacks, writing, user experience, customer happiness and business.

The Buffer blog: productivity, life hacks, writing, user experience, customer happiness and business.
7.2K Flares 7.2K Flares × What does it take to be productive? It’s a question I often ask myself and to be honest I don’t have a great answer for it yet. One key discovery I’ve made over the past year or so is that I need to have great habits in place. That’s why I’m working on a solid running routine and on a set wake-up time and sleep time. These things have been incredibly helpful for me and I know both Joel and Leo have discovered the same. One other realization I had is that, as I now spend so much of my day working online, there are a heap of new apps being created all the time to help us all become more productive. That’s why I thought of compiling a full list of 100 tools, tips and tricks for you to reflect a bit on your own productivity. Of course, a sure fire way to fail might be to try and use all 100, which Joel pointed out to me when we discussed this post! 10 awesome music sites to get into your zone “In the case of music, it’s a little different. 1. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Related:  Online tools

10 Google products you (probably) never knew existed I don’t know about you, but it feels like Google launches a new product every time I turn my laptop on. And these new products tend to fit into two distinct categories: Incredibly usefulIncredibly bizarre Fortunately, most of these products are free so we’re really not in a position to complain! After some lengthy research, I was surprised by how many tools Google has either developed or acquired over the years. Use Tech to Get Organized: The 100 Best Tools, Websites, Apps and More This post is #3 in DailyTekk’s famous Top 100 series which explores the best startups, gadgets, apps, websites and services in a given category. Total items listed: 100. Time to compile: 8+ hours. Follow @DailyTekk on Twitter to make sure you don’t miss a week! As an IT Director, I can personally appreciate how hard it can be to stay organized in today’s world. Fortunately, I’ve been able to find and utilize some incredibly helpful technology to keep my life in order.

10 Social Media Tools You Need to Stand Out Online Social media is a prevalent part of our personal and professional lives. Between Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and the myriad of social networking sites now available. it is easy to find ourselves sucked into a black hole of unending likes, comments, retweets and shares. There is no doubt that social media is a phenomenal tool to build and grow an online presence.

PhotoRec Latest stable version 7.0 April 18, 2015 PhotoRec, Digital Picture and File Recovery PhotoRec is file data recovery software designed to recover lost files including video, documents and archives from hard disks, CD-ROMs, and lost pictures (thus the Photo Recovery name) from digital camera memory. Start Here - I'm an Organizing Junkie I hope my site can offer you some encouragement and humor as you set out on the journey of creating organized solutions and systems that work specifically for you and your family. In addition to saving you time, money and sanity, organizing can also be fun, it can be addictive and it is most definitely pleasing to God (1 Cor 14:40). All terrific reasons to organize our spaces and our lives.

Software How-Tos Show of hands - how many of you are still clinging to Firefox not because it's the perfect browser, but because it's the best alternative out there to Internet Explorer? Probably a good many of you, and the reason why Firefox has been so hard to supplant as the No. 2 gateway to the Web is because Mozilla had the foresight to make it extensible. Thousands of add-ons exist allowing users to custom tailor the open-source browser however they see fit, and it only takes a few mouse clicks to do so. Well move over Mozilla, and make room for Google Chrome. TreeSheets A "hierarchical spreadsheet" that is a great replacement for spreadsheets, mind mappers, outliners, PIMs, text editors and small databases. Suitable for any kind of data organization, such as todo lists, calendars, project management, brainstorming, organizing ideas, planning, requirements gathering, presentation of information, etc. It's like a spreadsheet, immediately familiar, but much more suitable for complex data because it's hierarchical.

30 Creative QR code business cards There is a lot of buzz around QR codes at the moment, so we thought we would take a look at some of the most creative and stunning QR code business cards on the web. We love QR codes as they connect offline and online while challenging traditional design at the same time. First of all, in case you have been living under a rock, let’s answer the obvious question. What the hell is a QR code?! The 101 Most Useful Websites on the Internet Here are the most useful websites on the Internet that will make you smarter, increase productivity and help you learn new skills. These incredibly useful websites solve at least one problem really well. And they all have cool URLs that are easy to memorize thus saving you a trip to Google. Also see: The Best Android Apps

Index of handouts Skip navigation links ugs : life and learning in sync Sanger Learning Center is UT Austin’s main resource for academic support.
