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AMAZON WATCH » Supporting Indigenous Peoples, Protecting the Amazon

AMAZON WATCH » Supporting Indigenous Peoples, Protecting the Amazon

Related:  Déforestation / Reforestation

Il était une forêt Le langage des arbres © FranceInfo Les forêts primaires se trouvent au stade final de leur évolution. Il faut 700 ans pour atteindre ce point d'équilibre ultime. Le film nous montre comment lentement au fil des siècles se tisse ce réseau de connexions complexes entre végétaux et animaux.

Why are we a nation of tree-huggers? 3 February 2011Last updated at 15:44 By Jon Kelly BBC News Magazine Plans to transfer ownership of many public forests in England have provoked a huge row. But why are we so protective of our woodlands? It's about the rustling of the leaves and the crunch of twigs underfoot. It's the sensation of the rough bark on your hands and the light dappling into a clearing. Above all, it's a place where nature takes priority over humans. Página Principal En la Amazonia ecuatoriana está la región de Yasuní, una de las áreas más biodiversas del mundo y que ha sido declarada Reserva de la Biosfera por la UNESCO La riqueza ecológica de Yasuní entra en conflicto con la explotación de petróleo en la región, uno de los principales recursos económicos de Ecuador. Debido a esto, Yasuní estuvo en portadas a nivel mundial gracias a la Iniciativa Yasuní ITT, un osado plan para reemplazar la explotación del crudo por compensación ambiental pagada por un fondo multinacional. La propuesta fracasó, y ahora se busca un nuevo camino para que la conservación prevalezca sobre la explotación de petróleo. O Eco ((o))eco, web especializada en periodismo ambiental lanza el especial Yasuní. Para conocer a detalle este excelente trabajo pueden visitar la página:

The Kochs' Keystone clique exposed Charles Koch, one of our country's most prolific conservative donors, was recorded praising his oil, energy and Wall Street friends who contributed millions of dollars to his political causes. That Koch likely referred to President Obama as Saddam Hussein and framed the upcoming election as the "mother of all wars" overshadowed the real news. These are the disclosures from the Koch brothers' secret strategy sessions. L'Indonésie, championne de la déforestation L’archipel a détrôné le Brésil en tant que premier coupeur d’arbres de la planète. La forêt primaire y disparaît deux fois plus vite qu’en Amazonie. Et les autorités du pays sont impuissantes à enrayer ce processus. Quelque 0,84 million d’hectares par an.

Wildlife Webcams - Live from the Rainforest Enjoying this page? If everyone watching World Land Trust's webcams made a donation of £1, it would cover the cost of keeping the cameras running and enable us to add more to the network! For example, text WEBC13 £3 ($5) to 70070 to donate £3 ($5) to World Land Trust's webcam fund. Donate with

Acción Ecológica IFC Sustainability - Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines This page contains the most updated versions of the World Bank Group Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines (known as the "EHS Guidelines"). The EHS Guidelines were developed as part of a two and a half year review process that ended in 2007. They are intended to be living documents and will be updated on a regular basis going forward. The EHS Guidelines are technical reference documents with general and industry-specific examples of Good International Industry Practice (GIIP), as defined in IFC's Performance Standard 3 on Pollution Prevention and Abatement. Reference to the EHS Guidelines by IFC clients is required under Performance Standard 3 . IFC uses the EHS Guidelines as a technical source of information during project appraisal activities, as described in IFC's Environmental and Social Review Procedure .

Défendre la zone humide du Testet : « Une lutte légitime contre un projet inutile Dans le Tarn, non loin de Gaillac, une zone riche en biodiversité risque d’être inondée par un projet de barrage. Les opposants dénoncent un investissement public au service d’une poignée de producteurs de maïs, une culture très gourmande en eau. Alors que les recours juridiques sont toujours en cours d’examen, le déboisement a commencé le 1er septembre en présence d’environ 200 CRS et gendarmes. Dans cette tribune, des représentants d’associations et de syndicats dénoncent les comportements violents des forces de l’ordre. Et demandent à la ministre de l’Ecologie Ségolène Royal de surseoir immédiatement aux opérations de déboisement.

Dutch Study Says Wi-Fi Makes Trees Sick A recent study by Dutch scientists found that Wi-Fi radiation could be responsible for sickness in urban-populated trees. Image: baltimoresun What would life be like without Wi-Fi, bringer of high speed internet access? Probably pretty inconvenient considering that millions of computer users around the world use it at home, at work and other public places to get online. Having access to wireless networks makes our lives easier, but according to a Dutch study from Wageningen University, this access may be compromising the health of trees. The study began five years ago in the city of Alphen aan den Rijn.

Decoin Testet : les lycéens se révoltent contre le massacre de la nature et la violence policière Toulouse, correspondant « Il fallait trouver un moyen pour que la mobilisation remonte beaucoup plus haut ». Amine, lycéen de Gaillac, n’est pas très à l’aise quand on l’interroge sur ce qui se passe dans son établissement depuis le début de la semaine. Global Justice Ecology Project: , Hinesburg, VT Israeli biotech firm says its modified eucalyptus trees can displace the fossil fuel industry by John Vidal, environment editor, The Guardian, Thursday 15 November 2012 GM eucalyptus trees at five-and-a-half years old, grown in a field trial. FutureGene claims GM species grow thicker and faster than the natural plant, making it possible to be grown for energy generation.It's a timber company's dream but a horrific industrial vision for others: massive plantations of densely planted GM eucalyptus trees stretching across Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia and China, engineered to grow 40% faster for use as paper, as pellets for power stations and as fuel for cars. The prospect is close, says Stanley Hirsch, chief executive of the Israeli biotech company FuturaGene. All that is missing, he says, are permissions from governments for the trees to be grown commercially, and backing from conservation groups and certification bodies.


Thanks for the update, except why have you repeated this comment 87 times? by cdancer Apr 20

=repeat and repeat= disaster communication ? :-) by reel Apr 20

This group next total support - the Amazon and its indigenous people are being raped and plundered. Act now folks! by bobgreenie Apr 20

This group next total support - the Amazon and its indigenous people are being raped and plundered. Act now folks! by bobgreenie Apr 20

This group next total support - the Amazon and its indigenous people are being raped and plundered. Act now folks! by bobgreenie Apr 20

This group next total support - the Amazon and its indigenous people are being raped and plundered. Act now folks! by bobgreenie Apr 20

This group next total support - the Amazon and its indigenous people are being raped and plundered. Act now folks! by bobgreenie Apr 20

This group next total support - the Amazon and its indigenous people are being raped and plundered. Act now folks! by bobgreenie Apr 20

This group next total support - the Amazon and its indigenous people are being raped and plundered. Act now folks! by bobgreenie Apr 20

This group next total support - the Amazon and its indigenous people are being raped and plundered. Act now folks! by bobgreenie Apr 20

This group next total support - the Amazon and its indigenous people are being raped and plundered. Act now folks! by bobgreenie Apr 20

This group next total support - the Amazon and its indigenous people are being raped and plundered. Act now folks! by bobgreenie Apr 20

This group next total support - the Amazon and its indigenous people are being raped and plundered. Act now folks! by bobgreenie Apr 20

This group next total support - the Amazon and its indigenous people are being raped and plundered. Act now folks! by bobgreenie Apr 20

This group next total support - the Amazon and its indigenous people are being raped and plundered. Act now folks! by bobgreenie Apr 20

This group next total support - the Amazon and its indigenous people are being raped and plundered. Act now folks! by bobgreenie Apr 20

This group next total support - the Amazon and its indigenous people are being raped and plundered. Act now folks! by bobgreenie Apr 20

This group next total support - the Amazon and its indigenous people are being raped and plundered. Act now folks! by bobgreenie Apr 20

This group next total support - the Amazon and its indigenous people are being raped and plundered. Act now folks! by bobgreenie Apr 20

This group next total support - the Amazon and its indigenous people are being raped and plundered. Act now folks! by bobgreenie Apr 20
