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Wonders of Math - The Game of Life

Wonders of Math - The Game of Life
What is the Game of Life? by Paul Callahan Rules of the Game of Life Life is played on a grid of square cells--like a chess board but extending infinitely in every direction. A cell can be live or dead. A live cell is shown by putting a marker on its square. A dead cell is shown by leaving the square empty. To apply one step of the rules, we count the number of live neighbors for each cell. A dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell (birth). Note: The number of live neighbors is always based on the cells before the rule was applied. In Life, as in nature, we observe many fascinating phenomena. The rules described above are all that's needed to discover anything there is to know about Life, and we'll see that this includes a great deal. Life Patterns A good way to get started in Life is to try out different patterns and see what happens. The R-pentomino is the first pattern Conway found that defied his attempts to simulate by hand. How Complex Can Life Get?

Math Monday: Hula Hoop Geometry, Part 1 By Glen Whitney for the Museum of Mathematics Math Mondays have so far featured a wide array of different items from which one can make a tremendous variety of geometric constructions, but there has not yet been one on hula hoops. This week and next we’ll remedy that oversight. Also, the postings so far have almost entirely shown the constructions as fait accompli, so this series will also try to give a bit of insight into the process of devising a new creation. First, why hula hoops?

Graphs of Functions and Algebra - Interactive Tutorials Free tutorials using java applets to explore, interactively, important topics in precalculus such as quadratic, rational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, polynomial, absolute value functions and their graphs. Equations of lines, circles, ellipses, hyperbolas and parabolas are also explored interactively. Graph shifting, scaling and reflection are also included. The definition and properties of inverse functions are thoroughly investigated. A graphical approach to 2 by 2 systems of equations is included. Cranial Nerves Can't remember the names of the cranial nerves? Here is a handy-dandy mnemonic for you: On Old Olympus Towering Top AFamous Vocal German Viewed Some Hops. The bold letters stand for:

2048 Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile! New Game How to play: Use your arrow keys to move the tiles. What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree Clever student: I know! Now we just plug in x=0, and we see that zero to the zero is one! Algebra II - Math for Morons Like Us As of July 1, 2013 ThinkQuest has been discontinued. We would like to thank everyone for being a part of the ThinkQuest global community: Students - For your limitless creativity and innovation, which inspires us all. Teachers - For your passion in guiding students on their quest. About What is “junk science”? Junk science is faulty scientific data and analysis used to advance special interests and hidden agendas. Examples of special interests include: The media may use junk science to produce sensational headlines and programming, the purpose of which is to generate increased readership and viewership. More readers and viewers mean more revenues from advertisement. CAUTION: Being wrong is not the same as being guilty of junk science.

Chris Smoove Chris Smoove T-Shirts! The shirts ship internationally! Giveaway Details Exploring Multivariable Calculus And then relaunch Chrome. Instructors: If you are an instructor using this project in any way, please send me an email to let me know of your interest. I would love to see more people using the materials from this project, and it is important that I be able to report how the project is doing to the NSF. I also encourage anyone who is interested in this project to take the time to write something on the discussion board. You will need to become a member to do this, but I am the only one who will see this member information.

Free Trigonometry Tutorials and Problems Free tutorials and problems on solving trigonometric equations, trigonometric identities and formulas can also be found. Java applets are used to explore, interactively, important topics in trigonometry such as graphs of the 6 trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions, unit circle, angle and sine law. Interactive Trigonometry Tutorials (Applets)
