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Working together to end poverty and injustice

Working together to end poverty and injustice

Climate Leaders Learn How to Measure and Lower GHG Emissions Throughout an Organization's Supply Chain » EPA's Center for Corporate Climate Leadership serves as a resource center for all organizations looking to expand their work in the area of greenhouse gas (GHG) measurement and management. The Center was launched in 2012 to establish norms of climate leadership by encouraging organizations with emerging climate objectives to identify and achieve cost-effective GHG emission reductions, while helping more advanced organizations drive innovations in reducing their greenhouse gas impacts in their supply chains and beyond.

Peanut Butter for the Hungry Farmer Education/Trng Summary Peanut Butter for the Hungry is seeking funds to develop a "grower training" program for local farmers in poor areas that suffer from malnutrition, (i.e. Africa) by teaching better peanut farming and post harvest handling methods, so that these local farmers can offer a higher quality product and receive better prices for their peanuts.

Leaked Cable: Hike food prices to boost GM crop approval By Rady AnandaFood Freedom In a January 2008 meeting, US and Spain trade officials strategized how to increase acceptance of genetically modified foods in Europe, including inflating food prices on the commodities market, according to a leaked US diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks. During the meeting, Secretary of State for International Trade, Pedro Mejia, and Secretary General Alfredo Bonet “noted that commodity price hikes might spur greater liberalization on biotech imports.” Millennium Promise - Home About Us At Millennium Promise, our vision is the eradication of extreme poverty, hunger, and preventable disease within our lifetime. Our mission is to provide the operational platform and resource mobilization for the Millennium Villages Project, which empowers communities to lift themselves out of extreme poverty. We believe that extreme poverty can be cut in half by 2015, even in some of the poorest, most remote places in the world. Through the Millennium Villages Project we are showing how, using a holistic, science-based approach to benefit more than 500,000 people across sub-Saharan Africa. Farmers cultivating their maize crops in the Millennium Village of Mayange (Rwanda).

Aquaponic Gardening: Growing Fish and Vegetables Together What if I told you that you could catch fish for dinner right in your own backyard? And if you did, what if I told you that right up until you caught those fish, they were growing the veggies for the rest of your dinner? Would you believe me? You should! This is all within reach using a new style of gardening called aquaponics. Aquaponics is, at its most basic level, the marriage of aquaculture (raising fish) and hydroponics (growing plants in water and without soil) together in one integrated system. Biodiversity Loss Elizabeth Kolbertr discusses the Sixth Extinction ) The biodiversity crisis — i.e. the rapid loss of species and the rapid degradation of ecosystems — is probably a greater threat than global climate change to the stability and prosperous future of humankind on Earth. - professor Carsten Rahbek, Director for the Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate, University of Copenhagen. temperature zones are migrating towards the equator at 5 km/year- Dennis Meadows, author of Limits to Growth Biodiversity is humanity’s life-support system, delivering everything from food, to clean water and air, to recreation and tourism, to novel chemicals that drive our advanced civilization. Yet there is an increasingly well-documented global trend in biodiversity loss, triggered by a host of human activities - Camilo Mora, University of Hawaii

Screening Green Businesses Certification for Green Businesses Green America certifies businesses that are committed to using business as a platform for social change. Since 1982, Green America has evaluated over 8,000 small businesses. We've helped leading green companies like Seventh Generation, Honest Tea, and Clif Bar take off in the marketplace. We connect people to entrepreneurs building sustainable enterprises from the ground up and Main Street businesses that serve their communities. Tips for Seed-Starting Success Spring time is here. You want to start your urban garden from seed this year, but you're not sure where to start because you’ve only started from transplants. “Unlike transplants, seedlings are fragile and require newborn-like attention,” said Michelle Moore, owner of year round gardening supply company The Greenhouse Catalog. This can definitely seem like quite the challenge to face, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some ways to help you successfully start your seeds.
