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What is Genius Hour? - Genius Hour

What is Genius Hour? - Genius Hour
What is Genius Hour? Genius hour is a movement that allows students to explore their own passions and encourages creativity in the classroom. It provides students a choice in what they learn during a set period of time during school. It’s not easy to determine where the idea was originally created, but there are at least two events that have impacted genius hour. Genius Hour Origins The search-engine giant, Google, allows it’s engineers to spend 20% of their time to work on any pet project that they want. Another origin of genius hour projects came from the book Drive by best-selling author, Daniel Pink. Each week, employees can take a Genius Hour — 60 minutes to work on new ideas or master new skills. Genius Hour in Education The same genius hour principles apply in the classroom as they do in the corporate environment. by Angela Maiers and Amy Sandoval. Many teachers are raving about the autonomy that students are finding in their classes, including myself. FREE Genius Hour Workshop Blog

Create a new Lean Canvas Lean Canvas is an adaptation of Business Model Canvas by Alexander Osterwalder which Ash Maurya created in the Lean Startup spirit (Fast, Concise and Effective startup). Lean Canvas promises an actionable and entrepreneur-focused business plan. It focuses on problems, solutions, key metrics and competitive advantages. The structure is similar to the well-known Business Model Canvas, but some sections have been exchanged.For more information about the author of this canvas, please refer to the blogpost explaining Lean Canvas and the ideas behind it on his website: If you want to try it out without entering your email address, please use our public Lean Demo Canvas for a first impression. Alex Osterwalder’s Business Model Generation is a great hit that illustrates a range of planning and marketing strategies for competitive and business success.

1 Genius Thing We Did in Our Class This Year | Today is a Great Day for Learning This is a post long in the works and one that has seen many different versions prior to me pressing the publish button. I hope you enjoy. Image Courtesy of Denise Krebs This past year I shared with my grade 7 students an exciting and creative project idea I learned about through my PLN (Personal Learning Network) on Twitter. Free image courtesy of Denise Krebs, connected this idea to the classroom. In order for students to be innovative they need opportunity to explore their passions, question their learning, reflect, and show. 1. 2. What new idea do you want to develop? 3. 4. 5. Long Phi’s Artwork usingSpray Can app for iPadA hockey stick from scratch, baked cookies and cakes (yum!) 6. 7. 8. At the end of every school year I have students write a letter to future students about what to expect for next year. Sincerely, Hugh McDonald (@hughtheteacher) If you enjoyed this blog entry, please consider sharing it! Educators who blog about #Geniushour and other Education Topics

Core SEL Competencies Social and emotional learning (SEL) enhances students’ capacity to integrate skills, attitudes, and behaviors to deal effectively and ethically with daily tasks and challenges. Like many similar frameworks, CASEL’s integrated framework promotes intrapersonal, interpersonal, and cognitive competence. There are five core competencies that can be taught in many ways across many settings. Many educators and researchers are also exploring how best to assess these competencies. The ability to accurately recognize one’s own emotions, thoughts, and values and how they influence behavior. 23 Videos That Sparked Genius Hour Thinking, Collaboration, and Actions | Today is a Great Day for Learning In our classroom this year my colleague Gallit Zvi and I used many youtube videos to inspire resiliency, grit , and hope in our students prior to guiding them in formulating their inquiry questions about their passions and wonders during our weekly Genius Hour time. Many of the videos were shared with me through wonderful connections I made with educator learners on Twitter, Facebook, and at various workshops. I love my PLN! However I am proud to say students and teachers in our room inspired each other too. Some of our work is shared on this list too. Enjoy the list and please share your own favourites! Sincerely, Hugh McDonald 1. 2. 3. 4. 15-Yr-Old Kelvin Doe Wows M.I.T. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Like this: Like Loading...

Embrace Change in the New Year with Genius Hour - Getting Smart by Susan Oxnevad - #geniushour, badges, edchat, edreform, elearning, eportfolios, Innovation Genius Hour is a powerful movement popping up in classrooms everywhere. The idea encourages students to explore and develop their own passions and creativity. The idea is based on a business practice used by Google’s development team. Genius Hour Genius Hour Rules • Work stems from driving questions • Research must play a big role • Projects must be completed and shared, ideally globally Genius Hour for Real-World Learning In order to develop something truly remarkable, we must first engage in constructive play driven by passion. “As education leaders incorporate the CCSS into school systems, P21 urges them to do so in a way that honors the fusion of the 3R’s (core academic content mastery) and 4C’s (critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration, communication and creativity and innovation). Documenting Genius Hour Genius Hour is not casual learning, it’s inspired, experimental, and sometimes spontaneous. Blogging to Document Genius Hour Exploring ePortfolios to Document Genius Hour

What’s So Genius about Genius Hour? Our very first genius hour – a glorious mess erupted! I hope you have heard of genius hour or 20% time before and that this will be just an extra post to highlight its amazingness. However, if you haven’t or are not quite sure how to do a genius hour, please read and hopefully be inspired to do it with your students. Genius hour first started popping up in my life a few years ago as I was implementing Innovation Day in my classroom. Essentially, genius hour in my room is an hour in which the students get to learn and create something under a certain umbrella topic all within one hour. Before: Discussion is your key. During: Stay out of the way. After: Present. Random Thins: What if a child fails completely? To see more pictures from our genius hours’ go to our website I am a passionate (female) 5th grade teacher in Wisconsin, USA, proud techy geek, and mass consumer of incredible books. Like this: Like Loading...
