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The $1.3 Trillion Price Of Not Tweeting At Work

The $1.3 Trillion Price Of Not Tweeting At Work
On June 6, Larry Ellison--CEO of Oracle, one of the largest and most advanced computer technology corporations in the world--tweeted for the very first time. In doing so, he joined a club that remains surprisingly elite. Among CEOs of the world’s Fortune 500 companies, a mere 20 have Twitter accounts. Ellison, by the way, hasn’t tweeted since. As social media spreads around the globe, one enclave has proven stubbornly resistant: the boardroom. Within the C-suite, perceptions remain that social media is at best a soft PR tool and at worst a time sink for already distracted employees. A new report from McKinsey Global Institute, however, makes the business case for social media a little easier to sell. Savings comes from some unexpected places. Companies are embracing social tools--including internal networks, wikis, and real-time chat--for functions that go way beyond marketing and community building. Behind this laundry list is a more hefty benefit.

The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies | McKinsey Global Institute | Technology & Innovation In a few short years, social technologies have given social interactions the speed and scale of the Internet. Whether discussing consumer products or organizing political movements, people around the world constantly use social-media platforms to seek and share information. Companies use them to reach consumers in new ways too; by tapping into these conversations, organizations can generate richer insights and create precisely targeted messages and offers. While 72 percent of companies use social technologies in some way, very few are anywhere near to achieving the full potential benefit. In fact, the most powerful applications of social technologies in the global economy are largely untapped. Exhibit Improved communication and collaboration through social technologies could raise the productivity of interaction workers by 20 to 25 percent. Enlarge Two-thirds of this potential value lies in improving collaboration and communication within and across enterprises.

AndesBeat Expertise – Social Business Planning Today, business runs at real time and companies need to adapt faster than ever. In order to meet the challenges which fast moving technologies and new customer behaviors create—a business must evolve its people, processes and technology platforms in order to take full advantage of market conditions. Edelman's Social Business Planning services help companies manage this change strategically and holistically. We've helped companies like Waste Management re-organize their internal governance and social business infrastructure to create a unified external presence in social media. Social Business Planning is Edelman's proprietary methodology for managing organizational change in a connected world. For more information about our capabilities in social business planning, please contact David Armano.

Para que serve um muro de arrimo na construção | Blog da Engenharia Um muro de arrimo, ou parede de retenção, é uma estrutura de estabilização usada para segurar o chão inclinado no lugar e para evitar a erosão e o movimento do solo, especialmente em atividades na construção civil. Uma parede de retenção deve ser substancial e resistente na estrutura de modo a acomodar e redistribuir a pressão causada pela inclinação do solo. O muro é normalmente projetado com orifícios de infiltração, que permitem recolher a água subterrânea antes de ela escapar. Vários materiais diferentes podem ser usados para construir uma parede de retenção. Erguer uma parede de retenção pode ter uma série de passos ou fases, o que permite um design mais atraente, bem como mais eficiente no controle da erosão. Pedras grandes e dormentes foram muitas vezes utilizados para construir um muro em camadas de retenção no passado. Via Manutenção & Suprimentos

Breakdown: Social Media Workflow, Process, Triage Left: Altimeter Research found that most companies lack a formalized process –and even out of the advanced, only 76% had a process in place, read the full report on Social Readiness. The purpose of these breakdown posts is to serve as an industry reference as the space advanced to optimization and performance. The assumption is that a company is forming a Center of Excellence or ruling body, or has recently done so before deploying this key component. Needs: Companies desire to be efficient –not having a workflow puts company at riskLike our bodies, cities, and corporations, all complex organisms have a natural process and order that helps to reduce inefficiencies and increases the end goals. Definition: A Social Media Workflow, Process, or Triage is a sequence of connected steps that enables the entire organization to act efficiently with minimal overlapping tasks and resources in order to serve the market in social channels and beyond. Ensure the Goals are Established and Aligned.

Fundo de R$ 486 milhões do governo quer incentivar criação de startups O governo federal anunciou nesta segunda-feira (20/8) um novo fundo de investimentos para incentivar a criação de start-ups e o fortalecimento da indústria de tecnologia brasileira. De acordo com documento divulgado à Folha de S. Paulo, o poder executivo destinará R$ 486 milhões para o setor de software até 2015. Segundo o plano, apresentado pelo ministro Marco Antonio Raupp em um evento em São Paulo, as start-ups poderão obter financiamentos de até R$ 200 mil, que serão tirados do orçamento da União. Os investimentos serão divididos em 15 setores: aeroespacial, supercomputação, mobilidade, defesa cibernética, computação em nuvem, petróleo e gás, saúde, educação, energia, agricultura, finanças, mineração, eventos esportivos e software livre. Além do investimento nas companhias nascentes, o governo federal criará uma certificação para que pequenas e médias empresas possam participar de licitações públicas e instalará quatro centros de inovação no país, ainda não detalhados.

How to transform a cause-driven organisation into a social business The transformation into a social business is key to survival for cause-driven organisations. Photograph: Toby Melville/REUTERS Social business was a term first coined by Muhammad Yunus to describe cause-driven businesses whose success is measured by their social rather than financial impact. Social businesses differ from social enterprises in that they are genuinely self-sufficient and do not rely on grants and philanthropy to deliver social impact. The social business of today has evolved from being solely based on the cause, to being profit driven as well. This philosophy is evident in many leading social sector organisations, including Catch22, a 200-year-old national charity that supports young people and vulnerable adults in transforming their lives, and the London Early Years Foundation (LEYF), a London wide social enterprise that works to ensure that children have the best start in life. Motivations for adopting a social business model Challenges of transformation

resolva | Pedro Sorren | Cultura Start-up e Empreendedorismo. 1% melhor a cada dia Fala pessoal! Com muita alegria e alguma dose de suor tenho o prazer em informar a vocês que o , start-up da qual faço parte como founder, passou para a segunda fase da Chamada Aceleradora 2011 ! Para você que não sabe, a Aceleradora é a versão brasileira da Techstars . Já escrevi sobre o programa deles outras vezes aqui no blog , ResultsOn e Startupi . Eles são um programa de seed investment (ou capital semente – eu acho bizarro falar assim), liderado pelo Yuri Gitahy com um time de ótimos mentores. Para essa segunda fase foram escolhidos os melhores projetos baseados em critérios como time, idéias e execução. Nós do precisamos da sua ajuda para a próxima fase! Um dos critérios para passarmos e nos tornarmos oficialmente uma das Start-ups da Aceleradora é mostrar a nossa capacidade de gerar buzz, portanto eu peço educadamente para você, querido visitante do meu blog que vá para o e vote em nós! Clique Aqui para Votar!

Social is now integral to business strategy: report Most companies now look at social media as a key part of their marketing and overall business strategies, according to new research by Econsultancy and Adobe. 66% of digital marketers surveyed working for companies with an annual turnover of more than £100m agreed that ‘social media is integral to business strategy’, while 67% said that social media activity was ‘integral to their marketing mix’. Our Quarterly Digital Intelligence Briefing: Managing and Measuring Social looks at social media uses, challenges and needs from companies today. It is based on a survey of 650 marketing professionals. Here are a few highlights from the report... How social is integral to business While the majority of all respondents see social as an integral part of business strategy, there are still plenty of respondents at larger firms who have yet to see the light, as far as social is concerned. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? The role of social Social media objectives and measurement

Google © 2021 - Privacy - Terms Salesforce 'social enterprise takeover' protest hots up as sector heavyweights join in Social entrepreneur and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus is among the high profile figures from around the world who have signed a letter criticising Salesforce's attempts to trademark the term 'social enterprise'. The letter is the latest development in the furore surrounding the application by the cloud computing software company to trademark the phrase in the EU, US, Australia and Jamaica. The company uses the term to describe businesses which successfully embrace social media to engage with customers but social enterprise is also widely understood to describe businesses that exist to tackle social and environmental issues. "Your organisation’s attempts to take over the term are very damaging to our movement. "The movement is achieving so much and growing rapidly but is still in its relative infancy. In the UK, the protest has been led by lobby group Social Enterprise UK (SEUK). The letter in full: Dear Marc Benioff Yours sincerely Professor Richard Wilkinson Liam Black
