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Raspberry Pi VPN Server - Brad Wells

Raspberry Pi VPN Server - Brad Wells
You have a raspberry pi— a low-power always-on computer. Why not use it as a VPN server for tunneling your internet through when travelling? This could, for example, help you ensure a secure browsing experience when you’re on a sketchy public wifi network. Or perhaps you’re considering moving to another country for a couple months. Just find a friend or family member who is willing to let you mooch off their internet from time to time, and plug your Raspberry Pi into their network while you’re away. This will give you an American IP address for utilizing all those US only services while you’re abroad. Don’t have a Raspberry Pi? Contents VPN Server Setup (Raspberry Pi) First, you’ll need a kernel with MPPE support. sudo modprobe ppp-compress-18 If this works without any errors, your kernel should do the job. sudo apt-get install pptpd Next, edit ‘/etc/pptpd.conf’ If you have started an X session, you can use a graphical text editor. leafpad /etc/pptpd.conf sudo vi /etc/pptpd.conf Router Setup

Raspberry Pi Tutorial – Connect to WiFi or Create An Encrypted DHCP Enabled Ad-hoc Network as Fallback | Lasse Christiansen Development In this post I describe how I have configured my Raspberry Pi (RPi) to first attempt to connect to WiFi and if that fails, create and use an ad-hoc network as fallback (in this way I can always reach the RPi via SSH). The blog post is based on the following “How To” from the Raspberry Pi forum: – however, I have introduced a level of more detail and a couple of modifications in order to get faster boot time and support for multiple wireless networks (see my previous RPi blogt post suvery for details on which parts of that “How To” I think are good as well as which I think can be improved). Hardware The WiFi adapter I have used for this tutorial is the Edimax EW-7811Un (more details here) which seems to be one of the more popular WiFi adapters for the RPi (at least based on the amount of forum posts where it appears). Software This tutorial has been tested with success on: 2012-09-18-wheezy-raspbian2012-10-28-wheezy-raspbian

Building an economical OpenVPN server using the Raspberry Pi « Remi Bergsma's blog The Raspberry Pi is a $35 credit-card sized computer, with an ARM-based CPU. It uses very little power (only 3 Watt), so it’s ideal for a server that’s always-on. I was thinking what’d be a nice task for my Raspberry Pi and came up with an OpenVPN server. This enables me to connect to my home from anywhere, for example to access some files or to access the internet from there. Before we start, Let’s have a look what’s on board the Raspberry Pi so you’ve an idea what we talk about: Here’s mine in action: Now, let’s see how we can turn it into a OpenVPN server. After the install finishes, you need to generate keys for the server and the client(s). The ‘easy-rsa’-tool has a file called ‘vars’ that you can edit to set some defaults. Load the vars like this (note the two dots): Then we need to generate keys: The first line makes sure we start from scratch. We need to copy the keys to the OpenVPN folder. Last step is to configure the server. When you’re done, start OpenVPN like this: You’ll see:

raspbian - Where are the WiFi config settings stored? - Raspberry Pi Beta - Stack Exchange If you are talking about NetworkManager settings, they are in: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections If you do a ls -l you will see all your wireless networks there, one file per network. If you want to delete a connection, you simply need to delete the corresponding file. [connection] id=YourNetworkName uuid=929ceffc-8191-4dea-9a61-b4b174b9c910 type=802-11-wireless timestamp=1218126248 [802-11-wireless] ssid=YourNetworkName mode=infrastructure mac-address=00:28:F7:21:B1:19 security=802-11-wireless-security [802-11-wireless-security] key-mgmt=wpa-psk psk=yourpasswordgoeshere [ipv4] method=manual dns=;; addresses1=;24;; [ipv6] method=auto Everything is easily editable, provided that you know what these parameters mean. For what concerns your last question: Is there a better way to config WiFi on the Raspberry Pi than this program?

Unix / Linux Fork Bomb Explained (Discalimer: if you run this command and something goes wrong with your computer's hardware, software or if you lose your work or data, please do not hold me responsible. You have been warned) In case you are a Windows user, we have an article about: Windows Fork Bombs! What is a Fork Bomb Unlike what its pronunciation might suggest, a fork bomb does not throw dining forks at you when it explodes. A fork bomb is something which calls the fork function indefinitely and rapidly, thus exhausting all system resources. How does a fork bomb work? In this case ‘:’ is the name of the bash function (and is interpreted by the shell itself). When a user runs the fork bomb, it defines a function named ‘:’. The definition of the function contains the root of bomb. To launch the bomb, all you need to do is to type (or copy-paste) those seemingly harmless letters in your Linux terminal and hit enter. How to protect against fork bombs

[Tuto] Installer MPD sur Raspberry Pi (distrib Raspbian) Raspberry Pi est une petite carte se comportant comme un PC. Elle est vendu 35 USD et nous la transformons ici en lecteur audio réseau avec MPD. Code: Tout sélectionner ssh -l pi <adresse ip> pi est le nom d'utilisateurLa commande pour vérifier si MPD tourne déjà ou non. certaines erreurs viennent de là ps aux | grep mpd Cela donne une réponse de ce genre (ici MPD fonctionne) 5481 root 28160 D mpd /etc/mpd.conf Pour arrêter MPD, utilisez alors (adaptez au PID de votre système) kill -9 5481 Une manière bien plus élégante est proposée par Lauhub en page 33. ifconfig La suite peut se faire directement sur le MPD via le clavier (encore branché...) ou en SSH, plus confortable. sudo nano /etc/hosts commenter les lignes suivantes (ajouter un # devant) sauf si vous avez un réseau local IP-v6 #::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback#fe00::0 ip6-localnet#ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix#ff02::1 ip6-allnodes#ff02::2 ip6-allrouters#ff02::3 ip6-allhosts SauvegardezAdresse IP StatiqueAttribuer une adresse IP fixe au Rasberry Pi.

Installation Guide for motion detection with webcam For the file storage, you could use NFS (assuming you have a linux box elsewhere on the same network). On the other linux box:1. sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server2. sudo {your editor of choice} /etc/exports - this file tells your nfs server which computers are allowed to connect to which folder on your nfs server3. To allow any computer on your network to connect to a folder on your nfs server (assuming your router assigned IPs in the range... you might have to change that to depending on the DHCP settings on your router.) /the/folder/,fsid=0,insecure,no_subtree_check,async) On your PI:4. {your nfs servers ip}:/the/folder /home/pi/nfs nfs soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 8. You should now be able to navigate to /home/pi/nfs and see everything in the folder on your other computer.

s Raspberry Pi Lesson 7. Remote Control with VNC @Raspberry_Pi +raspberrypi #piday December 21, 2012 AT 7:46 pm Adafruit’s Raspberry Pi Lesson 7. Remote Control with VNC @ The Adafruit Learning System. In this lesson we will explain how to install and use VNC on your raspberry Pi. This will allow you to see your Raspberry Pi’s desktop remotely in a graphical way, using the mouse as if you were sitting in front of your Pi.Connecting to a Pi like this can save on desktop clutter, and the problem of having multiple keyboards and mice all over the place. Learn more. Tutorial: Adafruit’s Raspberry Pi Lesson 6. In this lesson you will learn how to remote control your Raspberry Pi over your local network using Secure Shell (SSH). Learn more. Adafruit’s Raspberry Pi Lesson 5. In this lesson you will learn how to remote control your Raspberry Pi with a console cable. Learn more. Adafruit’s Raspberry Pi Lesson 4. One of the great things about the Raspberry Pi is that it has a GPIO connector to which you can attach external hardware. Learn more! Learn more! Learn more! Learn more!

Logging into a Rasberry Pi using Public/Private Keys « Steve @ DynamicEdge In a previous post we covered enabling sshd on the Raspberry Pi. Now that we’ve got SSH setup I’ll cover how to log in using a public/private key-pair rather than using password authentication. This is particularly useful if you’re going to put the Pi on the public internet. It’s also pretty handy if you can’t be bothered to type your password each time you ssh into the device. The first step is to ensure that you have a public private key-pair installed on your local machine. I won’t cover creating these in any detail as there are plenty of guides available. Next up we need to copy our keys over to the Rasberry Pi. This assumes that your private key is stored in ~/.ssh/ and that the ip address of the server is Now we should be able to log in using: This time we shouldn’t be asked for a password it should use the key instead! Disallowing password login. We now need to restart sshd. Like this: Like Loading...

An Unofficial Raspberry Pi Blog: How to Setup Remote Desktop from a Windows Machine to your Raspberry Pi - Step by Step Guide As I mentioned in the previous post I recently found the need to be able to remote desktop to my Raspberry Pi. This is a step by step guide on how to set it up. What does this guide help me do? It will let you control your Raspberry Pi from another machine. Before we get started a few clarifications: This guide is to set up remote desktop from another computer on your home network to your Raspberry Pi. What do I need before I get started? A Raspberry Pi running the latest Raspbian “wheezy” image (at time of writing The Steps Raspberry Pi Setup So first we need to install some software on the Raspberry Pi, but don't worry it is very easy! Start up your Pi to the terminal prompt. Second Machine Setup 1. 2. 3. 5. 6.

RPi Remote Access Back to Beginners Page A default install of a Rpi will probably have an ssh daemon running. This means that the board is listening on port 22 for a remote host asking for a connection. You can run a command line, file transfer or GUI over a port 22 connection to the Rpi. Initial Setup Prior to your initial remote access it is recommended that you generate unique host public/private keys with the following command[1] sudo rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_* && sudo dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server You can execute these commands after having logged in remotely, and if executed while logged in from a remote client you will not be disconnected mid-session. You need to have a SSH client program. In order for this to work you must have port 22 open between you and the Pi. Linux and Mac OS X ssh <ip address of your Rpi> -l <username of RPi user you set up previously> Here is a record of what happens with me Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law.

Raspberry Pi Thin Client project Raspberry Pi - Partager des… - Raspberry Pi :… - Raspberry Pi :… - Raspberry Pi :… - Réception du… - KeepLoGeek Using NFS to provide extra disk to a Raspberry PI | Peter Mount's Blog As the Raspberry PI uses an SD Card for it’s boot device there are times when you need either more space than is available on that device or a device that’s faster – writing to flash is slow and flash cards do have a limited number of writes that can be made to them. Now there’s several ways to accomplish this: Use an external USB drive (the common route)Use a network shared drive Using a USB drive is simple and is the faster option but it means it’s dedicated to the PI whilst it’s in use, hence this article on using a network drive – in this instance a directory on another Linux box in the network. Also having it shared on the network means that multiple machines could use it at the same time. For this article I’m going to show how to setup a directory on a server and the raspberry pi as the client. tabitha – Ubuntu server that will host the directorylindesfarne – Raspberry PI client running the stock Debian SD Imagekell – second Raspberry PI client also running Debian. Right lets test it.
