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Sélection de Slideshow et Carrousels - Ressources & Outils Cet article a 2 années. Il commence à dater, lisez-le donc en gardant son âge en tête ! Merci publié le Lu 56 420 fois. Ayant récemment eu besoin de parcourir les ressources du web à la recherche d’une solution de slideshow simple et personnalisable, j’ai rencontré quelques bonnes choses. Essayons de classer ces ressources, mais ça ne sera pas toujours facile. Slideshow simple Basic Slider Plugin de jQuery – Gratuit Basic Slider est un plugin robuste permettant d’insérer dans chaque slide un contenu varié : image, texte, image légendée, vidéo, code HTML riche, etc. Voir les démonstrations Doc et téléchargement SlidesJS Plugin de jQuery – Gratuit SlidesJS est un plugin au design simple et élégant. Voir une démonstration Doc et téléchargement WOW Slider Plugin de jQuery – Gratuit (non-commercial), Payant (commercial, à partir de $69) Voir les démonstrations Téléchargement Slideshow responsive FlexSlider Voir la démonstration Le télécharger BlueBerry Voir la démonstration Le télécharger Swipe JS Skitter

What is @font-face and How to Use It in CSS @font-face is a CSS rule that allows you to input your own font to appear on a website even when the particular font is not installed on the visitor’s computer. The most important thing about this rule is that it opened a whole new world for designers. You are welcome to use just about any font you like and as many as you like. However, in the nature of design principles I do urge you to use a max of three fonts per design. Why it is awesome Like I said, @font-face opened a whole new world for designers. Additionally, @font-face got rid of the use of images as a solution to showcasing custom fonts instead of actual text; using text over images helps SEO and – more importantly – accessibility. How to use @font-face The following syntax is how you use @font-face. And then you reference it. That’s it. The previous example was using an outside source. In addition, there are three other font properties which you should be aware of. A word of advice Browser compatibility @font-face Resources TypeKit

jQuery One Page Navigation Plugin | Trevor Davis Sep 26, 2010 When appropriate, I am a fan of the one-page sites. I really like the ones that add smooth scrolling and highlight the navigation depending upon which part of the page you have scrolled to. I wanted the page to scroll smoothly when the navigation was clicked, so I used the jQuery ScrollTo plugin. If you want to skip ahead, you can check out the demo and download the plugin from GitHub. The Markup I started with an unordered list for the navigation and a bunch of sections: <ul id="nav"><li class="current"><a href="#section-1">Section 1</a></li><li><a href="#section-2">Section 2</a></li><li"><a href="#section-3">Section 3</a></li></ul><div id="section-1"><strong>Section 1</strong><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. The JavaScript Then, I added jQuery, the ScrollTo plugin, and my plugin to the page: Finally, I just need to call my plugin on the navigation: Options And that’s it.
