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The Scala Programming Language CSS3 Animations Comment imposer une expérience full HTML5 / CSS3 à vos visiteurs [Dictator mode] Décidément, ils ont toujours de bonnes idées chez Google... Afin de faire la nique à Internet Explorer et surtout de permettre aux Webmasters de proposer une expérience full HTML5 / CSS 3 à leurs visiteurs sous IE, le géant des Internetz a mis en ligne Google Chrome Frame. Google Chrome Frame ou GCF est un plugin pour IE qui permet d'utiliser le moteur de Chrome (webkit) sans devoir installer Chrome. Pratique pour ceux qui ont leurs petites habitudes ou des contraintes professionnelles. Ce qu'il faut savoir, c'est que ce plugin peut être activé et proposé par les webmasters grâce au code suivant, à placer dans le head de votre site : Et à placer juste après la balise de fermeture </body> : Ainsi, en arrivant sur votre site, vos visiteurs IE qui ne disposent pas encore de Chrome Frame verront la popup suivante : Ok, y'a plus sexy et moins intrusif, mais dans certains cas, ça peut servir. BrowserMatch chromeframe gcfHeader append X-UA-Compatible "chrome=1" env=gcf Et voilà ! Amusez-vous bien !

Ajax (programming) Ajax is not a single technology, but a group of technologies. HTML and CSS can be used in combination to mark up and style information. The DOM is accessed with JavaScript to dynamically display, and allow the user to interact with, the information presented. JavaScript and the XMLHttpRequest object provide a method for exchanging data asynchronously between browser and server to avoid full page reloads. In 1996, the iframe tag was introduced by Internet Explorer to load or to fetch content asynchronously. In 1998, Microsoft Outlook Web App team implemented the first component XMLHTTP by client script. Google made a wide deployment of standards-compliant, cross browser Ajax with Gmail (2004) and Google Maps (2005).[6] The term "Ajax" was publicly stated on 18 February 2005 by Jesse James Garrett in an article titled "Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications", based on techniques used on Google pages.[1] get-ajax-data.js: send-ajax-data.php: jQuery example

Clojure - home HTML DOM Document Objects Video Subtitling and WebVTT We’ve been able to play video in the browser without a plugin for a couple of years now, and whilst there are still some codec annoyances, things appear to have settled down on the video front. The next step is adding resources to the video to make it more accessible and provide more options to the viewer. We currently have no means to provide information about what’s happening or being said in the video, which means the video isn’t very accessible and the user can’t easily navigate to a particular section of the video. Thankfully, there’s a new format specification in the works called WebVTT (Web Video Text Tracks). As of now, it’s only in the WHATWG spec, but the recently established W3C Web Media Text Tracks Community Group should introduce a WebVTT spec to the W3C soon. You may recall a similar format called WebSRT (Web Subtitle Resource Tracks) that was recently under discussion. A WebVTT (.vtt) file is simply plain text containing several types of information about the video: Demo #

SVG with a little help from Raphaël Raphaël is a light-weight JavaScript library that renders dynamic SVG graphics including charts, graphs, vector-based animations and GUI components right into your web pages. Now, you’re probably thinking, I can already do this with jQuery, Google Charts, or even Flash! While this is true, Raphaël reveals new possibilities not currently available with these other technologies. Let’s learn how to create inline scalable vector images that work across browsers and degrade gracefully. Open language for an open web#section1 Issue № 310 The web is all about open standards and unencumbered technologies. But, what about Internet Explorer 6? JQuery#section2 What about jQuery? There are plenty of interesting jQuery graphics plugins, such as jqPlot, Flot, jQuery SVG, and others. Raphaël is smaller overall for creating basic vector graphics. It doesn’t have to be an either/or scenario. Dynamic Images#section3 Examples#section4 Progressive Enhancement#section5 Animations#section6 Conclusion#section9

Amit’s Game Programming Information What’s on this page? I’m interested in producing complexity out of simple parts. This page contains bookmarks that I collected while working on games; I did not write most of the content linked from here. As a result the set of links here reflects the types of things I needed to know: only a few specific topics (not everything related to game programming), general ideas instead of platform-specific information (graphics, sound, compilers), and ideas and designs instead of source code (I find it easier to go from an idea to code than from code to an idea). Other sites, like Gamedev Tuts+, Gamedev, and Gamasutra, cover lots more topics than mine does. Determining how to move around on a map is an interesting problem. These pages are about specific techniques for pathfinding and object movement: My current favorite algorithm is A*, because it can handle varying terrain costs well, and it seems to be faster than most graph searching algorithms. Code and Demos Data structures Displaying Tiles

memento-html5.pdf Introduction à l’HTML5 Cet article est destiné aux débutants en HTML5, et à tous ceux qui souhaitent en savoir un peu plus sur cette nouvelle technologie qui agite le web et le monde mobile. Si vous vous intéressez aux technologies du web, vous avez probablement déjà entendu parler de l’HTML5 aux cours des dernières années. Cette introduction va vous donner un premier aperçu de ce qui se cache derrière le terme HTML5, vous présentera le contexte dans lequel évolue cette technologie, et nous verrons un bon nombre de nouvelles fonctionnalités qu’il apporte. Sommaire : L’HTML5 c’est quoi ? L’HTML5 n’est pas… Tout d’abord, je suis convaincu que parmi vous certains se disent : L’HTML5, c’est un nouveau langage ? Ou encore : Je débute, j’ai envie d’apprendre l’HTML5 directement, ça a l’air mieux que l’HTML d’avant. Voire : Pfff, moi qui venait d’apprendre l’HTML, je vais devoir tout réapprendre… Il est grand temps de clarifier les choses : L’HTML5 n’est pas un nouveau langage. L’HTML5 est… Le W3C et le WHATWG On y arrive !

Case Study
Offline Storage Connectivity File Access Semantics Audio/Video 3D/Graphics Presentation Performance Nuts & Bolts by anturija Oct 23
