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Html5rocks - Tutorials

Html5rocks - Tutorials

CSS3 Animations Comment imposer une expérience full HTML5 / CSS3 à vos visiteurs [Dictator mode] Décidément, ils ont toujours de bonnes idées chez Google... Afin de faire la nique à Internet Explorer et surtout de permettre aux Webmasters de proposer une expérience full HTML5 / CSS 3 à leurs visiteurs sous IE, le géant des Internetz a mis en ligne Google Chrome Frame. Google Chrome Frame ou GCF est un plugin pour IE qui permet d'utiliser le moteur de Chrome (webkit) sans devoir installer Chrome. Pratique pour ceux qui ont leurs petites habitudes ou des contraintes professionnelles. Ce qu'il faut savoir, c'est que ce plugin peut être activé et proposé par les webmasters grâce au code suivant, à placer dans le head de votre site : Et à placer juste après la balise de fermeture </body> : Ainsi, en arrivant sur votre site, vos visiteurs IE qui ne disposent pas encore de Chrome Frame verront la popup suivante : Ok, y'a plus sexy et moins intrusif, mais dans certains cas, ça peut servir. BrowserMatch chromeframe gcfHeader append X-UA-Compatible "chrome=1" env=gcf Et voilà ! Amusez-vous bien !

Don’t Fear the Internet Five Things You Should Know About HTML5 You are here: Home Dive Into HTML5 1. It’s not one big thing You may well ask: “How can I start using HTML5 if older browsers don’t support it?” You may think of HTML as tags and angle brackets. Chapter 2 and Appendix A will teach you how to properly detect support for each new HTML5 feature. 2. Love it or hate it, you can’t deny that HTML 4 is the most successful markup format ever. Now, if you want to improve your web applications, you’ve come to the right place. Read all the gory details about HTML5 forms in Chapter 9. 3. “Upgrading” to HTML5 can be as simple as changing your doctype. Upgrading to the HTML5 doctype won’t break your existing markup, because obsolete elements previously defined in HTML 4 will still render in HTML5. 4. Whether you want to draw on a canvas, play video, design better forms, or build web applications that work offline, you’ll find that HTML5 is already well-supported. Each chapter of this book includes the all-too-familiar browser compatibility charts. 5.

HTML DOM Document Objects Video Subtitling and WebVTT We’ve been able to play video in the browser without a plugin for a couple of years now, and whilst there are still some codec annoyances, things appear to have settled down on the video front. The next step is adding resources to the video to make it more accessible and provide more options to the viewer. We currently have no means to provide information about what’s happening or being said in the video, which means the video isn’t very accessible and the user can’t easily navigate to a particular section of the video. Thankfully, there’s a new format specification in the works called WebVTT (Web Video Text Tracks). As of now, it’s only in the WHATWG spec, but the recently established W3C Web Media Text Tracks Community Group should introduce a WebVTT spec to the W3C soon. You may recall a similar format called WebSRT (Web Subtitle Resource Tracks) that was recently under discussion. A WebVTT (.vtt) file is simply plain text containing several types of information about the video: Demo #

HTML Tag Reference - HTML 5 and Beyond See the HTML Cheat Sheet for a handy reference for coding HTML tags and attributes. Tags in HTML Grouped by Function HTML Tags By Category category indicates where an HTML tag can be used. HTML Tags By Content Model HTML tags with a void content model cannot have an content, not even HTML commentsHTML tags with a empty content model expect nothing but white space and possibly HTML commentsHTML tags with a text content model expect nothing but text content and possibly HTML comments and white spaceHTML tags with a flow content model can contain flow elements, phrasing elements or embedded content elementsHTML tags with a phrasing content model can contain phrasing elements or embedded content elementsHTML tags with a transparent content model can contain the same type of content as the content model where the tag is usedHTML tags with a metadata content model can contain metadata elements back to top Declarations for HTML 5 <? The <? DOCTYPE declaration Processing Instructions for HTML 5 <html> tag

The article tag - Complete HTML5 tutorial The article element is one of the new elements that have been introduced with HTML5. As this is a new element there has been some confusion of how to use this element. But there seems to be an agreement that you use the <article> element when you markup content, that makes sense on its own. Using the Flour-article, the article element should be used like this (please note, that I have replaced a lot of the actual content with three dots, so that the example does not take up too much space): <! As you can see, the <article> element contains the <div id="header"> and the <div id="content"> as the content in these two <div>’s can be read as a whole article. Sometimes you need more than just one example and I’ve included another: Using the blog-entry example from previous chapters, you would use the article element to wrap each blog entry like this:

memento-html5.pdf Introduction à l’HTML5 Cet article est destiné aux débutants en HTML5, et à tous ceux qui souhaitent en savoir un peu plus sur cette nouvelle technologie qui agite le web et le monde mobile. Si vous vous intéressez aux technologies du web, vous avez probablement déjà entendu parler de l’HTML5 aux cours des dernières années. Cette introduction va vous donner un premier aperçu de ce qui se cache derrière le terme HTML5, vous présentera le contexte dans lequel évolue cette technologie, et nous verrons un bon nombre de nouvelles fonctionnalités qu’il apporte. Sommaire : L’HTML5 c’est quoi ? L’HTML5 n’est pas… Tout d’abord, je suis convaincu que parmi vous certains se disent : L’HTML5, c’est un nouveau langage ? Ou encore : Je débute, j’ai envie d’apprendre l’HTML5 directement, ça a l’air mieux que l’HTML d’avant. Voire : Pfff, moi qui venait d’apprendre l’HTML, je vais devoir tout réapprendre… Il est grand temps de clarifier les choses : L’HTML5 n’est pas un nouveau langage. L’HTML5 est… Le W3C et le WHATWG On y arrive !

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Case Study
Offline Storage Connectivity File Access Semantics Audio/Video 3D/Graphics Presentation Performance Nuts & Bolts by anturija Oct 23
