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The <font> Tag | change your text’s size, typeface and colour Path // → → THE <FONT> TAG The font tag was brought in early in HTML’s life to allow designers to change the size, typeface and colour of their text. It proceeded to do more harm than good — for all sorts of reasons — but mainly because it is a hugely inefficient way to format text. CSS text formatting is vastly superior, but knowledge of these old-style techniques is still useful. This page was last updated on 2012-08-21 Future Watch: Ever since HTML 4.01 came out in 1998, the <font> tag has been deprecated. Somewhat tragically, there has been little decline in <font> tag usage since then, so many years ago. CSS on the other hand, gives you far more control over how your text looks, and adds almost nothing to your download times. Further reading: The rest of this page is just a description of how the <font> tag used to work. Font Size You have two options when setting your text’s size: sizing it absolutely or relatively. <font size="2">text</font> Font Face 12pt Black Times New Roman
