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What You Should Know About Violence In Video Games What You Should Know About Violence In Video Games In 2013, most of the best video games are violent. Dishonored, Skyrim, Batman: Arkham City, Grand Theft Auto IV, Deus Ex, Hitman, The Walking Dead, Mass Effect, Planetside, Call of Duty, Torchlight II, Max Payne 3 and others almost all place the player in the role of a character that kills to advance and survive. Whether or not violent videos games actually cause violence is unclear. The problem of violence in games has been addressed before, most notably in 1994 when the video games industry adopted ratings similar to those used in movies with the ESRB (Entertainment Software Ratings Board). But in an era where gun owners point to video game developers, video game developers point to retailers, retailers point to parental supervision, and all are called to task by politicians, such ratings have been called inadequate. Why are the best games violent? This means chasing crowds over creativity. Early Video Game Violence What Technology Serves

FT: Finnish newcomer has dethroned Angry Birds The Financial Times reported Saturday that Angry Birds and its spin-offs now rank towards the bottom of the 100 top grossing apps of Apple’s store. That is, though, still a lucrative placement in a marketplace offering over 800,000 apps. Rovio's games have ridden high in iPhone apps rankings since 2010. But, Angry Birds has now been dethroned by Super Cell's Clash of Clans that is a free download, but offers players in-game extras for $5 to $100 at a time. Supercell CEO Ilkka Paananen told the Financial Times that had Clash of Clans charged a download fee, it would have substantially reduced the number of people who play it.

One Million Raspberry Pi Have Been Sold Since Launch With all the hoopla around CES, we sadly missed this amazing milestone for one of the greatest little projects I’ve seen in a long time, Raspberry Pi. An estimated one million of these tiny computers have been sold so far, an amazing feat for a tiny $35 circuit board that can boot directly into a streamlined version of Linux. The folks at element 14/Premier Farnell announced today that they alone have now made and sold more than half a million Raspberry Pis. They’re only one of two official distributors; we don’t have completely up-to-date figures from RS Components yet, but Farnell’s news suggests that we’re well on the way to having sold our millionth Raspberry Pi. To celebrate the company released this cute info graphic, informing us that, if stacked end to end, a million Pis would be higher than 111 Empire State Buildings. We detailed the unique manufacturing challenges associate with the Pi with 4,000 Raspberry Pis leaving a U.K. factory every day – or one every 7.5 seconds.

Are you an MMO noob? Get your crash course infographic right here! Not all players are the same! Join GamesBeat's Dean Takahashi for a free webinar on April 29th that will explore why players leave Free to Play games and how you can change this. Sign up here. Every time I write an article on MMOs, I get two emails. You’ll find the infographic below, complete with sales data and an MMO jargon glossary. PoetCode, the creator of the infographic, has invented yet another MMO subgenre.

Games for Science Video games designed to tackle tough scientific problems are leading to breakthroughs in RNA structure, protein folding, genetic sequence alignment, and more. Eli Fisker has struggled to hold down a job as a librarian, largely as a result of an undiagnosed condition he describes as similar to Asperger’s. In his ample spare time, the 35-year-old from Alborg, Denmark, plays an online video game in which he arranges colored discs into two-dimensional chain-link shapes. It’s addictive, and he plays for hours on end. Every 2 weeks, the best designs—voted for by the players themselves—are synthesized in the lab by the Stanford University scientists who helped to create the game, and observations about how the resulting molecules behave are relayed to the players. Launched in January 2011, EteRNA is one of a small stable of video games that enlist the collective intelligence of players—most with no scientific background—to solve fiendishly difficult scientific problems. Perfecting proteins

Poikkeuksellisen yllätyksetöntä pelirintamalla | Rele Pelaaminen ja pelit ovat yhteiskunnassa yhä suuremmassa asemassa. Hittipelien tuotot jättävät hittielokuvat kauas taakseen ja peliteollisuuden arvo on ohittanut elokuvateollisuuden. Otsikoissa peliteollisuutta on puitu laidasta laitaan aina Angry Birdsistä räiskintäpelien nuorten miesten mieliin mahdollisesti aiheuttamiin traumoihin. - Tätä vuotta pidetään yleisesti poikkeuksellisen yllätyksettömänä pelirintamalla, arvioi Pelaaja-lehden päätoimittaja Miika Huttunen. - Alkuvuodesta nähty Sonyn PS Vita-käsikonsoli ja loppuvuodesta ilmestynyt Nintendon Wii U -konsoli olivat ehkä uutta, mutta ennennäkemättömäksi kumpaakaan ei voi sanoa. Syy pelialan yllätyksettömyyteen on konsolisukupolven saapuminen elinkaarensa päähän. - Kustantajat eivät uskalla ottaa riskejä nykykonesukupolven loppupuolella , vaan menevät tutuilla ja turvallisilla kaavoilla. Sukupolvenvaihdos konsolipuolella on nostanut hieman kiinnostusta perinteiseen pc-pelaamiseen, joka on muuten ollut hiipumassa.

Suomalaisyhtiö ohitti pelijätin - Nyt Supercell takoo eniten rahaa maailmassa! Suomalainen peliyhtiö Supercell takoo nyt kahdella pelillään eniten rahaa koko maailmassa, kertoo Applen sovelluskauppaa tilastoiva App Annie-palvelu. Supercellillä on kaksi iPhonella ja iPadilla pelattavaa peliä, Hay Day ja Clash of Clans. Niiden tuottama liikevaihto on suurempi, kuin minkään muun pelijulkaisijan yhteenlaskettu liikevaihto Applen sovelluskaupan sisällä, App Annie kertoo marraskuun tilastokatsauksessaan. Se tarkoittaa, että Supercell on ohittanut vain kahdella pelillään yhden maailman suurimmista pelijulkaisijoista, Elecrtonic Artsin, jolla on App Storessa yhteensä noin 960 peliä. Vielä edellisen kuukauden tilastoissa Supercell oli liikevaihdolla mitattuna Applen sovelluskaupan toiseksi suurin pelijulkaisija, heti Electronic Artsin jälkeen. Supercell pitää tuplajohtoa eniten liikevaihtoa tuottavien pelien listalla: ykkösenä on viikinkien taistelupeli Clash of Clans ja heti sen perässä maatilan hoitoon perustuva Hay Day.

Usos creativos de Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi es un proyecto de hardware libre que se ha hecho extremadamente popular entre los aficionados al mundo de la computación y la electrónica aunque su objetivo principal es equipar las escuelas de todo el mundo con ordenadores que cuestan menos de 30 dólares y que permiten, por tanto, democratizar el acceso a la tecnología y a la enseñanza de materias técnicas. Gracias Raspberry Pi, y la fundación que está detrás del proyecto, sería posible desplegar un aula de informática en centros educativos de todo el mundo sin que el presupuesto sea una barrera de entrada y, por ejemplo, en Camerún se ha desplegado un aula en una zona rural que permitirá que los escolares de la zona tomen su primer contacto con la tecnología. Con la idea de sacarle partido a este computador, vamos a dedicar unos minutos a conocer algunos usos creativos de Raspberry Pi: Montar un NAS eficiente Ampliar nuestros conocimientos sobre redes y comunicaciones Montar un media center Jugar al Minecraft y otros juegos

The Finnish game industry
