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Starting with HTML + CSS This short tutorial is meant for people who want to start using CSS and have never written a CSS style sheet before. It does not explain much of CSS. It just explains how to create an HTML file, a CSS file and how to make them work together. Declaring character encodings in HTML Intended audience: HTML authors (using editors or scripting), script developers (PHP, JSP, etc.), Web project managers, and anyone who needs an introduction to how to declare the character encoding of their HTML file. Question How should I declare the encoding of my HTML file?

Software development kit A software development kit (SDK or "devkit") is typically a set of software development tools that allows for the creation of applications for a certain software package, software framework, hardware platform, computer system, video game console, operating system, or similar development platform. SDKs may have attached licenses that make them unsuitable for building software intended to be developed under an incompatible license. For example, a proprietary SDK will probably be incompatible with free software development, while a GPL-licensed SDK could be incompatible with proprietary software development. LGPL SDKs are typically safe for proprietary development.

HTML - основи на програмирането HTML - основи на програмирането Преди да преминем към HTML, нека първо се запознаем с основните термини, засягащи, пряко или косвено, HTML и програмирането като цяло. Тук правя и уточнението, че HTML не е език за програмиране, но той е (буквално) основата на всички програмни езици за web. Интернет може да се дефинира по 3 начина: 1. CSS CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) е език за описание на стилове - използва се основно за описване на представянето на документ, написан на език за маркиране. Най-често се използва заедно с HTML, но може да се приложи върху произволен XML документ. Официално спецификацията на CSS се поддържа от W3C. CSS е създаден с цел да бъдат разделени съдържанието и структурата на уеб страниците отделно от тяхното визуално представяне.

html: making lines html tips: making lines Making dividing lines to section off areas of your pages is easy to do. This page gives examples of code above the line created by that code. basic lines The basic tags, and their modifications, are given below. In each case, the new code is shown in red, and the line beneath it is an example of what that code does. line thicknessThe default line thickness is 2; you can see that in the examples above. Below are some different values for the line thickness. CSS Test 1. What CSS code can be used in the file style.css, in order the shown result to be obtained? <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"></head><body><ul><li>item 0</li><li>item 1</li><li id="middle" >item 2</li><li>item 3</li><li>item 4</li></ul></body></html>

Html Color Codes
