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Ruby on Rails Guides

Ruby on Rails Guides
Start Here Getting Started with Rails Everything you need to know to install Rails and create your first application. Models Active Record Basics This guide will get you started with models, persistence to database and the Active Record pattern and library.

Learn Ruby: How to Get Up to Speed Quickly Getting Up to Speed with Ruby Whether you already have experience programming with other languages or you’re learning Ruby as your first programming language, Ruby is a relatively easy language to pick up. You will need a walk-through that helps you set up Ruby initially if you aren’t an experienced programmer, but you’ll be able to start building your first program immediately. Ruby uses a package manager to allow easy downloads of existing repositories and libraries, known as ‘gems’ — any good Ruby tutorial will walk you through the process of installing Ruby gems, as well as writing code in Ruby. Becoming a Ruby expert will take longer, of course.

Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example book and screencasts by Michael Hartl Michael Hartl Contents Foreword The Best Way to Learn Rails I come from a PHP background, but these days, I'm a full-time Rails developer. The difficulty for most people who make the switch lies in the learning curve that’s involved. Once you've become proficient in a language or framework, switching to a new one feels like an unnecessary (and time-consuming) challenge. How and Where to Learn Ruby In an online chat session between Yukihiro Matsumoto and Keiju Ishitsuka in early 1993, a discussion ensued about the name of a programming language that Matsumoto was going to write. He wanted to satisfy his desire to have an object-oriented scripting language, something that would craft virtual objects composed of data, and help them interact with one another. The alternatives at the time, Python and Perl didn’t appeal to him, Python being too object-oriented and Perl having “the smell of a toy language”. Between “Coral” and “Ruby”, Matsumoto decided to go with the latter because it was the birthstone of one of his colleagues.

Ruby on Rails Tutorial (3rd Ed.) My former company (CD Baby) was one of the first to loudly switch to Ruby on Rails, and then even more loudly switch back to PHP (Google me to read about the drama). This book by Michael Hartl came so highly recommended that I had to try it, and the Ruby on Rails Tutorial is what I used to switch back to Rails again. Though I’ve worked my way through many Rails books, this is the one that finally made me “get” it. Everything is done very much “the Rails way”—a way that felt very unnatural to me before, but now after doing this book finally feels natural. This is also the only Rails book that does test-driven development the entire time, an approach highly recommended by the experts but which has never been so clearly demonstrated before. Finally, by including Git, GitHub, and Heroku in the demo examples, the author really gives you a feel for what it’s like to do a real-world project.

For the Single Founder Who Can’t Code Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Mick Hagen (@mickhagen), founder and CEO of Undrip. He was previously the founder of Zinch which was acquired by Chegg last year. He made headlines in the Fall with his rap campaign – an unorthodox approach to fundraising. You can learn more about him at Last summer when I started working on Undrip, I was in a tough spot. Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example book and screencasts by Michael Hartl Michael Hartl Contents Foreword My former company (CD Baby) was one of the first to loudly switch to Ruby on Rails, and then even more loudly switch back to PHP (Google me to read about the drama). This book by Michael Hartl came so highly recommended that I had to try it, and the Ruby on Rails Tutorial is what I used to switch back to Rails again.

Learn Ruby: 29 of The Best Online Educational Resources to Learn to Ruby and Ruby on Rails If you're looking to find a fast, productive, and efficient way to turn your app idea into a reality, look no further than Ruby on Rails. Rails has become the framework of choice for startups to develop projects in a matter of days. So what is Rails?

Getting Started with Rails 1 Guide Assumptions This guide is designed for beginners who want to get started with a Rails application from scratch. It does not assume that you have any prior experience with Rails. Rails is a web application framework running on the Ruby programming language. Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist How to Think Like a Computer Scientist by Allen B. Downey This is the first edition of Think Python. Ruby on Rails 3 Testing with RSpec 2 Install Rspec-rails sudo gem install rspec-rails RSpec is a behavior driven development (BDD) framework for low level testing in the Ruby language Create a new Rails application store

The Rails Command Line 1 Command Line Basics There are a few commands that are absolutely critical to your everyday usage of Rails. In the order of how much you'll probably use them are: rails consolerails serverbin/railsrails generaterails dbconsolerails new app_name All commands can run with -h or --help to list more information. Features - Sugar Arrays Sugar begins by fixing broken support for standard Javascript 1.6 array methods, such as indexOf, forEach, reduce, etc. These methods are also enhanced to accept arguments that browser native methods won't, such as nested objects, iterating functions, regexes, or strings that provide a shortcut to an iterating function. In such cases, however, browser native methods will always be defered to when possible.

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