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Ruby on Rails

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WEBDESIGN and CO' Black Studio TinyMCE Widget. This plugin adds a new Visual Editor widget type that allows you to insert rich text and media objects in your sidebars with no hassle.

Black Studio TinyMCE Widget

The default WordPress text widget lacks of functionalities and it requires HTML knowledge, this plugin was born to overcome these limitations. With Black Studio TinyMCE Widget you will be able to edit your widgets in a WYSIWYG manner using the native WordPress TinyMCE editor, just like you do in posts and pages. And if you are a developer you may still switch back and forth from Visual to HTML mode. Features Links. Ruby on Rails 基本主義. Sdlong/rails101s: blog: Ror ecommerce by drhenner. Project Overview Please create a ticket on github if you have issues.

Ror ecommerce by drhenner

They will be addressed ASAP. Please look at the homepage for more details. This is a Rails e-commerce platform. ROR Ecommerce is a Rails 3 application with the intent to allow developers to create an ecommerce solution easily. The project has Solr searching, Compass and Blueprint for CSS and uses jQuery. 在 Rails 使用 JavaScript — Ruby on Rails 指南. 1 Ajax 介紹 要理解 Ajax,首先必須先了解瀏覽器平常的工作原理。

在 Rails 使用 JavaScript — Ruby on Rails 指南

在瀏覽器網址欄輸入 Enter。 瀏覽器此時便向伺服器發送請求。 伺服器接收請求,去拿所有需要的資源(assets),像是 JS、CSS、圖片等,接著將這些資源,按照程式邏輯組合成網頁,返回網頁給瀏覽器。 Rails 架構 - 初探 Rails. Docs - Docs. 我可以把 RailsBridge 課程用在我的活動嗎?

Docs - Docs

大家都可以用這個網站! 它的授權是 Creative Commons (CC-BY),也就是說我們歡迎你分享、引用 (remix)、甚至把內容用在商業用途。 我們只要你註明作者。 但有點不同的是:如果你想開一個活動,想叫它是 RailsBridge 工作坊,我們只有兩個請求: 該活動要是免費的。 做不到上面兩點,還是可以使用本站,我們只要求你別稱它是 RailsBridge 的工作坊。 Array (Ruby 2.3.1) Ary & other_ary → new_ary click to toggle source Set Intersection — Returns a new array containing elements common to the two arrays, excluding any duplicates.

Array (Ruby 2.3.1)

The order is preserved from the original array. It compares elements using their hash and eql? Methods for efficiency. [ 1, 1, 3, 5 ] & [ 1, 2, 3 ] [ 'a', 'b', 'b', 'z' ] & [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] See also #uniq. Bootstrap Tutorial on Rails, Part 1 - the Installation. This is part 1 of a 3-part tutorial series.

Bootstrap Tutorial on Rails, Part 1 - the Installation

In part one of this tutorial, we will introduce you to the Bootstrap framework. We will also teach you how to create a Rails app and integrate it with Bootstrap. Ruby On Rails Introduction. Rails Pacific 2016 - What if Shakespeare Wrote Ruby? by Adam Cuppy.

Ruby 架站 新手教學 day1 HD. Your community gem host. 五倍紅寶石股份有限公司. 從無到有: 安裝 & 自動部署 Ruby on Rails 網站. 這個月把網站從 Amazon EC2 搬回自己的 server, 目前整個環境是 Linux(Ubuntu) + Apache + Ruby on Rails 在跑, 筆記一下從無到有的配置方法: 虛擬主機, 另一個較有名的是 VMWare, 這裡是選用 VirtualBox 4.2.12 作 host.

從無到有: 安裝 & 自動部署 Ruby on Rails 網站.

安裝之後設定一下配置, 大部份都用預設的就可以, 比較不一樣的地方有, 記憶體 1024 MB, 網路使用橋接界面卡的方式, 這樣可以在虛擬 OS 內連線取得固定 IP, 這對使用自有網址來架設網站是很重要的. 下載 Ubuntu 最新版本, 這裡使用 13.04, 然後將映像擋掛載在 VirtualBox 後啟動, 照指示一步一步安裝. 安裝完成後, 記得先把系統更新裝一裝, 之後執行:$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-get upgrade 安裝完 ubuntu 後, 為了之後能遠端操作 server, 所以接著安裝 SSH:$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server$ ssh-keygen -t rsa$ scp .ssh/ SERVER_HOST_NAME:~/.ssh/$ cat .ssh/ >> .ssh/authorized_keys 註: 第 2-4 步是為了之後登入 server 可以不用打密碼.

註: 第 3 步的 SERVER_HOST_NAME 記得換成自己的網址或 IP. How I finally learned Rails — Ruby on Rails. Several months ago I set out to learn Rails once and for all.

How I finally learned Rails — Ruby on Rails

I had dabbled with rails several times in the prior years, but I would always simply give up or find something ‘more interesting’ when I got stuck or things became difficult. You see, I’m a designer & front-end guy. I started in Graphic Design when I was about 16, then transitioned into front-end web design when I was around 20. I always had ideas I wanted to bring to life, but I didn’t have the money to hire a developer, or know how to build them out myself. I’ve always loved the idea of taking a concept of mine from design, to front-end code, to back-end all myself. 我是這樣學會 Ruby on Rails:12 個星期打造 12 個網頁 APP. Mackenzie Child 是一名設計師、工程師、也是一名 Youtuber 兼 Blogger,白天在 Precision Nutrition 擔任前端工程師,晚上則一邊自修程式設計、一邊螢幕錄影(Screencast),把學到的東西用 Youtube 分享給大家。

我是這樣學會 Ruby on Rails:12 個星期打造 12 個網頁 APP

同時 Mackenzie 也會在他的部落格 上紀錄一些想法、設計作品、工作點滴。 Mackenzie 在 Medium、Instagram、Twitter、Dribbble、Github 等平台上都十分活躍。 身為一名前端工程師,Mackenzie 認為世界上需要更多的「獨角獸(Unicorn)」,Mackenzie 口中所謂的「獨角獸」,是程式開發界傳說中的生物,不但精通 UI / UX 設計,還能同時進行前端和後端開發的厲害角色。 「獨角獸」稀有的原因不難明白,畢竟要能成為同時精通前端設計和後端開發的工程師並不簡單,就像找一名文科理科都爆強的學生不容易一樣。 想成為獨角獸,左腦右腦都要可以靈活使用,要擁有敏銳的設計天份,還要有厲害的邏輯思維。 I believe the world could be a better place if more designers learned how to code and more developers learned how to design. –– Mackenzie Child. Livestreams and videos. Ruby on Rails 新手村- 每週共筆 - 少就是多) Ruby on Rails 簡介. Rails P2P 計劃重啟 « RailsP2P. RailsP2P (學習機會與教練媒合平台)是 xdite 兩年前發起的一個小小社群互助計畫。

Rails P2P 計劃重啟 « RailsP2P

學習 Ruby 與 Rails 的最佳時機就是現在! Happy programming Ruby :) Speaker Deck Talk by Eddie Kao Full Screen Previous Slide Next Slide Previous Next share. Rails Girls Weekly:從零開始的網頁設計- HTML & CSS 的基礎建設 2/6. 49 RoR models activerecord activerelation generatemodel. 高見龍. Path to Rails Developer. [Rails] google map使用方式 « anxgang.