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How I Learned Enough Ruby On Rails In 12 Weeks To Launch Freelancify

How I Learned Enough Ruby On Rails In 12 Weeks To Launch Freelancify
(Update February 26, 2013: I have since this post sold to a new owner) Before I begin, I’d like to recognize Josh Crews ( for convincing me to learn Ruby on Rails; without him and his hours of volunteered mentership and help, I wouldn’t be writing this today. Thank you. I’d also like to address Please do not email me asking me to program your app for equity. On January 23rd, I launched my dream idea, And exactly 12 weeks ago, I made the best decision I’ve made in a really, really long time. A correction I’d like to address: Previously, I stated in a post that I learned Rails in 8 weeks; doing an exact recount to launch date, it was more so 12 weeks. What Skills Did I Have Prior To Learning Rails? Why I Decided To Learn It? Sat down that night, and just thought for hours. I decided. My Next 3 Months – Mission: Get an MVP up, had to be enough to work but also not crappy enough to leave a terrible first impression. That’s it guys.

#310 Getting Started with Rails Dec 26, 2011 | 7 minutes | Tools Learning Ruby on Rails can be overwhelming, especially if you are new to programming. Here I will take you on a tour through various resources to help get started with Rails. Download: mp4Full Size H.264 Video (22.9 MB)m4vSmaller H.264 Video (13 MB)webmFull Size VP8 Video (9.5 MB)ogvFull Size Theora Video (35.9 MB) The Best Way to Learn Rails I come from a PHP background, but these days, I'm a full-time Rails developer. The difficulty for most people who make the switch lies in the learning curve that’s involved. Once you've become proficient in a language or framework, switching to a new one feels like an unnecessary (and time-consuming) challenge. However, learning Ruby and Rails is actually pretty easy! It's an incredibly powerful framework, and has a huge community pushing it along. This article details a full lesson plan that will get you up and running in no time! You might think learning Ruby is the most important step, and this is probably the part where everyone stops learning and just sticks with their current framework. Work through the Try Ruby exercises. The most recommended tool for dipping into Ruby's syntax is the Try Ruby website. Once you’ve worked through these exercises a couple of times, you'll have a solid base. Run gem install rails to install Rails. Next, you need to install Rails. Great!

Roadmap for Learning Rails | techiferous Accelerating Your Learning If you have no prior development experience, one of the worst things you can do when learning Rails is to just dive in. Some of the concepts build on each other, so jumping in would be like signing up for a calculus class before you’ve learned algebra. Another difficulty for a beginner is figuring out what to learn. Another mistake is spending too much time mastering a concept when you only need a basic understanding. Therefore, to accelerate your learning, learn the right things in the right order at the right depth. The following roadmap will help you do exactly that. But First Some Ground Rules… It takes a significant investment of time to learn Rails. know the difference between a web site and a web applicationknow the difference between a CMS and a web applicationknow the difference between a programming language and a web frameworkknow that Rails is a web framework (not a CMS, not a programming language) that helps you create web applications Ruby Key Concepts

Learn Rails by Example book and screencasts by Michael Hartl Michael Hartl Contents Foreword My former company (CD Baby) was one of the first to loudly switch to Ruby on Rails, and then even more loudly switch back to PHP (Google me to read about the drama). This book by Michael Hartl came so highly recommended that I had to try it, and the Ruby on Rails Tutorial is what I used to switch back to Rails again. Though I’ve worked my way through many Rails books, this is the one that finally made me “get” it. The linear narrative is such a great format. Enjoy! Derek Sivers ( Founder, CD Baby Acknowledgments The Ruby on Rails Tutorial owes a lot to my previous Rails book, RailsSpace, and hence to my coauthor Aurelius Prochazka. I’d like to acknowledge a long list of Rubyists who have taught and inspired me over the years: David Heinemeier Hansson, Yehuda Katz, Carl Lerche, Jeremy Kemper, Xavier Noria, Ryan Bates, Geoffrey Grosenbach, Peter Cooper, Matt Aimonetti, Gregg Pollack, Wayne E. About the author Copyright and license 1.1 Introduction

Ruby on Rails Guides: Débuter avec Rails Ce guide utilise Rails 3.0. Une partie du code montré ici ne fonctionne pas avec les versions précédentes de Rails. 1 Ce que ce guide suppose Ce guide est conçu pour les débutants qui veulent s’initier à la création d’une application Rails. le langage Ruby, au minimum la version 1.8.7 Note that Ruby 1.8.7 p248 and p249 have marshaling bugs that crash Rails 3.0. Rails est un framework pour le langage Ruby. 2 Qu’est-ce que Rails ? Rails est un framework pour le développement d’applications web écrit avec le langage Ruby. Rails est “opiniâtre” (opinionated software). La philosophie de Rails comprend ces principes fondamentaux : DRY – “Ne vous répétez Pas” (Don’t Repeat Yourself) – suggère qu’écrire et ré-écrire le même code à plusieurs reprises est une mauvaise chose. 2.1 L’architecture MVC Rails est organisé autour de l’architecture Modèle, Vue, Contrôleur, habituellement appelée simplement MVC. 2.1.2 Vues Les vues sont l’interface utilisateur de votre application. 2.1.3 Contrôleurs

Learn Ruby, Ruby on Rails tutorial Ruby on Rails is the web development framework of the moment, powering GitHub, Twitter, Hulu and many more successful apps and websites. The arrival of Rails 4 is the perfect time to learn it. SitePoint’s newest ebook, ‘Jump Start Rails’, from Andy Hawthorne, will get you up to speed with Ruby on Rails in just a weekend. Andy has also prepared the ‘Build your first Rails’ app online course to take you from creating a complete Ruby on Rails 4 app with a log in system all the way to deploying it to Heroku, a leading Rails application hosting environment, in a couple of hours. Also, our all time great, 10 part tutorial from Patrick Lenz can be found here: Learn Ruby on Rails: the Ultimate Beginner’s Tutorial. If you are looking for more advanced topics such as this great Introduction to Sass in Rails, head over to RubySource for fresh tutorials and to discover new Ruby gems. Editor-in-chief, SitePoint & Learnable

Ruby on Rails Guides Home · perfectionist/sample_project Wiki Learn Web Development with the Ruby on Rails Tutorial My former company (CD Baby) was one of the first to loudly switch to Ruby on Rails, and then even more loudly switch back to PHP (Google me to read about the drama). This book by Michael Hartl came so highly recommended that I had to try it, and the Ruby on Rails Tutorial is what I used to switch back to Rails again. Though I’ve worked my way through many Rails books, this is the one that finally made me “get” it. Everything is done very much “the Rails way”—a way that felt very unnatural to me before, but now after doing this book finally feels natural. The linear narrative is such a great format. Enjoy! Derek Sivers ( Founder, CD Baby The Ruby on Rails Tutorial owes a lot to my previous Rails book, RailsSpace, and hence to my coauthor Aurelius Prochazka.

Integrating Rails and jQuery Mobile The mobile web is huge and it's continuing to grow at an impressive rate. Along with the massive growth of the mobile internet comes a striking diversity of devices and browsers. It's not all WebKit, it's definitely not all iOS, and even when it is WebKit there are a vast array of implementation differences between browser APIs. As a result, making your applications cross-platform and mobile-ready is both important and challenging. jQuery Mobile provides a way to jumpstart development of mobile-friendly applications with semantic markup and the familiarity of jQuery. In this article, I highlight and then smooth over the rough edges of the integration between these two frameworks. All the examples and advice in this article are derived from the construction of a sample application that tracks the presence of employees in an office.
