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SketchUp - Plugins

SketchUp - Plugins
Related:  Programmation & Developpement

SimuTerra (Wondering about the SimuTerra plugin for SketchUp? If you haven't already done so in the past, make sure you're on our mailing list, by clicking on "Download Installer" or "Join mailing list" on the left, and submitting the form. An alpha version might be posted here by early November.) QUOTE: "Without your tool, this task would have been nearly impossible and I would have spent countless hours trying to do it in SketchUp." QUOTE: "Well worth the cost of the software compared to the time I saved on this model alone." QUOTE: "I can really see this saving me DAYS off my models. QUOTE: "The price vs. performance is incredible." QUOTE: "I had used the [free CASF] topo Ruby [script] and it took overnight to generate a model that was way too big and I could not drape a map over it. Get the picture? "Just tried out SimuTerra and found it to be very fast and VERY accurate. SimuTerra is now available for both Macintosh and Windows. SimuTerra can also be a boon to designers. Free download, trial

s free 3DS Models - for 3D-Studio Max, Maya, Lightwave, Softimage, Cinema4D etc. for 3D-Studio Max, Maya, Lightwave, Softimage, Cinema4D, Poser and all other programs which can import 3DS. You find 3D-Model Linklists at: Klickers kostenlose und lizenzfreie Bilder bei Pixelio free high resolution photos, textures, backgrounds and more Tableaux croisés dynamiques.url Les tableaux croisés dynamiques permettent d'organiser et de résumer des données complexes tout en permettant une analyse approfondie des détails. Ils facilitent la présentation et la synthèse des données. . Pour générer un tableau croisé dynamique, la plage de données ne doit pas comporter de sous-totaux ni de filtre. Dand ce cours, vous apprendrez à Créer un tableau croisé dynamique Cliquez dans la plage de données Onglet Insertion/Groupe Tableaux/Bouton insérer un Tableau croisé dynamique Emplacement des données à analyser : spécifiez une plage de données ou un tableai ou choisissez une connection pour une source de données externes. la feuille contenant l'emplacrmrnt du tableau croisé dynamique est affichée. Afficher/masquer le volet liste des champs de tableau croisé dynamique Cliquez dans le tableau Onglet contextuel/Optopns/Groupe Afficher/Masquer Bouton Liste des champs Tableau croisé dynamique (résuktat) Les champs de regroupement Trier un tableau croisé dynamique

www Amit’s Game Programming Information What’s on this page? I’m interested in producing complexity out of simple parts. This page contains bookmarks that I collected while working on games; I did not write most of the content linked from here. As a result the set of links here reflects the types of things I needed to know: only a few specific topics (not everything related to game programming), general ideas instead of platform-specific information (graphics, sound, compilers), and ideas and designs instead of source code (I find it easier to go from an idea to code than from code to an idea). Determining how to move around on a map is an interesting problem. These pages are about specific techniques for pathfinding and object movement: My current favorite algorithm is A*, because it can handle varying terrain costs well, and it seems to be faster than most graph searching algorithms. Code and Demos Many times I play a game and wish that the computer opponents were written better. What techniques are useful in game AI? Notices

Equivalents libres de certains logiciels commerciaux Ressource PLUME.url Le Groupe Logiciel a lancé une enquête afin d'identifier les logiciels scientifiques commerciaux utilisés dans la communauté Enseignement Supérieur et Recherche, et qui feront l'objet d'un marché national "logiciels". Les besoins et résultats de cette enquête ont été synthétisés dans ce document. Une collaboration entre PLUME et le Groupe Logiciel est par ailleurs en place afin entre autres de proposer des alternatives non propriétaires aux solutions logicielles commerciales. Ainsi, les logiciels équivalents cités ci-dessous sont uniquement ceux qui sont présents sur PLUME, donc cette liste n'est certainement pas exhaustive. A noter également que cette liste n'est pas à considérer comme une préconisation d'utilisation d'un logiciel libre à la place d'un logiciel commercial, mais comme une information, au titre de la collaboration précitée.

DarkBasic Code Corner Last 10 additions Gamespace (AGK) - Example of how to submit and retrieve scores using the online GameSpace system.Memblock drawing functions (DBP) - A set of anti-aliased drawing routines that write directly to an image memblock. This is useful for creating custom graphics while preserving background transparency. Math/Physics (18) Code which typically deals with vectors, splines, simulations, trigonometry, geometry, collision detection and response, equations, algorithms, etc... Graphics (17) Code which typically involves achieving specific graphical effects such as flood fill, texture generation, or 3D special effects like particles and bloom Graphical User Interfaces, menu systems, and UI components Code pertaining to input/output operations or file system commands. Networking (2) Anything dealing with communication over a network, local or Internet Miscellaneous (13) Code which cannot be defined by any other existing category will end up here Games (1) Memblocks (2)

Gamasutra - The Art & Business of Making Games 2D Game Art for Programmers AGK App Game Kit
