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Building Apps With the Yeoman Workflow

Building Apps With the Yeoman Workflow
Trick question. It's not a thing. It's this guy: Basically, he wears a top hat, lives in your computer, and waits for you to tell him what kind of application you wish to create. The first thing that comes to mind is OMG so dreamy. All we did was tell him what we wanted and he replied with specific questions to give us even more control. Let's go back a step, though. He's a person with feelings and opinions, but he's very easy to work with. Let's take a second to break apart what that yo webapp command, from the previous screenshot really did. This is an OS X, Linux, and Windows friendly system-wide command that scours your hard drive for any installed "generators," then gives them control based on the next argument: This is actually a separate plug-in, or "generator," called generator-webapp. Something important to take away from this is, it's the generator-webapp module that prompts us with questions. Seriously, you have to say it just like that, or it won't work. Let's get wild. Did it?

Intro to Angular, Yeoman, and Chrome Apps (Revised) Required JavaScript Reading I'm asked regularly about books and online resources to get up to speed on JavaScript. Seems like everyone wants to get in on the JS action and with good reason; it's a great language to know if you're interested in exciting career opportunities. It's also pretty fun to play with. With JavaScript's increased popularity, the number of books, blogs and tutorials about the language have grown exponentially and while I can't possibly know all of them, I've found some gems which I really like and would like to share those with you. Books Note that I'm only listing books that I've read and can recommend. Professional JavaScript for Web Developers by Nicholas Zakas This continues to be my most recommended book. It's a complete reference written in a very accessible way that guides you from the basics to advanced JavaScript features. JavaScript Patterns by Stoyan Stefanov Stoyan is one of the best JavaScript developers in the world, having worked on large-scale sites at Yahoo! Freebies Blogs DailyJS

Comment coupler plusieurs connexions Internet pour avoir plus de débit J'avais déjà imaginé un truc comme ça, et on m'avait toujours dit : "Ce n'est pas possible". Et je trouvais ça tellement dommage... Et vl'a ti pas que je tombe sur ce logiciel baptisé Connectify Dispatch qui permet de coupler plusieurs connexions internet pour profiter d'un débit plus grand. Effectivement, de manière native, aucun OS ne sait faire ça. L'outil disponible uniquement sous Windows est un genre de load balancer qui joue au chef d'orchestre avec votre système d'exploitation et vos accès réseau... Magique non ? L'outil est vendu packagé avec un soft de hotspot qui permet ensuite de partager ce regroupement de connexion à tous les appareils de la maison. Comprenez bien qu'une seule connexion Wifi est possible par carte WiFi. Je pense que si vous vivez à un endroit où il y a plusieurs réseaux WiFi ouverts, ça vaut le coup d'investir dans les 30 à 50 € de licence de ce logiciel. Source Vous avez aimé cet article ?

Color Hex - Yeoman - Modern workflows for modern webapps AngularJS MTV Meetup: AngularJS + Yeoman (2012-10-9) Resources to Get You Up to Speed in Ember.js You've probably noticed a lot of chatter lately about the Ember.js framework and rightfully so. It aims to make it substantially easier to build single-page web apps by abstracting a lot of the complexities for writing scalable and maintainable MVC-based code. And developers are jumping on-board in droves. Over the last year, the project and the framework have evolved quite a bit and while it's just now reaching a very stable point in its life, the frequent changes to the API over the last year has left quite a bit of outdated documentation. This happened to me as I was ramping up and I want to ease your ramp up time by listing out some great resources for learning Ember. The Resources Nettuts' Ember Series I'm going to be a little biased here because I'm the author of this series, but the feedback I've received tells me that I did a decent job of outlining the basics of Ember. Nettuts' Free "Let’s Learn Ember" Course Ember Discussion Forum EmberWatch Ember 101 Video Series

Jeroen Reijn: Real-time visitor analysis with Couchbase, Elasticsearch and Kibana At Hippo we recently started using Couchbase as the storage solution for our targeting/relevance module. Couchbase is a really high performant NoSQL database, which since version 2.0 can be used as a (JSON) document database. Couchbase is really fast when it comes to simple CRUD operations, but does lack some search capabilities like Geo-spatial search (still 'experimental' mode) and free text search, which you might find in other document oriented NoSQL databases like MongoDB. However the lack of these search capabilities can be overcome quite easily by combining Couchbase with Elasticsearch by using the Couchbase-Elasticsearch transport plugin. The plugin uses the Couchbase built-in cross data center replication mechanism (XDCR), which can be used for replicating data between Couchbase clusters. It sort of makes Elasticsearch act just like another Couchbase cluster. If you are familiar with LogStash you might wonder why we use Couchbase as an additional storage for our request data.

JavaScript Help What is It is an online environment for interactively exploring programming languages. The name comes from the read-eval-print loop, the interactive toplevel used by languages like Lisp and Python. How do I start? Once you have selected a language, start by typing an expression into the console on the right side of the screen and pressing Enter. Can I use variables or other state? Yes! Can I save my session? Yes! Is open source? Can I use on my phone or tablet? Yes! How does work? All code processed by runs entirely on your computer, with no server-side evaluation. Enter Evaluate the entered command. Shift+Enter Continue to the next line. Tab Indent. Shift+Tab Unindent. Up Previous history item. Down Next history item. Ctrl+Up Move to the line above the cursor. Ctrl+Down Move to the line below the cursor. Ctrl+E Move to the end of the current line. Ctrl+A Move to the start of the current line. Ctrl+K Clears the console. Ctrl+Z Cancel current prompt. Ctrl+L Ctrl+G Ctrl+H

yeoman/yo btford/ngmin Toward Modern Web Apps with ECMAScript 6 ECMAScript, the official name for the language we all know as JavaScript, has enjoyed tremendous success over the last couple of years. With convergent standard support, performance boosts from modern JavaScript engines, as well as its foray into the server-side stack, ECMAScript has gained significant traction and redefined the scope of HTML5 applications. The final requirement for world domination is the modernization of its syntax and run-time, which is coming in ECMAScript 6 and is the subject of this post. To understand the language progress within ECMAScript 6, first we need to understand how it is developed. The ECMAScript 6 specification is still in the draft stage. “I Can See Clearly Now” It is often said that “Code is written once but read many times”. A common mystery for a novice is the following construct: // ES 5function inc(x, y) { y = y || 1; return x + y;} The use of the second argument, y, can be confusing. // ES 6function inc(x, y = 1) { return x += y; } Final Words

Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner
