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The Missing Link of Influence: The Potential to In. In my previous posts, I defined influence and discussed why brands don’t seem to understand digital influence.

The Missing Link of Influence: The Potential to In

Today, we are ready to talk about the missing link in the influence industry. This article builds on the previous two, so I would recommend reviewing the following posts if you missed them earlier: What’s Wrong with the Current State of Influence Analytics? Last time we explained why nobody can actually measures real influence on social media. So influence vendors must build models that predict someone’s influence in order to compute their influence score. However, we also know that no actual influence occurs until the influencees produce a measurable action. It is partly because there are significantly fewer influencers than influencees, so it is much easier to collect, analyze, model, and compute the activity data from the influencer than from the influencees.

Why don't companies understand digital influence? This is a guest post by Dr Michael Wu, Chief Scientist at social community specialists Lithium Technologies.

Why don't companies understand digital influence?

He is currently applying data-driven methodologies to investigate and understand the complex dynamics of the social web. You can follow him on Twitter on @mich8elwu Influence is such a hot topic in the digital industry yet there remains widespread misunderstanding over how it works. This is a plea to the entire industry. We need to redouble our efforts to reach a scientific understanding of influence. I first started writing about influence and influencers over two years ago, when I was developing an influencer scoring algorithm on our community platform based on Social Network Analysis. No one has any data on real influence One of the reasons that companies don't understand digital influence is because they don't seem to realise that no one actually has "data" on influence (i.e. explicit data that says precisely who actually influenced who, when, where, on what, and how). 1. 1.

Untappd, foodspotting, partagez ce que vous mangez/buvez. Influence souterraine. Genaro a partagé hier un article assez extraordinaire, rédigé par Paul Adams (à rajouter dans vos lecteurs RSS sur le champ). Celui-ci met à jour l’immense talon d’Achille des outils de mesure d’influence en ligne (Klout et tout autre instrument bâtard), et leur incapacité à dévoiler les tenants et les aboutissants réels et tangibles de la réputation, On et Off, d’un individu. La réputation online est une partie visible d’un iceberg bien plus grand que ce qu’on peut percevoir. Je connais bien des gens qui ont des scores hallucinants sur Klout et compagnie, mais qui, dans la vie se révèlent être de véritables truffes au niveau boulot ou vie sociale. Offline we all know who to turn to ask advice on specific things. Specific people we work with now and people we’ve worked with in the past. The Limits Of Online Influence.

On Friday, I instigated a call to help a friend of mine in New Zealand.

The Limits Of Online Influence

What I asked for was not money, and not much time, really; rather, I asked for people to record a short message (20 seconds max) in support of the people in Christchurch who have suffered so much from the earthquakes that have plagued their wonderful city. I'm passionate about this, so I recruited some heavy hitters to help. I'm ever so grateful that people like Chris Brogan, Ed Shahzade, Olivier Blanchard, Jason Falls and many, many more helped me spread the word on Twitter about this effort, which gave my plea for help a far greater audience than I ever could have imagined.

In fact, you could look at my request for help, from a purely business perspective, as what a marketer would consider an "influencer outreach program. " You see, how this story is supposed to end is this: hundreds of thousands of people heard my plea for help, and overwhelmed my server with messages of hope. This did not happen.

Yup, 389. Les 10 piliers de l'influence sur Internet !!! Hier, un article de David Armano dans la Harvard Business Review sur les piliers de l'influence sur Internet a attiré toute mon attention et je voulais partager avec vous quelques réflexions à ce sujet.

Les 10 piliers de l'influence sur Internet !!!

Comme souvent, Armano a une bonne vision des choses et part du principe qu'il y a six piliers fondamentaux qui définissent l'influence. Pour lui, ces six piliers sont fondamentaux et on se doit de les prendre en compte sérieusement si on veut évaluer sérieusement l'influence de quelqu'un sur Internet. Jetons un oeil à ces piliers : Le reach est un des éléments essentiels de l'influence. C'est une manière d'appréhender de manière élargie la notion d'audience car le reach prend en compte l'audience de la personne étudiée ainsi que l'audience des personnes qui composent l'audience de la personne étudiée. (1) What determines Influence? Klout score, fan numbers. A la Une également – Je blogue donc j’influence. XEnvoyer cet article par e-mail A la Une également – Je blogue donc j’influence Nouveau !

A la Une également – Je blogue donc j’influence

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