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How to Memorize Lists Using the Pure Link System. Edit Article Edited by Anthony Davies, Jack Herrick, KnowItSome, Flickety and 11 others This method has been used for many centuries, but was recently made popular by the promotion of NBA Legend, Jerry Lucas.

How to Memorize Lists Using the Pure Link System

In this method, the items are linked together visually to make items more tangible and easier to remember. Dominic System Cheat Sheet. Math Memorization Cheat Sheet. Memory. Memory Dr.


C. George Boeree The traditional approach to memory divides memory into three parts. The first part is called the sensory register (or "very short-term memory"). This visual sensory memory is also called iconic memory, and last less than a second. The auditory version is called echoic memory, and it lasts three or four seconds. Intelligence Intensification/Memory Techniques.

Visualization[edit] Have you ever seen or heard of a person with a super memory?

Intelligence Intensification/Memory Techniques

Did he remember all the cards in a deck in perfect order? Maybe he claimed that he had a photographic memory. That, however, is probably not the case. Rather, he or she used simple techniques which you can master too, with little practice (say, 100 hours). How to Last Longer in Bed. 6 Ways to Get Whiter Teeth at Home. Steps Method 1 of 6: Use Whitening Strips 1Find the appropriate whitening strips.

6 Ways to Get Whiter Teeth at Home

They should be approved by the American Dental Association (ADA) and shouldn't contain chlorine dioxide, which can actually damage your enamel. Natural Teeth Whitening Solutions. Try adding these natural whiteners to your diet for brighter, healthier teeth.

Natural Teeth Whitening Solutions

Natural Bleaching Agent: Strawberries Strawberries are powerful teeth whiteners that contain both an astringent and vitamin C. The astringent in strawberries effectively aids in the removal of surface stains while vitamin C whitens teeth by clearing away plaque. Natural Toothbrush: Apples A crunchy apple acts like a toothbrush as you chew it. The process of chewing an apple removes excess food and bacteria from your mouth while scrubbing away surface stains. Apples also contain malic acid, a chemical used in teeth whitening products, which helps dissolve stains. Raisins help to keep your teeth white by inducing saliva production. The Science Of Posture: Why Sitting Up Straight Makes You Happier And More Productive. I’ll confess up front: I have terrible posture.

The Science Of Posture: Why Sitting Up Straight Makes You Happier And More Productive

It’s been bad since I was in high school at least, and probably for even longer than that. It’s one of those things I keep in the back of my mind as something I know I should do, but never get around to, like eating more vegetables and sending more postcards. It’s really interesting to explore commonly held assumptions for Buffer blog, because I often find out surprising things. Researching how our posture affects us was no different. If you’re like me and struggle to sit up straight when you know you should, you might like this post.

We’ve talked extensively about body language before. Shaking your head will affect your opinion and other surprising new insights on posture. Body language is closely related to posture--the way we move our bodies affects how others see us as well as our own moods and habits. Dutch behavioral scientist Erik Peper has done extensive research into this area as well. Manners and Etiquette. 4 Ways to Make Small Talk. Edit Article Make the Person ComfortableStart TalkingFinish StrongSmall Talk Cheat Sheets Edited by Rahul R.

4 Ways to Make Small Talk

Sheth, Ben Rubenstein, Serena Greenslade, Flickety and 43 others There's nothing small about small talk. 7 Body Language Rules You Can Learn From a Legendary Dead Actor. By Clay Collins James Dean is an iconic figure of legendary proportions.

7 Body Language Rules You Can Learn From a Legendary Dead Actor

He was a paragon of coolness who occupied the middle ground between normalcy and antisocial rebellion. He took up lots of space (both physical and psychological), and his body language simultaneously conveyed extreme confidence and boyish vulnerability. Body Language for Actors: Common Mistakes. UPDATED: I had an interesting e-mail discussion with my father, professional actor J.

Body Language for Actors: Common Mistakes

Louis Reid. My takeaway is that anyone who’s serious about method acting would do better to ignore all of this in favor of connecting with emotions directly. As my mother used to say of mixed food at dinner, “it all goes to the same place”: feeling the emotions your character is conveying should encourage your body to move accordingly. With that said, I still have to say that I’ve seen a lot of plays where the below mistakes take away from the performers’ ability to convince me that they are the characters, so if you’re not actively pursuing a method acting approach or are critiquing someone else’s performance, the below may still be of great use. There are potentially valuable lessons for actors in one of my favorite areas of behavior study, body language.

How good are actors at body language? Of course, this knowledge is useful for a lot more than acting and public speaking. How to Build a Memory Palace (with Sample. <img alt="Image titled Build a Memory Palace Step 1" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn">1Edit step1Decide on a blueprint for your palace.

How to Build a Memory Palace (with Sample

While a memory palace can be a purely imagined place, it is easier to base it upon a place that exists in the real world and that you are familiar with or you can use some places of your favorite video game.