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Kundalini Awakening Through Sex – Gnosis and Gnosticism. In my last article, What is the Kundalini?

Kundalini Awakening Through Sex – Gnosis and Gnosticism

, I had explained that the kundalini is our central nervous system and also how the chemical energy known as phosphorus ascends up the spine via this system to our brains. A properly working central nervous system with the healthy distribution of this powerful chemical energy in our blood known as phosphorus, is one of the most critical alchemical management tools that we humans can utilize to become enlightened, or what some call a “kundalini awakening.” The Dogon, Shugborough Hall and the Secret Masonic Code.


The Dogon, Shugborough Hall and the Secret Masonic Code

Shugborough Hall & the Secret Masonic Codeby Shannon Dorey Shepherd's Monument ©Shannon Dorey The code on the Shugborough Shepherd's monument at Staffordshire in Lichfield, England has been confusing theorists since it was first created in the 1760s. Alma Deutscher: Channeling the Spirits and the Occult Source of Creativity - IlluminatiWatcher. Alma Deutscher is a child prodigy that was featured on the November 5th, 2017 episode of 60 Minutes.

Alma Deutscher: Channeling the Spirits and the Occult Source of Creativity - IlluminatiWatcher

What followed was confirmation of something we’ve been exploring for years: channeling entities from another dimension and harnessing alter egos from a realm of creativity… I’m building a video for this article with clips from the 60 Minutes show to support these arguments. Knowing that YouTube has already blocked my account from me previously for doing stuff like this; I’ll have to go another route. I’ll be providing it to all Patreon supporters of the IlluminatiWatcher project, so if you’re not onboard yet- go sign up now! *There are also other extra bonuses already uploaded for Patreons that you can check out until the video is available. Did Hitler’s obsession with the occult lose him the war? When he came to power Hitler had a dowser scour the Reich Chancellery for cancerous ‘death rays’.

Before flying to Scotland Rudolf Hess had his horoscope drawn up by a personal astrologer. Himmler backed research on the Holy Grail and medieval devil worship (‘Luciferism’) and sent an SS expedition by the explorer Dr Ernst Schafer to Tibet in 1938 to investigate the ancient Indo-German ‘Aryan’ origins of Buddhism. Himmler also founded the SS Witches Division, which collected evidence in eastern Europe in the second world war that Teutonic ‘wise women’ had been persecuted and burnt in a Jewish-Catholic Inquisition plot against volkisch German culture and blood. The Guilt of the Gnostic Knights Templar: The Chinon Parchment. The recently discovered Chinon Parchment of the Vatican Library in 2001 has brought a level of redemption to the Knights Templar.

The Guilt of the Gnostic Knights Templar: The Chinon Parchment

It does not discount their “heretical” activities, which were entirely gnostic in nature and reveal Johannite and Sufi influences on the Knights. But it does absolve them of these “crimes.” The History of the Parchment When Pope Clement V summoned many of the accused Knights Templar to his residence in Poitiers, France to determine the truth of the heretical allegations against them, some of the highest ranking knights, including Grandmaster Jacques de Molay, were diverted to Chinon, where they were met by three cardinals.

2017 Grammys: Illuminati & Occult Symbolism of the High Profile Ritual. Hello and welcome back to your home for conspiracy theories hidden in pop culture!

2017 Grammys: Illuminati & Occult Symbolism of the High Profile Ritual

In case you’re new to this website, I’ll be providing a brief overview of why this entire theory exists, then we’ll go through the various performances and discuss different ideas and theories surrounding these artists, as well as a post-analysis update of what exactly went down at the 2017 Grammys… **I’ve got the post analysis complete- including a video about this article for the IlluminatiWatcher1 YouTube channel – check it out! ** The Art of the High Profile Ritual. THE NEW ATLANTIS: Master Plan Of The Ages. Cosmic Convergence Research Group The Hidden Connections between the Elizabethan Court led by Sir Francis Bacon, the Founding Fathers of the American Republic guided by Comte de Saint Germain, and the Kremlin Leaders Assembled by Russian President Vladimir Putin This is a story which spans the entirety of the 6000 yearlong Kali Yuga. Also known as the Age of Quarrel, which began with the Mayan Long Count Calendar in approximately 3113 B.C.E., the Kali Yuga is analogous to the present Iron Age.

The true history of the current era, which is defined by so many epic wars and longstanding conflicts, is not only very protracted and extremely complex, many of the most important events and personages lie deeply hidden in its murky past. There are several significant threads interwoven throughout this multi-millennial saga which graphically portray our current Age of Conflict. Queen Elizabeth. “Where Are U Now” Video: The Occult Awakening of Justin Bieber.

Hello and welcome to!

“Where Are U Now” Video: The Occult Awakening of Justin Bieber

Today we’re talking about a recent video released from Justin Bieber and EDM musicians Skrillex and Diplo called Where Are U Now. The video was made by having fans show up at the Seventh Letter Art Gallery in L.A. and drawing their art on single frames of footage that would later be compiled together. It’s really quite an interesting video, but the images fly by so fast I decided I’d take it frame by frame (seriously- it took FOREVER, but that is the cost to be the boss in this conspiracy theory world).

Naturally the fans of Bieber, Skrillex, and Diplo showed up and as expected, you can see several images of pyramids and triangles… …you also see him with the All Seeing Eye of Horus; both in the artwork and the video… …some conspiracy theorists tossed a couple of gems on there… Illuminati Symbolism of Disney’s Gravity Falls “Society of the Blind Eye” I received some comments about the show Gravity Falls from a Illuminati Roundup article, and I was referred to watch the episode about the Society of the Blind Eye (special thanks to: “I’m_awake_now”).

Illuminati Symbolism of Disney’s Gravity Falls “Society of the Blind Eye”

I did watch it, and wow, there was a lot to take in! Law of Attraction and the modern church. “A movement has risen in Christian churches, including Africa, known as the Prosperity Movement, with affluent preachers making claims on how to achieve wealth and personal prosperity using faith practices in which The Law of Attraction is taught thinly disguised as ‘The Law of Faith’ thus driving millions of people into unknowingly embracing New Age ideals.”

Law of Attraction and the modern church

I am grateful for the awesome feedback from followers of this column and in this piece I honour their call to delve into why the famed Law of Attraction is dangerous, what it is and who exactly promotes it. Elizabethan Age. TWH – English Magic Tarot is a deck devised by magician and comic book artist Rex Van Ryn, painter Steve Dooley and Pagan writer and musician Andy Letcher.

Elizabethan Age

With a foreword by Chosen Chief of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids Philip Carr Gomm, the new deck deftly entwines all aspects of English Magic. As Philip Carr-Gomm states: “With this deck and book, you have the chance to explore the world of English magic directly, engaging with its peculiar charms and eccentricities. And with what excellent guides!” [Courtesy Photo] The Bembine Table of Isis. Index Previous Next p. 57 THE BEMBINE TABLE OF ISIS.

The Bembine Table of Isis

Concerning the theurgic or magic sense in which the Egyptian priests exhibited in the Bembine Table of Isis the philosophy of sacrifice, rites, and ceremonies by a system of occult symbols, Athanasius Kircher writes: "The early priests believed that a great spiritual power was invoked by correct and unabridged sacrificial ceremonies. If one feature were lacking, the whole was vitiated, says Iamblichus. Hence they were most careful in all details, for they considered it absolutely essential for the entire chain of logical connections to be exactly according to ritual.

Certainly for no other reason did they prepare and prescribe for future use the manuals, as it were, for conducting the rites. They learned, too, what the first hieromancers--possessed, as it were, by a divine fury--devised as a system of symbolism for exhibiting their mysteries. Le lien mystérieux entre Sirius et l'histoire de l'humanité.

Un aspect fascinant de Sirius est la cohérence de son symbolisme et les significations qui s'y rapportent. Plusieurs grandes civilisations ont vraiment associé Sirius à un personnage ressemblant à un chien et visualisé l'étoile soit comme la source, soit comme le but final d'une force mystérieuse. Pour l'astronomie chinoise et japonaise, Sirius est connu comme ''l'étoile du loup céleste''. Plusieurs tribus indigènes d'Amérique du nord se sont référés à l'étoile en termes canins : les tribus Seri et Tohono O'odham du sud-ouest décrivent Sirius comme un ''chien qui suit le mouflon'', alors que Blackfoot (indien américain) l'appelle ''Visage de chien''.

Les Cherokees couplaient Sirius avec Antarès comme étoile-chien gardienne du ''Chemin des Âmes''. La tribu du chien au Nebraska le connaissait comme ''l'étoile du loup'', tandis que d'autres branches de la tribu le nommaient ''l'étoile coyote''. La tribu des Dogons et l'Atlantide Sirius, symbolisme occulte et sociétés secrètes Dans le tarot. Masonic Christ - Francis Bacon. The Initiation of the Pyramid - The Secret Teachings of All Ages. The Zodiac and its Signs - The Secret Teachings of All Ages. The Bembine Table of Isis - The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Wonders of Antiquity - The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Ceremonial Magic and Scorcery - The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Hermetic Pharmacology, Chemistry, and Therapeutics - The Secret Teachings of All Ages.

The Elements and Their Inhabitants - The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Ceremonial Magic and Scorcery - The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Stones, Metals, and Gems - The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Flowers, Plants, Fruits, and Trees - The Secret Teachings of All Ages. The Pythanorean Theory of Music and Color - The Secret Teachings of All Ages. The Hiramic Legend - The Secret Teachings of All Ages. The Pythanorean Theory of Music and Color - The Secret Teachings of All Ages.

An Analysis of Tarot Cards - The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Ordo Templi Orientis. Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) Deus Inversus Secret Doctrine by H P Blavatsky, Vol 1, bk 2, ch 11. Occult theories about Francis Bacon and Valentin Andrea. Aleister Crowley. After an unsuccessful attempt to climb Kanchenjunga and a visit to India and China, Crowley returned to Britain, where he attracted attention as a prolific author of poetry, novels, and occult literature.

In 1907, he and George Cecil Jones co-founded a Thelemite order, the A∴A∴, through which they propagated the religion. After spending time in Algeria, in 1912 he was initiated into another esoteric order, the German-based Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), rising to become the leader of its British branch, which he reformulated in accordance with his Thelemite beliefs. Through the OTO, Thelemite groups were established in Britain, Australia, and North America.