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E-Portfolio (D9CG2)

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E-Porfolios personnels des étudiants du Master. L'approche compétences. Cours D9CG2 E-portfolio 1213.mp4. Balancing 2 Faces of ePortfolios. Reflection takes place at several points in time: when the piece of work (an artifact) is saved in the digital archive (a contemporaneous reflection while the work is fresh on our minds... or reflection in the present tense)... thus the role of a blogging tool; and when (and if) this piece is included in the more formal presentation/showcase or summative assessment portfolio.

Balancing 2 Faces of ePortfolios

The reflection written at this later point of time is more summative or cumulative, providing a much broader perspective on a body of work that represents the author's goals for the showcase portfolio.. reflection in the past tense. Technologically, selection would involve creating a hyperlink to specific blog entries (reflection) which may have documents (artifacts) as attachments. Finally, once we have looked back over our body of work, then we have an opportunity to look forward, setting a direction for future learning through goals... reflection in the future tense. GoogleApps Version Google Apps Version Summary. ePortfolios and Reflection - ePortfolios with GoogleApps.

John Dewey (1933) discusses both retrospective (for analysis of data) and prospective modes of reflection (for planning).

ePortfolios and Reflection - ePortfolios with GoogleApps

Beck and Bear (2009) studied reflection in the teaching cycle, comparing how pre-service teachers rated the development of their reflection skills in both formative and summative e-folios.The results of this research showed that: ...formative e-folios were rated as superior to summative, in terms of general reflective skill supporting teacher development, improved assessment role competencies, greater understanding of connections betwen assessment and planning, and relatively high value placed on teacher peer collaboration.

(p.2) Reflection is the "heart and soul" of a portfolio, and is essential to brain-based learning (Kolb, 1984; Zull, 2002). We need to develop strategies that better support reflection in the learning process, supporting different types of reflection to improve learning. A Few Words on ePortfolios. I was asked, I think that it would be of a great interest that you (as a world wide reference in education) can write a very brief review (between 200-300 words) about your vision regarding ePortfolios.

A Few Words on ePortfolios

(Graphic: Helen Barrett ) e-Portfolios have been around for a number of years now and we're beginning to see how they may be applied in learning and development. An e-portfolio is a collection of digital materials uploaded by a student to an e-portfolio repository; the repository owners can then make this material available publicly to prospective employers or clients, as requested by the student. A good example of such a system is the Desire2Learn ePortfolio system. Référentiel de compétences web. Expérience e-portfolio. Qu’est-ce que le e-portfolio ?

Expérience e-portfolio

Le Guide de l’auteur ePortfolio, le définit comme « un moyen numérique de collecter et de mettre en valeur des informations vous concernant pour un public particulier ». Précisons qu’il s’agit ici des informations concernant ma formation à distance (Master AIGEME). Les camarades de la formation et les enseignants sont le public visé. En survolant les e-portfolios de la promotion précédente et actuelle, j’ai recueilli les idées que me semblaient intéressantes et celles à approfondir. Puis en m’appuyant sur diverses expériences et en suivant méticuleusement une procédure qui me semblait la plus accessible en fonction de mes compétences techniques, j'ai débuté la conception de mon e-portfolio.

E-portfolio, un outil pour évaluer les compétences en formation d'adultes. Teaching Portfolio - UCAT. UCAT aims to provide faculty and GTAs with a practical and self-reflective guide for developing their teaching portfolios.

Teaching Portfolio - UCAT

What is a portfolio? As an academic, you might prepare different types of portfolios, including the course portfolio, the professional (scholarly) portfolio, and the teaching portfolio. The materials provided here focus on the teaching portfolio. Course portfolio: includes information specific to a particular course, including syllabi, course materials, and sample assignments, along with an explanation for the rationale behind the assignments, and a discussion of how your teaching methods and course materials help students learn. Electronic Portfolios: Students, Teachers, and Life Long Learners. What's a digital or electronic portfolio? How can I develop a student or teacher portfolio? How can text, photos, diagrams, audio, video and other multimedia elements be integrated into a portfolio? Electronic Portfolios are a creative means of organizing, summarizing, and sharing artifacts, information, and ideas about teaching and/or learning, along with personal and professional growth.

The reflective process of portfolio development can be as important as the final product. In many cases, they are used as part of faculty and student evaluation along with other assessment tools such as standardized tests. Read and watch Dr. E-portfolios for teachers. ePortfolio Introduction. Eportfolios. ePortfolios December 16, 2004 George Siemens Electronic portfolios (also referred to as eportfolios or webfolios) are gaining recognition as a valuable tool for learners, instructors, and academic organizations.


Bold proclamations laud webfolios as “higher education’s new “got to have it” tool – the show-and-tell platform of the millennium” (Cohen and Hibbitts, 2004), and as a tool that “may have the most significant effect on education since the introduction of formal schooling” (Love, McKean, and Gathercoal, 2004). Laying aside new-technology hype and enthusiasm, eportfolios can best be viewed as a reactionary response to fundamental shifts in learning, teaching, technology, and learner needs in a climate where learning is no longer perceived as confined to formal education.

Definition Portfolios have long been the showcase tools of artists – expressions of competencies and work completed. Additional definitions: ‪Conférence e-portfolios ADREP 2010 - Intervention de Serge Ravet (EIfEL)‬‏ [MétaTIC] La métacognition, un schéma synthèse. Insérer la balise More dans votre article. L'e-portfolio - Doonarrala. Le portfolio de l'apprenant — Enseigner avec le numérique.

Trois types de portfolios sont le plus souvent distingués : le dossier d'apprentissage, le dossier de présentation et le dossier d'évaluation.

Le portfolio de l'apprenant — Enseigner avec le numérique

Cette typologie est très clairement commentée dans "Portefolio sur support numérique", document du ministère de l'éducation du Québec. Le site Insight ( identifie quatre types. Ces différents types ne sont pas forcément séparés dans la pratique. Typologie selon 3 critères. Guide de l'auteur ePortfolio - WikiEducator. De WikiEducator.

Guide de l'auteur ePortfolio - WikiEducator

A qui s'adresse ce guide ? (en cours de construction) Ce guide s'adresse à toute personne souhaitant construire son ePortfolio pour l'accompagner dans ses apprentissages et faire reconnaître ses compétences? Qu'est-ce qu'un portfolio ? Définition formelle: une sélection ciblée d'éléments de preuve reliés par un récit montrant un apprentissage réflexif.