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Olivia bee

Olivia bee
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Chris Jordan Exploring around our country's shipping ports and industrial yards, where the accumulated detritus of our consumption is exposed to view like eroded layers in the Grand Canyon, I find evidence of a slow-motion apocalypse in progress. I am appalled by these scenes, and yet also drawn into them with awe and fascination. The immense scale of our consumption can appear desolate, macabre, oddly comical and ironic, and even darkly beautiful; for me its consistent feature is a staggering complexity. The pervasiveness of our consumerism holds a seductive kind of mob mentality. As an American consumer myself, I am in no position to finger wag; but I do know that when we reflect on a difficult question in the absence of an answer, our attention can turn inward, and in that space may exist the possibility of some evolution of thought or action. ~cj, Seattle, 2005

: Irina Werning cole rise Photography by Dave Engledow Dave Engledow joined 3 years ago, has been awarded 4 featured photos, was published in Fotoblur Magazine, has 1,006 followers, follows 320 other members, received 409,748 profile views, promoted 4,532 photos, and submitted 378 photos. Although I received a degree in photojournalism from the University of Texas at Austin, most of my professional life has been dedicated to progressive politics and workers' rights. I have never pursued any sort of career in photography, although I have had a small number of gallery exhibitions and scattered publication. I am relatively new to the world of digital photography--I was inspired to purchase my first DSLR about a year and half ago, upon learning that my wife was pregnant with our first child. Since the birth of our daughter Alice Bee in December 2010, the majority of my inspiration has stemmed from creatively documenting the first moments of her life in our family.

JOEL ROBISON Joel Robison est un photographe canadien dont les mises en scènes et les retouches sont particulièrement travaillées. Il crée un environnement onirique qu’il investit souvent au travers de situations tour à tour absurdes ou poétiques. Un superbe travail à découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article. steveaxford Goldstein, Dina Andrew McGibbon Photo Dancers Photography by Ludovic Florent « Poussière d’Etoiles » est une série réalisée par le photographe français Ludovic Florent. Il met à l’honneur des danseurs débordant de grâce en y ajoutant de la farine. Les grains de sable accentuent l’effet de mouvement majestueux des chorégraphies. A découvrir en détails sur son portfolio et dans la suite de l’article.

alikikirmitsi. Des athlètes parmi nous Suite à son projet autour du monde de la danse qui a remporté un vaste succès (à voir ou revoir ici), Jordan Matter revient avec un nouveau projet intitulé « Les athlètes parmi nous ». Cette série n’est pas véritablement accès sur le sport, mais sur la façon dont il est important d’atteindre les objectifs fixés, viser l’excellence et ne jamais abandonner. Des athlètes parmi nous

Marina Abramović Made Me Cry Marina Abramović Made Me Cry Photographs by Marco Anelli. From the book: PORTRAITS IN THE PRESENCE OF MARINA ABRAMOVIC (Marco Anelli © 2010) Portraits taken during the MoMA's exhibit of performance artist "Marina Abramović: The Artist Is Present". Abramović sits at a table in silence, and museum guests can sit across from her and stare. Some people couldn't handle the heat. Tumblr by: Katie Notopoulos See also: Marina Abramovic Hotties andrew brodhead
