Le piratage va-t-il tuer la distribution de films anglophones dans les salles de ciné françaises ? — Le futur de la distribution de films en France Au-delà de toutes ces très bonnes raisons, la donnée qui sous-tend tout cela est que le piratage des films est bien plus mondialisé que l’industrie du ciné. Une sortie américaine sonne le top départ de la course contre la montre avant la disponibilité du film sur Internet, pas la sortie française. Celle-ci doit donc se caler le plus près possible de celle américaine dans le meilleur des mondes. Ce n’est pas un hasard si les majors lancent leurs principaux films en l’espace de quelques jours dans le monde entier ou si certains avancent cette sortie au maximum. Je pense notamment à “Une merveilleuse histoire du temps” qui fut avancé du 15 mars 2015 à fin janvier, sans doute pour coller à la période de remise des prix aux Etats-Unis mais aussi sans doute pour éviter de subir le piratage massif du film. D’autres facteurs influent sur cette disponibilité de plus en plus rapide, des facteurs sur lesquels les distributeurs français, surtout les plus petits, n’ont aucune prise, aucun recours :
Creating a pure CSS dropdown menu 17 February, 2011 In redeveloping the Venturelab site we became increasingly aware that there was a lot of content that needed navigating extremely simply and fairly rapidly. We have so much to say and such a lot of content that the navigation of the site needed to be even more dynamic and encompassing than normal. Demo This article has been ported from the now-defunct Venturelab Devblog, where I had originally authored it. Each page features a sub-navigation area, which links to all the other pages within that section of the website. I was looking at the main menu of the site when inspiration struck. The concept What a dropdown menu provides is a hierarchical overview of the subsections contained within the menu item that spawned it. They are extremely useful in showing what a section of a site contains, and allowing you to access it from anyway else in that site, whether that be the parent page of that subsection, or a page in a different section altogether. The markup The CSS Final word
17/02 - “omnipotent” hackers tied to NSA hid for 14 years—and were found at last CANCUN, Mexico — In 2009, one or more prestigious researchers received a CD by mail that contained pictures and other materials from a recent scientific conference they attended in Houston. The scientists didn't know it then, but the disc also delivered a malicious payload developed by a highly advanced hacking operation that had been active since at least 2001. The CD, it seems, was tampered with on its way through the mail. It wasn't the first time the operators—dubbed the "Equation Group" by researchers from Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab—had secretly intercepted a package in transit, booby-trapped its contents, and sent it to its intended destination. Kaspersky researchers have documented 500 infections by Equation Group in at least 42 countries, with Iran, Russia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Syria, and Mali topping the list. A long list of almost superhuman technical feats illustrate Equation Group's extraordinary skill, painstaking work, and unlimited resources.
The Lost Principles of Design In the instant age that design has evolved into recently many of us often stray away from the basics. If you had a professor in college who taught you the fundamentals of design these may be engrained into your head. For the self-taught, you may have a book on your desk with these very principles. However, the more and more people that flood the internet for design content need to learn the basics before trying to make a stellar gradient in Photoshop. While this is cool and amazing right now, there will come a point where this style is strayed away from and a new style is made. In history, this lesson has repeated itself with movements like the Bauhaus and Swiss Modernism and will soon come label our current trends as part of history. Balance Arranging parts to achieve a state of equilibrium between forces of influences. Examples: Symmetrical, Asymmetrical, Radial Contrast Interaction of contradictory elements. Emphasis & Subordination Directional Forces Proportion Scale Repetition & Rhythm
untitled several color ideas untitled www.nofrag.com