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Enhancing Virtues: Intelligence (part 1) The ability to think clearly and make good decisions is on almost every society’s list of virtues.

Enhancing Virtues: Intelligence (part 1)

In this essay I discuss the debate over different aspects of intelligence, the degree to which they are shaped by genes, chemistry and society, and the role of intelligence in other virtues. Emerging Sustainability Collaborative Portal. Welcome to the Emerging Sustainability ‘collaborative portal’: a forum for researchers and practitioners working for sustainability.

Emerging Sustainability Collaborative Portal

It is a place for building new tools - and rediscovering old ones – that can facilitate the ‘emergence of sustainability’ from the bottom up. The portal grew from the ‘Emerging Sustainability’ project, part of the EPSRC-funded ‘Network on Emergence and Complexity’ (EmergeNet). Click here for details of EmergeNet. Sustainability can emerge as a property of complex social organisations and networks (communities, institutions, regions…) working cooperatively. New ideas for creating ‘experimental environments’ to achieve this are needed.

If you are a researcher or practitioner, and would like to participate, please sign up for an account and get stuck in. If you are looking for a particular topic on the site, use the 'Search Site' button on the tool bar above. Dear Nordstrom: About Your 'Skinny Sleep' Pillow. Dear Nordstrom, I posted a picture of me at 18 on Facebook the other day.

Dear Nordstrom: About Your 'Skinny Sleep' Pillow

David Ing - Google+ - A serialized blog by Ian MItroff @MitroffCrisis describing… David,Thank you!

David Ing - Google+ - A serialized blog by Ian MItroff @MitroffCrisis describing…

Devoted a few hours to TAF and appreciated learning from Ian Mitroff especially in regards to crisis and need for radical ideal planning. There are two considerate correlations that come to my attention: 1st is Humberto Maturana et al constructive epistemology of autopoiesis as primarily accepting the medium of language was invented in our cognitive realization in living as oral symbols desiring to become closer together in love = legitimacy-in-coexistence in live speech presencing. As Homo sapiens amans amans all units of humanity arise from this fundamental ethical background. I consider this the primary taken for granted psychic feature of all of of our so called problems in cultural matrix. The Virtues Project - Board of Directors. Kind words from our clients and sponsors…

The Virtues Project - Board of Directors

Values and Human Values. Values.

Values and Human Values

Transcendence (philosophy) In philosophy, the adjective transcendental and the noun transcendence convey the basic ground concept from the word's literal meaning (from Latin), of climbing or going beyond, albeit with varying connotations in its different historical and cultural stages.

Transcendence (philosophy)

This article covers the topic from a Western perspective by epoch: Ancient, Medieval, and modern, primarily Continental philosophy. The first meaning, as part of the concept pair transcendence/immanence, is used primarily with reference to God's relation to the world and is particularly important in theology. Here transcendent means that God is completely outside of and beyond the world, as contrasted with the notion that God is manifested in the world. This meaning originates both in the Aristotelian view of God as the prime mover, a non-material self-consciousness that is outside of the world. In modern philosophy, Kant introduced a new term — transcendental, thus instituting a new, third meaning.

Jump up ^ cf. Satya. Satya or Sathya is a central concept in Indian religions.


It is a Sanskrit word that loosely translates into English as "unchangeable", "that which pervades the universe in all its constancy". It is also interpreted as "absolute truth" or "reality". Etymology[edit] Transcendentals. The transcendentals (Latin: transcendentalia) are the properties of being.


In typical accounts being is said to be One, Good and True (unum, bonum, verum). Additional properties such as Thing, Beautiful and Being (ens) are often posited as transcendentals but remain more disputed. History[edit] St. Thomas Aquinas posited five transcendentals: res, unum, aliquid, bonum, verum; or "thing", "one", "something", "good", and "true".[3] St.

The transcendentals are ontologically one and thus they are convertible: e.g., where there is truth, there is beauty and goodness also. In Christian theology the transcendentals are treated in relation to Theology Proper, the doctrine of God. Accused “Fraudster” Leads Two Journals. A Russian researcher suspected of multiple counts of fakery is chief editor of two scientific publications.

Accused “Fraudster” Leads Two Journals

FLICKR, JOHN MARTINEZ PAVLIGADmitry Kuznetsov, a Russian biochemist whose published work has been repeatedly alleged to be fraudulent, is now the chief editor of two science journals. The appointments are raising questions about the scientific integrity of the publications. The accusations against Kuznetsov, if true, amount to “one of the worst fraud records in the history of science,” said Dan Larhammar, a professor at Uppsala University in Sweden who has written about problems in Kuznetsov's work. The five reactions to Facebook's desecration of privacy. Google Quietly Drops Its 'Don't Be Evil' Motto -SVW. Posted by Tom Foremski - April 1, 2009 Google [GOOG] has quietly dropped its "Don't be evil" motto as part of a broad strategy to refresh its image.

This shift in its corporate PR includes focusing media attention on key executives such as the very photogenic Marissa Mayer, VP of Search Product and User Experience. Ms Mayer is in the middle of global media tour, and recently appeared on The Charlie Rose Show and she is scheduled to be on Jay Leno's new show next week. PR Week recently reported that Google has been interviewing several large PR firms to help it spruce up its image, which has become tarnished over the past year with senior executives defecting to Facebook, and allegations by Internet commerce companies that it has been abusing its dominant position in search marketing.