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1,024 Robots Self-Assemble Into Any Shape You Want. New Type Of Computer Capable Of Calculating 640TBs Of Data In One Billionth Of A Second, Could Revolutionize Computing. Invisible : le rêve d'Harry Potter (partiellement) accompli en labo. DIFFUS.

Invisible : le rêve d'Harry Potter (partiellement) accompli en labo

Tout doucement, la quête de l'invisibilité se poursuit dans les laboratoires. Les chercheurs de l'institut de technologie de Karlsruhe, en Allemagne, viennent de marquer ce chemin d'un nouveau jalon. Révolution : l’objet israélien qui va transformer notre rapport au monde. Une start-up israélienne Consumer Physics vient d’annoncer la commercialisation imminente, (décembre 2014) pour 149 dollars, d’un objet totalement révolutionnaire, le premier capteur moléculaire miniature (spectroscope) permettant d’analyser de façon instantanée la composition chimique de tout ce qui se trouve autour de vous, aliments, plantes, médicaments, liquides,… L’appareil est dénommé SCiO et vient de faire l’objet d’une campagne de financement participatif Kickstarter.

Révolution : l’objet israélien qui va transformer notre rapport au monde

La campagne a rencontré un succès fulgurant et atteint son objectif initial en 24 heures, les investisseurs ayant perçu la rupture technologique apportée par le SCiO. Out Of Old Factory, Japanese Company Sells... High-Tech Lettuce. In an empty space in its former factory in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, electronics-maker Fujitsu is now developing an unusual product: lettuce.

Out Of Old Factory, Japanese Company Sells... High-Tech Lettuce

Grown in a clean room, the lettuce has been engineered to contain low amounts of potassium. The growing operation uses a cloud computing system to optimize levels of humidity, CO2 ,and fertilizer. Lawsuit accuses IBM of hiding China risks amid NSA spy scandal. Champion nano-rust for producing solar hydrogen. 09.07.13 - Water and some nano-structured iron oxide is all it takes to produce bubbles of solar hydrogen.

Champion nano-rust for producing solar hydrogen

EPFL and Technion scientists just discovered the champion structure to achieve this In the quest for the production of renewable and clean energy, photoelectrochemical cells (PECs) constitute a sort of a Holy Grail. PECs are devices able of splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen in a single operation, thanks to solar radiation. Researchers Identify a New Form of Carbon: Grossly Warped 'Nanographene' Chemists at Boston College and Nagoya University in Japan have synthesized the first example of a new form of carbon.

Researchers Identify a New Form of Carbon: Grossly Warped 'Nanographene'

Revolutionary Scuba Mask Creates Breathable Oxygen Underwater On Its Own. There is skepticism about whether or not this is going to manifest.

Revolutionary Scuba Mask Creates Breathable Oxygen Underwater On Its Own

Just to stay balanced: Designer Jeabyun Yeon has created something great. Essentially it turns humans into fish. Viktor Schauberger Vortex Energy Experiments, Implosion Generator & Walter Russell. Notre cerveau à l’heure des nouvelles lectures. Maryanne Wolf, directrice du Centre de recherche sur la lecture et le langage de l’université Tufts est l’auteur de Proust et le Calmar (en référence à la façon dont ces animaux développent leurs réseaux de neurones, que nous avions déjà évoqué en 2009).

Notre cerveau à l’heure des nouvelles lectures

Sur la scène des Entretiens du Nouveau Monde industriel au Centre Pompidou, la spécialiste dans le développement de l’enfant est venue évoquer « la modification de notre cerveau-lecteur au 21e siècle » (voir et écouter la vidéo de son intervention)… Image : Maryanne Wolf face au public sur la scène du Centre Pompidou, photographiée par Victor Feuillat. Comment lisons-nous ? World's oldest and stickiest lab study ready for drop of excitement.

In terms of output, Queensland University's pitch drop study – the world's oldest laboratory experiment – has been stunningly low.

World's oldest and stickiest lab study ready for drop of excitement

Only eight drops have emerged from the lump of pitch installed in the university's physics building foyer in 1927. Watching paint dry looks exhilarating by comparison. But excitement is now rising over the experiment, which was set up to calculate the viscosity of the world's stickiest substance, pitch, which has been found to be at least 230 billion times more viscous than water. According to Professor John Mainstone, who has run the experiment since the 1960s, a ninth drop looks set to emerge from the pitch block in the very near future. Silent Circle's latest app democratizes encryption. Governments won't be happy. Courtesy of Silent Circle For the past few months, some of the world’s leading cryptographers have been keeping a closely guarded secret about a pioneering new invention.

Silent Circle's latest app democratizes encryption. Governments won't be happy

Today, they’ve decided it’s time to tell all. Ryan Gallagher is a journalist who reports on surveillance, security, and civil liberties. Follow Back in October, the startup tech firm Silent Circle ruffled governments’ feathers with a “surveillance-proof” smartphone app to allow people to make secure phone calls and send texts easily. Magnesium and the Sun. Quantum Levitation. Why Don't You Try This?: Scientists Use Sound Waves To Levitate, Manipulate Matter. A team of researchers in Switzerland have developed a way of levitating and transporting small objects using nothing but sound.

Why Don't You Try This?: Scientists Use Sound Waves To Levitate, Manipulate Matter

Using ultrasonic waves – that is, sound waves whose frequency is too high for humans to hear – scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich have made water droplets, instant coffee crystals, styrofoam flakes, and a toothpick, among other objects, hang in midair, move along a plane, and interact with each other. It is the first time that scientists have been able to use sound to simultaneously levitate several objects next to each other and move them around.

Touchable Holograms. To Our Faithful Users: Current's run has ended after eight exciting years on air and online. The Current TV staff has appreciated your interest, support, participation and unflagging loyalty over the years. Your contributions helped make a vibrant place for discussing thousands of interesting stories, and your continued viewership motivated us to keep innovating and find new ways to reflect the voice of the people. Solar Roadways. The Solar Batteries. Rechargeable Batteries with Solar CellsProject by Knut Karlsen At home i always have some batteries lying around, either rechargeable or normal ones. Usually they are empty, but i'd like them to be always fully charged. I could use a normal charger and there is a lot of solar devices that charge rechargeable batteries. I wanted it simpler; why hasn't anyone made a battery with integrated solar cells?

The idea of the "SunCat" batteries where born. I had some older NiMH rechargeable batteries that i glued the flexible Photo Voltaic (PV) cells onto. Half glued you can see the really shiny polymer substrate backside of the PV cell. Cutting-Edge Innovations - Solar Industry. World's 1st Artificial Leaf.