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Using CB Triggers. Tutorials - API usage Community Builder has an assortment of triggers which can be used to alter CB data or even Joomla data without hacking the code.

Using CB Triggers

There are multiple use scenarios for these triggers. You can use them in modules, components, bots, plugins, or essentially anything you include the CB API in. To initiate a trigger you'll need to add the call for it. At the top of your php file add the following just below direct access check. Global $_PLUGINS; $_PLUGINS->registerFunction( 'TRIGGER', 'FUNCTION', 'CLASS' ); The format above is mandatory with the exception of Class, This allows you to call Function when Trigger is executed.

Function Function( $var1, $var2 ) { Now that the formatting and preparation is understood you'll need to know the list of available triggers. Administrator/components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.class.php. How can I add a Custom Client side validation? How do I create an email subject using data from the form? Details Created: Tuesday, 09 October 2012 04:30 This FAQ shows you how to combine form input data and text to make up an email subject.

How do I create an email subject using data from the form?

You can use exactly the same method to build, for example, a Reply To Name from first_name and last_name data from your form. If you want to use just the data from a single form input then you can add the input name in the Subject box on the Email action Dynamic tab. Note: don't use curly brackets or quotes here. If you want to include some other text as well as the form input, or you want to combine more than one form input then you need to create a new input entry in the $form->data array. <? You can include more that one input name in the same way After you have added the Custom Code action you can use subject in the Dynamic tab Subject box as above. You could also use my custom Email [GH] action (available here). Some text {input_name} some more text. How can I add a Custom Client side validation? AutoComplétion Code Postal/Ville avec jQuery.

Les sites web évoluent avec le temps et deviennent de plus en plus sophistiqués.

AutoComplétion Code Postal/Ville avec jQuery

Le but principal des développeurs web est de simplifié et rendre plus agréable leurs utilisations. Nous allons mettre en place un système de proposition de code postal/ville dès la saisie de l'un de ces deux membres. Consulter la démo Bien entendu nous n'allons pas saisir tous les codes postaux et les villes de France ! Nous avons à notre disposition une liste déjà toute faite sur le site Il y a bien évidemment la liste des codes postaux/ville de tous les pays. Rendez-vous sur la page puis choisissez le pays que vous souhaitez. Il se comporte de deux fichiers textes. Si vous ouvrez le fichier " FR.txt " vous constaterez que c'est une liste séparée par des tabulations, dont voici la structure : On va donc créer une table correspondante à la structure de ce fichier. SQL version complète Sélectionnez Ou bien tout simplement une version plus légère contenant juste les informations dont nous avons besoin :

YUI Slideshow – Fresh Cut - San Diego Graphic Design. YUI Slideshow lets you create customizable, animated slideshows from images or any other HTML.

YUI Slideshow – Fresh Cut - San Diego Graphic Design

Use the built-in transitions or create your own! DownloadDemoBasic UsageIntermediate UsageAdvanced Usage Download YUI Slideshow is now hosted on the Yahoo! CDN as part of the YUI Gallery, so there is no need to download the script. DrasticTreemap. DrasticTreemapGApi, version 0.9, by: DrasticData Overview A dynamic treemap to inspect the distribution of variables in a visual way.


The treemap uses Flash. Note for Developers : Because of Flash security settings, this (and all Flash-based visualizations) might not work correctly when accessed from a file location in the browser (e.g., rather than from a web server URL (e.g., This is typically a testing issue only. You can overcome this issue as described on the Macromedia web site Example (Note that the following code will not work when loaded as a local file; it must be loaded from a web server.)

Other Examples There are two more examples included in the release: Example2Example3 (uses random data) Loading and Instantiating. Cool And Free Launch Page With Ajax Newsletter. Almost every web project needs a "launch page (under construction page)" or a page to show when the website is under maintenance. Rather than creating a new one from scratch for every project, here is a free launch page with an Ajax newsletter. Don't forget to bookmark this resource at E-mails are saved in a .txt file with ";" delimiters. So they can be used anytime with a simple copy-paste. Important: Before using this free launch page, change the name of the text file to anything hard to guess and also update the name of this text file in newsletter.php file's 1st line. You can use this template as is or update it easily to fit your needs. Features of this free launch page: Ajaxed interfaceServer-side e-mail validation (secure)E-mails are saved in a text file with ";" delimiter.