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Death by a thousand cuts. Ecole de la Montagne Rouge. Ecole de la Montagne Rouge. Le feu aux poudres. Four Minutes to Midnight. Memefest 2012: Debt My long-standing collaboration with Memefest continues as I was asked by Oliver Vodeb to create the visuals for this year’s festival on the very timely theme of Debt.

Four Minutes to Midnight

We decided to take a poetic, slightly ambiguous approach, with many subtle references, reflecting our complex relationship (and resistance) to debt. Jonge Socialisten hangen groot spandoek aan Martinitoren. 21 mei 2012 11:51 (laatst bewerkt: 21 mei 2012 13:36) In de rechtbank vindt maandag de zitting plaats die drie studentenorganisaties vorig jaar aanspanden tegen de Nederlandse Staat vanwege de langstudeerboete.

Jonge Socialisten hangen groot spandoek aan Martinitoren

Illegaal onderwijsprotest bij Martinitoren. Quebec Student Protests: Xavier Dolan Wears Red Square To Cannes Premiere Of 'Laurence Anyways' (PHOTOS) Fullsize - (pdf) par la sang et le feu. Studenten Zonder Geld wint kijkerspitch BNN. Téléjournal - Les blessés du conflit étudiant. Michael Vipperman holds up a "no'' sign at his convocation ceremony Thursday and refuses his bachelor of arts degree. Anarchopanda Hugs the Front Lines of Montreal Student Protests. The author getting a hug from Anarchopanda.

Anarchopanda Hugs the Front Lines of Montreal Student Protests

Credit: Tommy Moore Once the panda released me from his embrace on rue Sainte-Catherine on a recent Saturday night, men at the leather bar across the way waved him over for their chance at a law-breaking hug. The panda is an anarchist, and in Quebec, everything we are doing right now – including hugging an anarchist panda in a crowded street – is illegal. Our hug dans la rue put us on the wrong side of the law due to Bill 78, which prohibits any gathering of fifty people or more without prior police approval. After Bill 78 passed on May 18 this year, in open defiance Montreal residents have taken to the streets in the thousands – including my new panda friend. Cavalierdaily : Faculty Senate calls for t... The Daily Californian - Berkeley's Newspaper. UCPD, Berkeley Police Department and Albany Police Department recently decided to partner to seek funding for an armored vehicle despite opposition from community members who fear it will be used to suppress protests.

The Daily Californian - Berkeley's Newspaper

The proposal for the armored vehicle, known as the East Bay Tactical Intervention Vehicle, has not yet been presented to Berkeley City Council, though the Berkeley Police Department’s mutual aid agreements — through which the department can request assistance from local agencies in times of need — will be presented to the council at a special meeting Tuesday night. City council members, ACLU of Northern California representatives and the city’s Peace and Justice Commission are expected to speak at the meeting.

Verkiezingsposters. DUB: Halbe in zes cartoons. Halbe Zijlstra was de afgelopen twee jaar een geliefd slachtoffer van DUB-cartoonist Niels Bongers.

DUB: Halbe in zes cartoons

Aan de hand van zijn cartoons schetst Bongers een weinig vleiend beeld van de vertrekkend staatssecretaris: "Heel tevreden met zichzelf, minachting voor andermans opvattingen, tegenargumenten weg lachen en plezier beleven aan bezuinigen. " De overpeinzingen van Niels Bongers: Toen hij net in de Utrechtse gemeenteraad zat, heb ik zijdelings met Halbe Zijlstra te maken gehad. Het leek me een aardige en slimme man, die belangstellend luisterde naar wat we te zeggen hadden - het scheelde misschien dat we bezwaar maakten tegen voornemens van een wethouder tegen wie hij oppositie voerde.

Eenmaal staatssecretaris vond ik hem helemaal niet meer aardig, en al helemaal geen belangstellende luisteraar. Verkiezingsposters. "death by a thousand cuts" via Diane Ravitch. The Mercury of Pottstown, Pennsylvania, has an editorial describing the devastating effects of budget cuts and tax caps on Pennsylvania’s public schools.

"death by a thousand cuts" via Diane Ravitch

The cuts threaten the future, says the editorial. Class sizes are growing. Thousands of teachers have been laid off. On the chopping block and already cut are music and art, sports, kindergarten, early childhood education, after-school activities. State budget cuts, combined with the transfer of public funds to charter schools and voucher schools, are eroding public education for the vast majority of the state’s children. Public school cuts threaten the future.

“Death by a thousand cuts” is one way to look at what is happening with Pennsylvania public schools.

Public school cuts threaten the future

With each passing year, the chances increase that a child will be in class with more students than the year before. That same child’s chance of taking a field trip, learning how to play a musical instrument or even attending kindergarten are decreasing just as quickly. The findings of a recent statewide survey by the Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials and the Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators show what local headlines reveal during budget season: School districts respond to financial stress by cutting electives, cutting tutoring and cutting teachers.

Recent years have shown increasing dilemmas and struggles in area schools as music and art programs, sports, and clubs are on the chopping block. The 55 Funniest Signs From the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear from Funny Or Die. We know that we're a little late to the game and that plenty of other websites have already posted best signs of the rally.

The 55 Funniest Signs From the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear from Funny Or Die

But this is the internet, and since we are a website on that internet, we are required to post this. So without further ado… Here are the 55 funniest signs from the Stewart/Colbert rally. (via) (via)