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Growing in a Foreign World: For a History of the "Meluha Villages" in Mesopotamia in the 3rd Millenium BC. Above: Impression of an Indus-style cylinder seal of unknown Near Eastern origin in the Musee du Louvre, Paris.

Growing in a Foreign World: For a History of the "Meluha Villages" in Mesopotamia in the 3rd Millenium BC

One of the two anthropomorphic figures carved on this seal wears the horns of water buffalo while sitting on a throne with hoofed legs, surrounded by snakes, fishes and water buffaloes. Copyrighted photo by M. My-documents889.jpg (JPEG Image, 3369 × 3007 pixels) - Scaled (21%) Australian Indigenous Astronomy: The Coal Sack and the "Emu in the..." er, I mean... the "Llama in the Sky"?! Mithra. Le Mithra iranien Dans les anciennes inscriptions perses , il fait partie, avec Ahura Mazda et Anahita, de la triade des divinités protectrices des Achéménides.


Un grand nombre de noms théophores de l'époque achéménide (Cumont, Textes et Monuments relatifs au culte de Mithra, p. 76, n° 1 et suiv.), quelques passages des historiens grecs (Hérodote, 1, 131, etc.) attestent l'antiquité, l'importance et la continuité de son culte. Siberian princess reveals her 2,500 year old tattoos. She is to be kept in a special mausoleum at the Republican National Museum in capital Gorno-Altaisk, where eventually she will be displayed in a glass sarcophagus to tourists.

Siberian princess reveals her 2,500 year old tattoos

For the past 19 years, since her discovery, she was kept mainly at a scientific institute in Novosibirsk, apart from a period in Moscow when her remains were treated by the same scientists who preserve the body of Soviet founder Vladimir Lenin. Clues to Lost Prehistoric Code Discovered in Mesopotamia. The tokens, in this instance, had air bubbles around them, suggesting they were wrapped in cloth before being put in the ball, the cloth disintegrating over time.

Clues to Lost Prehistoric Code Discovered in Mesopotamia

In addition, it appears that a liquid, likely liquid bitumen, was poured over the tokens after they were inserted into the balls. What someone was trying to communicate by creating such tokens is unknown. "That's a mystery," Woods told LiveScience in an interview. Rongo­rongo. Ancient-Wisdom - Online Guide to Prehistory.

Matriarcat indo-européen : les guerrières amazones antiques d’Asie centrale. Des tombes de femmes guerrières Il semble que les sociétés pastorales de nomades d’Eurasie dans lesquelles le patriarcat semble s’être formé aient été également des sociétés matriarcales.

Matriarcat indo-européen : les guerrières amazones antiques d’Asie centrale

C’est du moins ce qu’il ressort des fouilles menées entre 1992 et 1995 par Jeannine Davis-Kimball, directrice du Centre de Recherches de la Civilisation Nomade Eurasiatique à l’université de Berkeley en Californie. Ce sont en fait davantage des squelettes féminins qui ont été retrouvés dans les Kourganes; les tumulus funéraires antiques (600 et 200 av. JC) que l’on trouve en Russie, au kazakhstan et en Chine à Banpo. Celle-ci a pu noter que dans tous les musées d’Eurasie qu’elle a systématiquement visité pour en connaitre les artefacts conservés, se retrouvent les traces de prêtresses, femmes-chamanes, et curieusement, à partir de -4000 environ, guerrières, ce qui n’a pas manqué d’être mis en relation avec le mythe des Amazones. Extrait de l’Or des Amazones, sur le site du Musée Cernuschi : THE ENORMOUS MEGALITHIC SITE OF CHOKAHATU ~ Megaliths of India: The official website of Subhahsis Das.

The Ancient Enigma. Indians migrated to Australia 4,000 years ago, genes show. The Indo-Australian connection thickens. The arrival of the European Christians in Australia was a catastrophic event for the aboriginal peoples of that island.

The Indo-Australian connection thickens

They never recovered from that encounter and today eke out a shambolic and reduced existence, almost as though the karma-phala of their exterminating the megafauna of the island had caught up with them. Котельники-Остров или 10км от мкад. Australian Original Astronomical Rock Engravings Will Re-Write World History. 9th April 2013 By Steven Strong Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Original Australian archaeology serving astronomical purposes found in the Central Coast of NSW (Australia) is both so numerous in number (>2000 star markers) and diverse in applications (star markers, constellation alignments, solstices, plasma events and possibility of binary star system and polar shifts) and the implications of this call into question many mistaken assumptions of Original prehistory.

Australian Original Astronomical Rock Engravings Will Re-Write World History

We propose that this complex is a unique star map of global significance exhibiting sophistication previously unknown. Australian Original Astronomical Rock Engravings Will Re-Write World History. Ancient Shiva Temple at Ambernath. The Shiva temple at Ambarnath is one of its kind in this region.

Ancient Shiva Temple at Ambernath

This temple is a fine example of the Vesara style that was predominant in the central parts of India. File:EpicIndiaCities.jpg. Machines Of Ancient China - Ancient Discoveries - History Channel Documentary. Mysterious Structure Discovered Beneath Sea of Galilee. A giant "monumental" stone structure discovered beneath the waters of the Sea of Galilee in Israel has archaeologists puzzled as to its purpose and even how long ago it was built.

Mysterious Structure Discovered Beneath Sea of Galilee

The mysterious structure is cone shaped, made of "unhewn basalt cobbles and boulders," and weighs an estimated 60,000 tons the researchers said. That makes it heavier than most modern-day warships. Faravahar, Zoroastrianism and the winged disk. Faravahar is one of the best-known symbols of Zoroastrianism, the state religion of ancient Iran. This symbol can be interpreted exactly as what you see in it: A person who flies a kind of a round aircraft. Although some will argue that the winged disk is the sun and represents sun worshiping, it’s hard to believe that this is the case. When examining the origins of the Zoroastrian religion a few facts jump’s out - According to Zoroastrian tradition, Zoroaster was a reformer who exalted the deity of Wisdom, Ahura Mazda, to the status of Supreme Being and Creator, while demoting various other deities and rejecting certain rituals, sounds familiar?

AIN GHAZAL. Considered among the most important pre-pottery Neolithic sites in the whole of the ancient Near East, the 9,000-year-old farming settlement of ‘Ain Ghazal (Spring of the Gazelles) first came to light during road construction on the outskirts of Amman in 1974.


In the decade that followed, numerous finds were recovered from the 30-acre site, the most extraordinary of which were a suite of large, lime-plaster statues and funerary masks found in two caches beneath the floor of an abandoned building. Some 30 in all, the statues had faces tinted with red ochre and eyes inlaid with bitumen; the funerary masks had been modeled on human skulls. A Passage To India - Location-Notes, Photos, and Maps of the Barabar Caves near Gaya, Bihar. The road to Nagarjuna Hill got bumpier and bumpier - at times I thought that the Ambassador motor car could not cope with such punishment, and that it would be better if we walk. Tiwanaku. Géographie[modifier | modifier le code] Carte de l'extension des peuples Tiwanaku et Huari Histoire[modifier | modifier le code] L'histoire de la civilisation de Tiwanaku et de la capitale du même nom, peut être subdivisée en quatre époques[1] : formative, sur une période commençant un peu avant le Xe siècle av.

J. Hypothèses d'une origine plus ancienne[modifier | modifier le code] Carte de Piri Reis. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Göbekli Tepe. The function of the structures is not yet clear. The most common opinion, shared by excavator Klaus Schmidt, is that they are early neolithic sanctuaries. Discovery[edit] The site was first noted in a survey conducted by Istanbul University and the University of Chicago in 1963. American archaeologist Peter Benedict identified it as being possibly neolithic[6] and postulated that the Neolithic layers were topped by Byzantine and Islamic cemeteries. The survey noted numerous flints. Göbekli Tepe, Turkey: a new wonder of the ancient world.

Two years ago a bare trickle of visitors found their way to this remote hilltop revelation. Now, however, visitors are building their entire itineraries around Göbekli Tepe, surest of shoo-ins for future World Heritage Status, and foundations are already in place for a protective site canopy, a nearby visitors’ centre and a ticket office. Numbers are set to explode here, the more so because the surrounding Euphrates region centred on the ancient cities of Gaziantep and Sanliurfa happens to boast an exceptional wealth of cultural draws.

Persan standard. (5) Facebook. The Jerusalem Archaeological Park - timeline. Nouvelle Jérusalem monastère. В 1656 году патриарх Никон, начавший церковную реформу, распорядился о строительстве нового монастыря. Вполне в духе господствовавшей идеологии «Москва — Третий Рим», монастырь должен был стать религиозным центром всего православного мира. По замыслу, он должен был копировать сооружения Святой Земли (и называться Новый Иерусалим), а главный собор — храм Гроба Господня в Иерусалиме. Реку Истру переименовали в Иордан (Иордань). Site de TOUS Hyperborée.