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Data mining software

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Log out of your account. iMediaStreams: Interest Based Targeting - Video Ad Server. Social network analysis software. Social network analysis software (SNA software) is software which facilitates quantitative or qualitative analysis of social networks, by describing features of a network either through numerical or visual representation.

Social network analysis software

Overview[edit] Some SNA software can perform predictive analysis.[5] This includes using network phenomena such as a tie to predict individual level outcomes (often called peer influence or contagion modeling), using individual-level phenomena to predict network outcomes such as the formation of a tie/edge (often called homophily models[6]) or particular type of triad, or using network phenomena to predict other network phenomena, such as using a triad formation at time 0 to predict tie formation at time 1.

Network analysis software generally consists of either packages based on graphical user interfaces (GUIs), or packages built for scripting/programming languages. GUI packages are easier to learn, while scripting tools are more powerful and extensible. See also[edit] 2011 Social Network Analysis Report – Geographic – Demographic and Traffic Data Revealed. 2010 was a rocky year in the social network space and many sites closed their doors including and Team Sugar, to name a few.

2011 Social Network Analysis Report – Geographic – Demographic and Traffic Data Revealed

Quite a few others continued their decline into yesterday’s news as we see more social network users consolidating their social profiles. Undoubtedly, Facebook’s continued growth worldwide has led to this as it becomes the de facto source for social networking. We added coverage of the following international social networks this year: 2011 Social Network Analysis Methodology: This year we will be reporting data a little differently, as last year we noticed a trend, specifically Google Insights for search seeing a large drop in ‘’ domain search traffic.

All data continues to come from Google because they have one of the largest data sets on the web. Citing These Sources. Top 10 Social Media Tracking and Analytics Tools. HOW TO: Track Social Media Analytics. Social media is a relatively new phenomenon, but Delicious, Digg, StumbleUpon and other social media websites have become an increasingly important source of website traffic.

HOW TO: Track Social Media Analytics

This also creates a massive demand for data related to social media. Where are users coming from? What topics excite them? These are questions that, when answered, can be the difference between a successful website and a failed social media campaign. But social media analytics is young, and not many people know where to start. Understand what you want to track As with most things in life, you can't conquer what you don't understand, or at least what you haven't really thought about. What is your goal? You're going to focus on traffic statistics if you're tracking social media website engagement, while if you're tracking a wider campaign, Twitter response and positive comments might be a more appropriate metric. Optimize your existing analytics software Add new analytics tools Aggregate your analytics Analyze and engage. Understand Klout.

Understand Klout. Analytics Official Website - Web Analytics & Reporting – Google Analytics. Social Media Monitoring and Engagement, Social CRM - Social Media Monitoring, Measurement Tools and Analytics – the basics and common tools « Social Media in Public Communication. By Natalie Doyle Oldfield It takes Google only .23 seconds to produce over 38 million hits for ‘social media analytics tools.’

Social Media Monitoring, Measurement Tools and Analytics – the basics and common tools « Social Media in Public Communication

Narrowing the search to ‘measuring social media tone.’ produces 10 million hits in .33 seconds. This clearly indicates that social media is a hot topic so there are a few questions worth asking: What are the most important things to know about social media monitoring? What are the common tools used to monitor? Social media monitoring begins with listening. With this basic information you can then understand who the stakeholder is, their age, gender, their followers, and what their sphere of influence is.

This basic information can provide insight into issues and provide new business opportunities. Social Media Monitoring and Analysis, SAS Social Media Analytics. Go from access to insight.

Social Media Monitoring and Analysis, SAS Social Media Analytics

And insight to action. A media intelligence portal gives easy access to social media analysis insights. Prepackaged modules address the most frequently encountered issues – brand and market tracking, reputation and threat tracking, online media analysis and customer feedback. You can avert escalating issues, mitigate critics, classify market feedback across multiple dimensions and quickly identify opportunities to engage with brand advocates. Answer questions about consumer needs, strategic market opportunities, emerging threats, media allocation and online engagement.