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Mahabharata X - Album on Imgur. 17 Beautiful Sites with Amazing Free Stock Photos. Amanda Sandlin If you’re looking for beautiful stock photos, dealing with licenses is just a headache and is often ignored.

17 Beautiful Sites with Amazing Free Stock Photos

We’ve combed through an amazing list of free stock photo sites to find the best ones possible. 30 Insane Optical Illusions That Will Boggle Your Mind. I Can't Trust My Eyes Anymore... Our brains have developed incredible tactics and coping mechanisms to help us make sense of the complex world around us.

30 Insane Optical Illusions That Will Boggle Your Mind. I Can't Trust My Eyes Anymore...

But some parts of our highly adaptive minds aren't perfect and can be exposed through carefully crafted illusions. In this list, you had the luxury of knowing the images and gifs are actually illusions. But can you imagine how many ways your brain is deceiving you every day without your knowledge? In fact, its likely that everything you've ever experienced is heavily distorted so you can process and understand what you perceive. Thanks for reading, and please pass this on to others! Every Week, 2 Anonymous Students Sneak Into A Classroom And Proceed To Blow Everyone's Mind.

At the Columbus College of Art and Design, two rogue college students are creating quite a stir… but not by any normal means.

Every Week, 2 Anonymous Students Sneak Into A Classroom And Proceed To Blow Everyone's Mind

They aren't cheating or stealing, they are causing a creative riot. The anonymous duo, who go by the name Dangerdust, sneak into a classroom each week and create a masterpiece out of nothing but chalk. The pair are both seniors in Advertising & Graphic Design, and they are probably busy with a larger than life course-load, but they still remain passionate about their weekly chalk art. 21 Creative Geniuses Doing What They Love In Life. 35 Most Amazing Restaurants With A View. #25 Is INSANE. There’s nothing like eating a delicious meal with a magnificent view.

35 Most Amazing Restaurants With A View. #25 Is INSANE.

Here are 35 of the most beautiful places in the world to dine. #1. Asiate in New York, New York. 24 Signs You Went To An All-Boys School. Oh Father. 13 types of metalheads you'll meet at the festivals. A Retired Traveler's Breathtaking Photos of International Landscapes. Bangkok-based Thai photographer Weerapong Chaipuck discovered his passion for photography after an early retirement from the medical profession.

A Retired Traveler's Breathtaking Photos of International Landscapes

Now, Chaipuck travels the world, snapping shots of all the beautiful landscapes he comes across. His breathtaking images offer eye-catching perspectives that are rich with color and texture, not to mention content. 40 Super Awesome Wallpapers for Nerds. The San Francisco Times. Scumbag brain. The World's Most Dangerous Trail on Mr. Huashan Leads to a Teahouse. The Slightly Warped Website. 31 Insanely Clever Remodeling Ideas For Your New Home. 33 Amazing Ideas That Will Make Your House Awesome. We’ve all got some sort of idea of how our dream home might look.

33 Amazing Ideas That Will Make Your House Awesome

Some of us have just got to have a pool, while others want clever modern design, sustainability, or integration with natural elements. No matter what it is that makes your dream home unique, here are a few examples of homes where people have been able to realize some of their greatest home design fantasies. [Read more...] These ingenious home improvements run from pools and aquariums to cleverly-hidden storage spaces, multi-purpose furniture and… cat transit walkways.

The 9 Most Epic Texting Pranks Of All Time. The 3rd One Killed Me…LOL! These Photos Are Actually Pencil Perfect Drawings. At just 22 years old, Italian artist Diego Fazo has developed the skill to create photo-realistic drawings using a simple charcoal pencil.

These Photos Are Actually Pencil Perfect Drawings

His latest creation, pictured below, has drawn hundreds of positive comments on his Deviant Art profile. Don’t tell me you can tell the image below is a drawing and not a high-definition photograph, because I don’t buy it. In fact people were so skeptical this incredible piece of art was drawn by hand that young Diego Fazo had to put up some photos of the work in progress just to lay doubts to rest. And looking at his-mind-blowing masterpiece, can you really blame people for questioning it’s hand-drawn? Like other talented artists who started their careers on Deviant Art, Diego is a self-taught pencil master whose technique matured with the passing of the years.

How a Handgun Works: 1911 .45 - Animagraffs. The model 1911 handgun is named for the year it was formally adopted by the U.S.

How a Handgun Works: 1911 .45 - Animagraffs

Army – and while it was replaced as an official service weapon in 1985, it’s still massively popular. Various manufacturers have created their own take on the 1911, but its basic function and operation remains in place over 100 years after its inception. Our 3D animated infographics attract thousands of viewers. Want one? Let's chat! Follow Animagraffs: email, twitter, facebook. 30 Incredible Views you'd see if you were a bird. These 20 Photographs Will Leave You Speechless. Especially The 6th One. There Are No Words. Take a look at these 20 powerful photos that will leave you speechless.

These 20 Photographs Will Leave You Speechless. Especially The 6th One. There Are No Words.

Some of these photos are of truly historic moments, while others, are quite heartbreaking. Nature Knows: I Thought These People Were Weird. Then A Closer Look Left Me Absolutely Speechless. If someone were to tell me that the people in these pictures weren’t real, I’d laugh in their face. The truth of it is, though, they’re not. They are creations of a London artist named Ron Mueck, who specializes in sculptures. He used to be a model maker and puppeteer for television and films (for example, he created Ludo the gentle giant in Labyrinth). Now, he focuses on making hyper-realistic sculptures of humans that have museum visitors staring for hours…

These Incredible, Photorealistic Drawings Will Make You Wonder How a Human Hand Could Create Images So Lifelike. Top Photographers Photos From 2013. Tweet Now 2013 is coming to a close we have put together a collection of some of the best photographers photos from year.

Top Photographers Photos From 2013

Confessions. 2012 Las Vegas, NV Interactive gallery installation in The Cosmopolitan that invites people to anonymously share their confessions and see the confessions of the people around them in the heart of the Las Vegas strip. Amidst casinos, restaurants and bars, Chang invited passersby to write confessions on wooden plaques in the privacy of confession booths.

Chang arranged the anonymous plaques on the gallery walls like a Shinto shrine prayer wall, painted select responses on 4’x4’ canvases, and orchestrated the space with an original score by Oliver Blank. 30 Unique And Must-See Photos From Our Past. "When you see it" - 25 Photos You Need To Look Again To Understand. Watch your step. A lot of WTFs on the way. This is not a young woman carrying a young man. This is not a woman with a foot for a hand. This is not a tiny baby with fully grown legs. This isn’t a giant drop-kicking a normal sized man.

This man doesn't actually have smooth, girlish legs. 19 People Who Are Having A Way Worse Day Than You. Faith in the world restored (28 Photos) The 28 Most Flawless Emma Watson Moments Of 2013. LOL You - evil Ideas ! Bookshelf Porn. Life, yo! Terrifying pics. Best pickup line. The 30 Happiest Facts Of All Time. College, Why I Miss It (63 Photos) 31 Insanely Easy And Clever DIY Projects. 22 Reasons Bearded Men Are Better. 27 Girls You Should Instantly Wife.