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Key Windows 8 Developer Tenets and Skills. Windows Store apps. C# - C#5 ReadAsync and Iterators. Box: Building for Windows 8. Windows 8 Notifications. Nokia Premium Developer Program. Windows 8 Developer Tenets and Skills. GenerationApp. Windows StoreApplication Profile. WinPR. Scaling to different screens. How to Leverage your Code across WP8 and Windows 8. How to Use iFrames in WinRT Apps.

Did you know yo u could use iFrames in WinRT apps developed using JavaScript?

How to Use iFrames in WinRT Apps

Is this suppose to be exciting? Why would you care? For the answers, follow along as I take a journey of discovery attempting to add live Twitter feeds to my app. To set the stage for what I want to do, you must first understand what a Twitter Widget is. I will choose to create a Twitter Search Widget. Once I click the [Finish & Grab Code] button, I see the following: Now I will add this code to my project in Visual Studio 2012. 01. <! 02. 03. 04. 05. 08. 09. 10. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 21. 22. new TWTR.Widget({ 23. version: 2, 24. type: 'search', 25. search: '#win8appdev', 26. interval: 30000, 27. title: 'Windows 8 Developers', 28. subject: '#win8appdev', 29. width: 250, 30. height: 300, 31. theme: { 32. shell: { 33. background: '#8ec1da', 34. color: '#ffffff' 36. tweets: {

Developer downloads for programming Windows Store apps

Announcing the release of the .NET Framework for Windows Phone 8. 31 days of windows coding. DirectX and XAML. HexColor. Remote Debugging your Windows Store app on your Surface. Coding. Key Windows 8 Developer Tenets and Skills - Jim O'Neil - Technology Evangelist. Did you spend the weekend getting to know your Surface – like many of those who lined up at Microsoft Stores across the country?

Key Windows 8 Developer Tenets and Skills - Jim O'Neil - Technology Evangelist

And now you’re considering getting your own application into the Windows Store, but not sure where to begin? Well, we all started somewhere, and although I’m far from laying claim to a Windows 8 app with thousands of downloads, over the past few months of working with developers as well as on my own, I’ve settled on my own shortlist of things to know about Windows 8 development that are I feel are keys to future success. Read the store certification requirements, then read them again.

Phone app lets your PC or Microsoft Surface work with your Windo

Rockford Lhotka - WinRT. The short answer to the question of whether the Microsoft .NET Framework (and its related tools and technologies) has a future is of course, don’t be silly.

Rockford Lhotka - WinRT

The reality is that successful technologies take years, usually decades, perhaps longer, to fade away. Most people would be shocked at how much of the world runs on RPG, COBOL, FORTRAN, C, and C++ – all languages that became obsolete decades ago. Software written in these languages runs on mainframes and minicomputers (also obsolete decades ago) as well as more modern hardware in some cases. Of course in reality mainframes and minicomputers are still manufactured, so perhaps they aren’t technically “obsolete” except in our minds. It is reasonable to assume that .NET (and Java) along with their primary platforms (Windows and Unix/Linux) will follow those older languages into the misty twilight of time. Build 2012: Windows 8 Opportunity Mobilizes Developers. News.

Build 2012: Windows 8 Opportunity Mobilizes Developers


The new and updated games of Windows 8. The free games that have been included with the various versions of Windows over the years occupy a unique position in the video game landscape.

The new and updated games of Windows 8

No one would include them on a list of the best or most influential games of all time, and it’s unlikely any of them have ever acted as a “system seller” to influence someone’s choice of OS. Yet over the past decade, games like Microsoft’s Solitaire, Minesweeper, and Mahjong may be the most widely played video games on any platform (though the Angry Birds games have probably come close to beating them). From bored hardcore gamers messing around on a borrowed laptop to bored secretaries on an extended coffee break to bored grandmas clicking away at their grandchildren’s hand-me-down Windows 98 tower, you’re unlikely to find a PC user that hasn’t at least tried these titles at one point or another.

This year’s crop of games is also the first to integrate with Xbox Live through the "Xbox Games on Windows" program. Microsoft Solitaire Collection. Windows Phone Dev Center. Jerry Nixon @work: The Absolute Top Features of Windows Phone 8. All I can say is Awesome!

Jerry Nixon @work: The Absolute Top Features of Windows Phone 8

I am so pleased with Windows Phone 8. WPCentral: There are two areas in which Windows Phone 8 differs from its predecessor: the core of the OS has been updated with the NT kernel and the addition and refinement of features. Consumers don’t need to know about the kernel specifics but they will see the results: new, top of the line hardware.

That hardware will be evident in a few weeks when devices like the HTC 8X and Nokia Lumia 920 become available. Microsoft has also spent a lot of time listening to feedback on how people used their phones. What's new in Windows Phone 8. Introduction The release of Windows Phone 8 marks a significant milestone in the evolution of Microsoft's operating system for mobile phones.

What's new in Windows Phone 8

For users this new release means expanded hardware access, support for high-end gaming, and better OS integration - all of which will soon be seen on the Nokia Lumia 920 and Nokia Lumia 820 phones. For developers the changes are no less significant, bringing many new APIs. These APIs simplify the coding of features you may already be adding to your Windows Phone apps, but also offers many new ones too. This article will introduce you to the most significant API additions and changes. Through the article an example application is used to show the practical code you need to write to make use of these new features.


Windows Store app development. Bringing the Windows Runtime foundation APIs to existing .NET ap. Designing your Windows 8 app to be the best in its category. Pullin G's - Windows 8 Store app. Windows 8 RSS Reader. Ultimate Tools. Dashboard+ How to call WinRT APIs in Windows 8 from C# Desktop Applications - WinRT Diagram. App Innovation Contest – Nearby Hospitals. My Windows 8 HTML/JS App/Game Dev Setup. As of this writing, I have three Windows 8 apps/games in the pipeline.

My Windows 8 HTML/JS App/Game Dev Setup

Particle Art has been submitted. Falling Balls is 99% done and will be submitted by the weekend, and another game I’ve started is a bit past the prototype stage and starting real development. I wanted to share some of the basic setup principles I’ve been using and some of the things I’ve learned. First of all, in Visual Studio 2012 (Pro or Express) I create a JavaScript Windows Store blank app. This gives you all of the needed frameworks and references along with a default.html, default.js and default.css file. Looking in default.html we see this: <title>Game101</title> <p>Content goes here</p>

Clearer – A Gesture-Driven Windows 8 To-Do Application. LayoutAwarePage is a rather large class that performs quite a number of utility functions.

Clearer – A Gesture-Driven Windows 8 To-Do Application

The fact that it is included in the SDK samples does make me think that the Windows 8 framework itself is a little under-cooked. In my opinion SDK samples should demonstrate how to achieve simple tasks and these tasks should be simple to achieve! I added LayoutAwarePage to my project and modified MainPage to use it as a superclass and hey-presto, my snapped view worked! Here is the list snapped next to an image of some beautiful rolling countryside, courtesy of the Bing app: Adding Interactions. Weather One. Shopping Planner. Windows Phone 8, and the SDK, Coming Oct. 29. Windows Phone 8, and the SDK, Coming Oct. 29 Microsoft has revealed that it will announce Windows Phone 8 later this month, on Oct. 29.

Windows Phone 8, and the SDK, Coming Oct. 29

The news comes via the always-reliable Mary Jo Foley, Redmond magazine columnist and ZDNet's Microsoft blogger. Oct. 29, Foley wrote is not the day the phone will be launched, however; rather, the complete feature set and specs will be unveiled. AdvancedTweeps - A Windows 8 Twitter client you don't want to miss! Windows 8 Game Development For The Win! With more than 630 million Windows 7 licenses sold to date, across 200+ countries and regions around the world, Windows has an unrivaled global reach. Combined with the flexibility of monetization options that the Store provides, Windows 8 represents the single biggest developer opportunity for any platform.

Developers have a plethora (lots) of options when it comes to language, framework and tools for creating a game for Windows 8. Below I tick off the ones I know about for C#, C++ and JavaScript developers with some pointers to resources. Windows 8, jQuery Geo, and toStaticHTML. I recently attended a Windows 8 DevCamp with the intention of installing Microsoft’s latest OS for the first time and getting jQuery Geo to work as a native app on top of WinJS.

What is jQuery Geo? jQuery Geo ( ) is a JavaScript mapping API similar in concept to Bing Maps API and Google Maps API. It is open-source and uses open data by default but can consume any map and data service a developer wishes to use. It is well documented and the API design is inspired by the elegant style of jQuery itself. Write less, map more! Creating Windows Store app - Beginners tutorial. Introduction In this tutorial we will be creating a very basic Windows Store App using XAML and C#. As this is the very first tutorial of this series, I'll be focusing mainly on project setup and basic workflows and later on, in other upcoming series, I'll be picking up more advance concepts. So, before moving forward, let's talk about the environment setup to execute our app. Near Field Communication in Windows 8: Part 1.

Near fied communication (NFC) is a breakthrough technology aimed at facilitating communication between two devices in close proximity, within a 4-cm distance. In Windows 8 the support for this technology has been included in a broader application scope that Microsoft named Near Field Proximity. This article will give you a general view of NFC explaining how Microsoft has reinterpreted it, and we will learn how to build an environment by using 2 virtual machines to test the classes contained in the namespace Windows.Networking.Proximity.

What is NFC? In a nutshell NFC is a short range wireless communication system between two NFC enabled devices. The communication occurs at a 13.56 Mhz frequency, the same as the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). My First Win8 App: Particle Art. As mentioned, I created and submitted my first Windows 8 application to the Windows Store this past weekend. Overall, the whole process was very enjoyable. Some points about the process and the app itself: Windows 8 App Development. The Windows 8 Opportunity. Designing Retro Looking Games for Windows 8. When people talk about “retro” games, they usually refer to most games made for the 1st to 4th generation of gaming consoles. The hallmark of these games are their pixelated visuals and approachable yet challenging game mechanics. I was a huge fan of these games growing up, so most of the ones I make today emulate the visual style and gameplay from this era in gaming history.

GameMaker: Studio brings free cross-platform development to Windows 8, Windows Phone 8. Adding Notifications to Your Windows 8 Game - Jim O'Neil - Developer Evangelist. Successful apps are sticky; they make us want to come back again and again, whether it’s to check in on Foursquare, send a Tweet, or get a quick answer from ChaCha. Of all the types of apps, games can be the stickiest – Angry Birds anyone?

Using CreateJS in your JavaScript-Based Windows Store Game - Chris Bowen's Blog. HOW TO: CREATE YOUR FIRST XNA/MONOGAME FRAMEWORK APPLICATION FOR WINDOWS 8 METRO [ported] - DevFish on MSDN ...>««(o>... Device enumeration in Windows 8. Why Would you Want to Write Applications for Windows 8 Now? Write Windows 8 Apps in Native Java. News. Code Snippets for Windows Store Apps. In partnership with the Visual Studio team, we are launching Code Snippets for Windows Store apps, a collection of around 60 IntelliSense Code Snippets for common Windows Store app programming tasks.

The snippets are available for Visual Basic, C#, C++, and JavaScript developers. For example, if you don’t know how to copy a file in JavaScript or C++, just right-click, select Insert Snippet, select the code snippet, and it will automatically add the code to your Windows app as shown in the screenshots below. Windows Phone 8 SDK Preview opens for applications Sept. 12. WP to W8: API Mapping « The Good, the Bad and the Mobile. Notifications from Windows Phone to Windows 8. OData 101: Building our first OData-based Windows Store app (Part 1)

OData Client for Windows Store Apps - Writing...Data Services. Windows 8 App Development.