Conservative panics after the Pentagon dunks on Fox News personality Tucker Carlson - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism. The United States military is livid after Fox News personality Tucker Carlson attacked female service members.
"So we've got new hairstyles and maternity flight suits. Pregnant women are going to fight our wars. It's a mockery of the U.S. Military. WATCH: Rick Perry unable to defend Texas Republicans for power outages during Fox News interview - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism. Texas Republicans received harsh criticism on Monday of 2 million households in The Lone Star State lost power due to a winter storm.
Former GOP Gov. Rick Perry went on Fox News to defend the GOP response to the storm. "I love Texas, I don't want to attack Texas," Tucker Carlson said. "On the other hand, the most basic responsibility of government, you'd think, is to keep the power on, especially as people need it to survive," Carlson said. Staff would quit if Fox News warned white supremacist terrorism is a dire threat: Tucker Carlson - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism. According to an exclusive report from the Wall Street Journal, a substantial amount of money that went to putting on the "Stop the Steal" rally on January 6th that turned into a riot at the U.S.
Capitol came from a top Trump donor who funneled money through Infowars host Alex Jones. According to the report, "Mr. Jones personally pledged more than $50,000 in seed money for a planned Jan. 6 event in exchange for a guaranteed "top speaking slot of his choice," according to a funding document outlining a deal between his company and an early organizer for the event" The report adds, "Mr. Jones also helped arrange for Julie Jenkins Fancelli, a prominent donor to the Trump campaign and heiress to the Publix Super Markets Inc. chain, to commit about $300,000 through a top fundraising official for former President Trump's 2020 campaign, according to organizers. Tucker Carlson faces backlash after mocking Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's fears during Capitol riot - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism. Fox News host Tucker Carlson met Twitter's wrath when he decided to mock Rep.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's (D-N.Y.) grim experience inside the U.S. Capitol. She and other members of Congress hid for their lives on Jan. 6 as angry Trump supporters stormed the federal building to prevent lawmakers from certifying the Electoral College vote for President-elect Joe Biden. On Thursday, Jan. 14, Carlson tried to manipulate and twist the facts about the siege as he downplayed the disturbing incident that led to the deaths of five people, including one Capitol Police officer. "It was not an act of racism. After diminishing the severity of the angry mob's actions, Carlson went on to mock Ocasio-Cortez. "I had a pretty traumatizing event happen to me," Ocasio-Cortez described. That portion of her video is what Carlson sarcastically aimed to mock. "But she likes the cops now despite the fact they're white supremacists," he smirked. Tucker Carlson Attacks CNN Host After Being Rightfully Shredded For Being Dangerous Propaganda.
‘I...I Am The Mainstream Media,’ Realizes Horrified Tucker Carlson Spiraling Live On Air. Tucker Carlson Has Lost His Damn Mind, Part Infinity. C'mon Tucker.
Rein it in. Or at least PACE YOURSELF. There's 82 days left in the presidential campaign and you're already claiming that Kamala Harris wants to kill whitey? Really? Watch Tucker Carlson interview Alan Dershowitz: ‘But when you were on Pedo Island…’ Creatively Recharged Tucker Carlson Comes Up With Week Of Show Ideas After Hispanic Cashier Gives Him Wrong Change.
WASHINGTON—Returning from vacation appearing more relaxed than he had in months, creatively recharged Fox News host Tucker Carlson told reporters Tuesday that he had come up with a week’s worth of show ideas after a Hispanic cashier gave him the wrong change.
“I’m really glad I switched up my routine, because you never know when some lazy, uneducated Hispanic teenager tries stealing from you by giving you a single instead of a ten back and inspiration will strike,” said a tanned, smiling Carlson, adding that the experience immediately gave him the idea to spend at least a week criticizing immigrants for taking over the country and being ungrateful for the jobs America is providing them. “Those last couple weeks before my vacation, I felt like I was really phoning it in creatively. You can only do many episodes about how Ilhan Omar is leading a cabal of minorities to install Black supremacy in the country before it begins to feel a bit stale, you know? Tucker Carlson: Lockdowns Unrelated to Flattening the Curve.
Last night Tucker Carlson shared with his audience the blinding revelation that social-distancing measures have proven completely unnecessary.
The basis for his conclusion, which has eluded public-health authorities in the Trump administration, elsewhere in the United States, and across the world, is simple: Fewer people have died than authorities said would die in the absence of stay-at-home orders. Therefore, the orders were unnecessary: Fox News' Tucker Carlson Calls For Senator Burr To Resign And Await Prosecution. Just hours after news broke about Senator Richard Burr selling up to $1.6 million of his stocks in what can only be described as super shady insider trading type sales, FOX News' Tucker Carlson came right out and called for him to resign and await prosecution at about the same time AOC did.
Here is what he said: "You may seen the news reports this afternoon. The Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee sold more than a million dollars of stock in mid-February after learning how devastating the Chinese coronavirus would be. He had inside information about how devastating it would be to our country, which is now happening, but he didn't warn the public.
He didn't give a prime time address. Tucker Carlson Made Sense On Iraq And The World Is Upside Down. Tucker Carlson spent a full minute on his show — wait for it — making sense.
He talked about the Trump's ordering the assassination of Iraq's top military leader, Qasem Soleimani, with alarm and disgust, and asked exactly the right questions. 1. Feminists Who 'Do Science' Say Hello To Tucker Carlson. Remember when Tucker Carlson was an @sshole?
Oh, wait. That's every minute of every day. Okay, remember when he asked this super insightful question? Tucker Carlson Challenges Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez To A Date. WASHINGTON—Inviting the young, outspoken Democrat to settle things once and for all, Tucker Carlson concluded a taping of Tucker Carlson Tonight Monday by challenging Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) to a date. “You talk a pretty big game on Twitter, but let’s see how well your pie-in-the-sky ideas hold up when you finally have the guts to join me for a romantic dinner. Left Out Of Cool Kids Club, Tucker Carlson Lashes Out At AOC And Chris Hayes. Tucker Carlson makes sexually explicit jokes about Miss Teen USA contestant in latest audio. NEW VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Sexual Vile Comments About Miss Teen USA Pageant. Tucker Carlson Spends Entire Show Screaming Over Child Bride He Invited On To Debate Him. NEW YORK—After promising to let anyone who disagrees with his views come on his program to explain why, Tucker Carlson spent the entire taping of his show Monday loudly and repeatedly interrupting the child bride he had invited on to debate him about underage marriage.
“Ma’am, ma’am! You’ll have your chance to talk, but this is my show, and I’m not going to sit here and be lectured about how the world works by someone who hasn’t even finished middle school!” Said Carlson, shouting over his guest, 12-year-old Jennifer Bridgemeyer, whose marriage to a man four times her age was arranged by a cult leader and who disagrees with the Fox News host’s stated view that her rape is not as serious as other rapes. “This is ridiculous. I won’t be manipulated like this. Tucker Carlson Says Stacey Abrams Wants to 'Overthrow' White Men in a 'Revolt' Interview: Tucker Carlson bashes capitalism, says he might vote for Elizabeth Warren.
In my recent interview with Tucker Carlson, he waited until nearly the end of a long conversation to drop a bomb: He might vote for Sen. Elizabeth Warren in 2020. OK, there's a "but" and an "if. " Carlson actually said that if Warren focuses on the economic populism ideas articulated in her 2004 book "The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Parents are Going Broke," he would consider supporting her. Bad Chyrons, Cont. 5 Things To Know About Tucker Carlson. Free Speech, With Tucker Carlson. Tucker Carlson As we say around MPS, Punching a nazi is a good thing.
You know what else is a good thing? Shouting “Fuck you” at Tucker Carlson is a good thing. We are all about the free speech here. Tucker Carlson Can't Eat Out Without Getting Sworn at Anymore. 'How do you have a show?': Michael Avenatti explodes as Fox News host Tucker Carlson interrupts and insults him. Watch: Fox News host Tucker Carlson gets confused about gas prices. Splinternews. Tucker Gets Pissy After Dem Says Carlson Is More Offended By The F-word Than Dead Children. Splinternews. Let’s enjoy Tucker Carlson getting roasted by his guest over NFL anthem protests - Tucker Carlson: Trump Staring At The Sun 'Most Impressive Thing Any President Has Done'
Tucker Carlson lost his mind last night in an attempt to defend slavery and white supremacy. ‘He’s a coward’: Fox’s Tucker Carlson raises eyebrows when he calls out Mattis on trans people in the military. At the end of 2016, the armed forces admitted they were having a tough time reaching their goal of recruiting 80,000 new soldiers because people couldn’t meet the requirements. If it was up to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, the armed forces would be even more exclusive. Carlson, who has never served in the armed forces, said that he thinks General James Mattis needs to go if transgender people are allowed to serve openly in the military, Media Matters captured.
“When I worked directly with Secretary Ash Carter on a number of personnel reforms, whether it was the repeal of ‘Don’t ask don’t tell,’ whether it was women in combat, or whether it was transgender service, the question was always, ‘Does this make our force more effective? '” Fox News host turned against Trumpcare as he grilled Paul Ryan. College Professor Fired Following Appearance on Fox News Where She Defended a Black Lives Matter Party. Tucker Carlson Demeans Female Political Scientist: 'What Does Your Mom Think?'
Tucker And Coulter Blame Liberals For Trump's Flip Flops. Tucker Carlson falls apart as guest confronts him with university study on sanctuary cities. Tucker Carlson's reaction to his guest's factual assertions about sanctuary cities is a clear example why his audience remains in their sealed echo chamber which prevents them from holding their elected officials accountable. Tucker Carlson thought his segment in this excerpted video, would be used to put a black eye on sanctuary cities. Instead, he opened the door to an inconvenient truth. It is important that Progressive who appear on Conservative TV, radio, or elsewhere are always ready with factual counterpoints to catch lying industrial complex off-guard. Latino Victory Project's Cristóbal Alex did just that with the following exchange with Tucker Carlson.
"So, the head of the New York City Council, Melissa Mark-Viverito, said that enforcing our immigration laws -- said this at the conference -- American immigration laws, was tantamount to ethnic cleansing," Tucker Carlson said. Here Is Trump's Absurd Defense For His Wiretap Claim. ‘You’re not fooling anybody’: Eichenwald challenges Tucker Carlson with a binder full of his falsehoods.
Rep. Jim Himes Masterfully Handles Tucker Carlson's Defense Of Trump's Wiretap Lies. <a class="icopyright-article-tools-noscript" href=" target="_blank" title="Main menu of all reuse options"><img height="25" width="27" border="0" align="bottom" alt="[Reuse options]" src=" Click here for reuse options! </a> Fox News host Tucker Carlson rarely, if ever, interviews a liberal or Democratic guest without sandbagging him or her.
But Congressman Jim Himes (D-CT) not only refused to be sandbagged, he turned the tables on Carlson and put him on defense at times. Himes, who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, visited the Tucker Carlson Tonight show to discuss U.S. intelligence gathering of Russia’s operations during the 2016 presidential campaign and Donald Trump's claims that President Obama wiretapped him.. The discussion was 17 minutes of strong back and forth and included exchanges such as this. Tucker Carlson to Univision’s Jorge Ramos: ‘You’re Whiter Than I Am’ Vice-President Mike Pence does this quirky body-language thing that might say more than he wants to tell. He shakes his head back and forth in the non-verbal expression for “no” and he does it in a way that contradicts what he is saying.
Another example came Thursday when Pence talked with anchor Brett Baier on Special Report on Fox News Channel. Baier asked Pence what he thought when he first heard about the Twitter messages last Saturday from amateur President Donald Trump, who—without offering evidence—accused former President Obama of bugging Trump’s phones in Trump Tower. Pence dodged the question and pivoted to the Congressional intelligence committees that have been asked by the administration to investigate Trump’s delusional charges. “And the president and I are very confident,” Pence said, shaking his head in a way that seemed the opposite of his words.