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Fermenteurs Industriels. NutriFlash. Application qui permet en scannant le code barre d'un produit alimentaire d'afficher son score nutritionnel sous forme de feux tricolores.


Un système d'information nutritionnelle synthétique, intuitif et qui renseigne sur la qualité nutritionnelle globale des aliments. Le score de chaque aliment est calculé selon une méthode simple, validée sur le plan international, qui prend en compte les calories, l'apport en sel, en graisses saturées et en sucres ajoutés. NutriFlash. Boîte à Outils - Fermes d'avenir. Live data farming sensors that enable you to improve your farm yields. Yanni alexander loukissas. A Field Guide to Local Data The living collections of the Arnold Arboretum photographed from a balloon camera Data, in 2015, are collected and circulated everywhere.

yanni alexander loukissas

From eBay to the NSA, institutions use data to frame and name everything that is accessible through digital networks. But despite their proliferation, data are surprisingly limited in scope. Even the largest data sets, promoted as “big data,” are merely aggregated indexes to what ethnographers call “local knowledge.” Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Le Groupe de travail sur les scénarios a examiné l’évolution possible des fonctions écosystémiques au cours du XXIe siècle en élaborant quatre scénarios à l’échelle mondiale pour envisager les changements futurs plausibles des facteurs déterminants, des écosystèmes, des fonctions écosystémiques et du bien‑être humain.

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Trois des quatre scénarios détaillés examinés par le Groupe de travail sur les scénarios laissent entendre que d’importantes modifications des politiques, des institutions et des pratiques peuvent atténuer certaines, mais non la totalité, des conséquences négatives dues à la pression croissante qui est exercée sur les écosystèmes, mais que les changements à apporter sont considérables et qu’ils ne sont pas apportés actuellement. Télécharger des Chapitres (English) Grandes lignes du rapport d’évaluation 02. Plantnet Mobile. Un robot désherbeur au service des marachers. Autofertile Permaculture. INRA - Diversifier les cultures et les variétés en associant les nouvelles technologies : un dispositif original à l’INRA de Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées.

Projetos. Permacultureglobal. Brazilian, born in the huge city of Sao Paulo, but always with attraction to nature, went to university in biology, on a very special opportunity to be living for almost 6 years out.


Already during the Masters, I returned to Brazil to work in the Amazon and the later in Cerrado, where I had the opportunity to meet closely permaculture through Ipoema, and finally learn about agroforestry systems. Histoire et épistémologie des savoirs locaux et autochtones. 1Si l’intérêt académique pour les savoirs autochtones, indigènes en anglais et en espagnol, date de quelques dizaines d’années, ils existent, quant à eux, depuis plusieurs millénaires.

Histoire et épistémologie des savoirs locaux et autochtones

Les sociétés qui les ont développés n’ont pas attendu une reconnaissance officielle pour tirer parti des plantes et animaux ou les domestiquer. Séminaire du cycle Agroécologie Montpellier du 2015-05-05 : Les relations aux objets de nature dans l'écologisation de l'agriculture : un regard ethnologique- Agropolis International. Dossiers » Agriculture : écologie pour tous ? Designs en permaculture. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Dictionnaire des plantes. P. A. Yeomans. Percival Alfred Yeomans (1904 - 1984) was an Australian inventor known for the Keyline system for the development of land and increasing the fertility of that land.

P. A. Yeomans

As a mining engineer and gold assayer, Yeomans had developed a keen sense of hydrology and equipment design. Upon his brother-in-law's death in a grass fire, Percival Alfred Yeomans assumed management of a large tract of land he later named Nevallan in New South Wales. Here he developed improved methods and equipment for cultivation. His designs won him The Prince Philip Design Award in 1974. His Keyline principles or concepts (Keyline Design) have been adopted by farm owners in almost every country in the world. See also[edit] External links[edit] References[edit] Yeomans, P. Savory Network. Accredited Professionals Accredited Professionals include two recognized categories: Professional Educators and Field Professionals.

Savory Network

Professional Educator (Level 1) Individual has demonstrated knowledge and ability to train in all aspects of Holistic Management content and has completed training in all aspects of Holistic Management content including: Holmgren Design - Permaculture Innovation and Vision. Agriculture Library Index. HOME PAGE Sovereignty Library Health Library List Of New Titles Added Recently Health begins in the soil.

Agriculture Library Index

Welcome To The Holistic Agriculture Library Albrecht, William A. "Loss Of Soil Organic Matter And Its Restoration". Soils and Men: USDA Yearbook of Agriculture. Once each year over many decades the United States Department of Agriculture published a yearbook. Albrecht, William A. Open source software for permaculture. Main > Food and Agriculture > Permaculture Main > Software Proposal: I would like to see a piece of open-source software that helps with permaculture design.

Open source software for permaculture

It would be an expert system doing the work of a permaculture designer, for free. Maybe something like this already exists and I don't know about it. If you know of such software, please add a link to this page. A fairly simple, but very helpful, algorithm would go something like this: L'Australie se lance dans l'agriculture de demain, avec drones, robots et capteurs.

Sydney (AFP) - Un drone pour surveiller l'état des cultures, des capteurs pour contrôler à des dizaines de kilomètres des fermes le poids du bétail.

L'Australie se lance dans l'agriculture de demain, avec drones, robots et capteurs

Ce n’est pas de la science fiction : en Australie, l'agriculture mise sur des technologies toujours plus avancées pour augmenter son rendement. "Les contraintes poussent à l'innovation", explique à l’AFP le scientifique David Lamb. Spiruline. Cold-Climate Greenhouse Resource by Jody Rader. Open Source Ecology. Bois raméal fragmenté. Production de fromage en France. Les biocarburants de troisième génération. Une micro-algue algérienne pour produire de lhydrogène - Actus algerie.

Culture d'algues microscopiques d'eau douce. Cybergardening the city: ecoLogicStudio in Milan. Cybergardening; discussion with (L to R) roundtable guests Aldo Cibic and Richard Ingersoll and Visiting Directors Claudia Pasquero and Marco Poletto, July 2012. Characterised for many centuries by the ‘marcite’ (water meadows) agricultural system, what operational identity will Milan’s future urban agricultural landscapes take in the 21st century? What new sustainable system is going to prove worthwhile, and how can citizens be brought closer into this eco-architectural vision? These are urgent questions for a city preparing for the EXPO in 2015 with the theme ‘Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life.

CyberGardening the City, the Architectural Association‘s Visiting School in Milan, codirected by Claudia Pasquero and Marco Poletto of ecoLogicStudio, architects and teachers at the AA, was held in the summer of 2012 at the Spazio FMG per l’Architettura, Milan, in the form of a 10 day workshop. Gardening Cyberricotta farm, Spazio FMG, July 2012. Algae Canopy - EcoLogicStudio. Algae Canopy: algae / architecture / cyber-Gardens / food / responsive systems / soft cladding / BioCitiesOctober 1, 2014 Urban Algae Canopy for EXPO2015. Algae is the seemingly unlikely term that is being discussed at the heart of EXPO Milano 2015, writes DOMUSweb on the project. The London based ecoLogicStudio, [Claudia Pasquero and Marco Poletto] has proposed a new vision of future bio-digital architecture powered by microalgae organisms as part of the Future Food District project, curated by Carlo Ratti Associati at the central crossroads of the EXPO site.

This vision is about to become reality as a large Urban Canopy roof in the central square of the district. A full scale mock-up has been previewed last week as part of INTERNI’s Exhibition-Event ‘Feeding New Ideas for the City’ - Cortile d’Onore, Università degli Studi di Milano. The flows of energy, water and CO2 are therefore regulated to respond and adjust to weather patterns and visitors' movements. Cyber gardening. Characterised for many centuries by the marcite (water meadows) agricultural system, what operational identity might Milan's future urban agricultural landscapes take in the 21st century?

What new sustainable system would be worthwhile, and how could citizens be brought closer into this eco-architectural vision? These are urgent questions for a city preparing for the EXPO in 2015 with the theme "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life". CyberGardening the City, the Architectural Association's Visiting School in Milan, codirected by Claudia Pasquero and Marco Poletto of ecoLogicStudio, architects and teachers at the AA, was held this summer at the Spazio FMG per l'Architettura. In this ten-day workshop, 25 international students went to Milan's Parco Sud to research five very different farms (cascine), talking with farmers and exploring their landscapes and facilities.
