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Unidentified Longsword. Marvel vs. DC: "Little Friends" by Darren Rawlings. The True Power of Force Ghosts. Knights and Dragons iPhone Guide. 2013-07-15 UPDATE: I've moved this entire blog over to WordPress, so this post will no longer be updated on Blogger.

Knights and Dragons iPhone Guide

Click here for the new blog, where all of the updates will happen! I've imported the entire blog, so all of your comments will remain intact and 'add me' requests will be visible. :) Happy battling! So I've poked around the internet a few times for some answers to a few questions with the highly addictive Knights and Dragons for iPhone. It's got all of the good elements of a sim game, with an RPG twist. It's my favourite smoke-break time-waster. Bunny wants a hug - Edgood. The Fight of the Hug Bunnies: Part I - Bookreader. The Fight of the Hug Bunnies Part III - Bookreader. The Fight of the Hug Bunnies Part II - Bookreader. Five Anime You Should Be Watching This Season.

Good Animation Movies on Goodfilms. Way More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About Animaniacs. When I started researching the history of Animaniacs, I contacted creator Tom Ruegger to see if he could fill in some gaps. I expected a few sentences in response to my questions, but Mr. Ruegger sent back seven pages of awesomeness instead. So if you happen to be searching for the real story behind Animaniacs, you're in the right place. In the Beginning The history of Animaniacs actually begins with Tiny Toon Adventures, another animated show from Warner Bros. and executive producer Steven Spielberg. Sorrow-kun’s List of 50 Great Anime of the Decade 2000-2009 » Behind The Nihon Review.

Our staff’s review of the decade continues, and today I’ll be taking on the massive task of trying to list the best fifty anime that came out this decade, as I saw them.

Sorrow-kun’s List of 50 Great Anime of the Decade 2000-2009 » Behind The Nihon Review

As is fairly obvious by now, I can only list the anime that I saw, and I’ve taken the policy of not putting ongoing series on the list, even though there are a couple of gems that are still currently airing (such as Cross Game and Kemono no Souja Erin). Also, some of the series on this list started airing in 1999, but ending in 2000. You can find a collection of other lists that have been posted on the blogosphere here, and our good friend gaguri, from Ha Neul Seom (하늘섬) has posted his Top 50 here, which I highly recommend. 50. Spice and Wolf The concept of having a economics play such a heavy role in an anime’s plotline is utterly unique, but what makes Spice and Wolf really work is the relationship of the two leads. 49. 48.

Cpmoc strips

The Last Airbender: The Legend of Korra Trailer pokupo. Nickelodeon did the near impossible in the early aughts, it released an animated show for ‘tweens with the heart and soul of the very best of anime that appealed to people of all ages.

The Last Airbender: The Legend of Korra Trailer pokupo

Avatar: The Last Airbender followed the travels of Aang, the reluctant avatar who must master bending (read: magic/martial art) of all four elements.. except Aang could only bend one of the four elements. Through three seasons Aang would come to terms with the responsibilities he would face, making new friends, learning to bend the other elements and of course save his world from total war. Creators Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko researched different martial arts to represent the different element bending. They modelled each of the four nations on Asian cultures: Water (Inuit), Air (Tibetan), Earth (Chinese) and Fire (Japanese).

But most importantly they created characters that were believable in a story that was as touching as it was entertaining. The art looks both familiar and better. Diesel sweeties : robot webcomic and geeky music t-shirts. Shorts. My Most Favorite Story .Ever. 192998_1179063393_submedium.jpg (JPEG Image, 590 × 938 pixels) - Scaled (74. The official Dilbert website with Scott Adams' color comic strips, animation, mashups and more! エレクトロラフ. An Anime Explosion: Challenging themes, complex characters make Japanese animation a global phenomenon. What was the last Japanese movie you saw?

An Anime Explosion: Challenging themes, complex characters make Japanese animation a global phenomenon

Chances are it was “Spirited Away,” the largest grossing movie ever to come out of Japan, or maybe it was “Princess Mononoke,” another very popular film. The better question may be, “What was the last live-action Japanese movie you saw?” That’s because more than half of all movies and television programs produced in Japan are animation, or anime as it is better known. But these are not the cartoons of your youth—they are often sophisticated, sometimes violent and frequently have adult themes. You won’t find the likes of Betty and Barney Rubble in these films. Dr. “This student showed me a manga called ‘Akira,’” she said. Not too much later, Napier happened to be in London when the anime “Akira” was released there. “I was just amazed,” she said. “When I first presented at this conference, about half of the audience—those over 40—was unimpressed and somewhat disturbed,” she said.

“You don’t always have a happy ending,” she said. Robin Gerrow. Morishita_2.jpg (JPEG Image, 640 × 674 pixels) Funny illustrations. Art & Design These awesome illustrations are made by the Malaysian artist Chow Hon Lam.

Funny illustrations

He made much more, so check his website. Share. 3D_Fantasy_Places_HD_-0035.jpg (JPEG Image, 1920 × 1080 pixels) - Scaled (64%) The 20 Most Innovative Animated Films. Amazing Art of Otis Frampton « impossible astronaut. Amazing art inspired by famous movies and TV series such as Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Watchmen, LOTR, Firefly/ Serenity, The Big Bang Theory, X- Men, Harry Potter, Tron, Matrix, Kill Bill, Batman, Iron Man, Thor, Star Trek and many more.

Amazing Art of Otis Frampton « impossible astronaut

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